


Django Packages : Reusable apps, sites and tools directory


django-swstags            - UNKNOWN
django-ptree              - pTree is a Django toolset that makes it easy to create and administer web-based social science experiments.
django-buckeye-corpus     - UNKNOWN
django-facebook           - Facebook open graph API client in python. Enables django applications to register users using facebook.
Fixes issues with the official but unsupported Facebook python-sdk. Enables mobile facebook authentication.
Canvas page authentication for facebook applications. FQL access via the server side api.
django-libs               - A collection of things that we re-use in every Django project, such as
custom middlewares, testrunner, templates, templatetags, test mixins,
test factories etc...
django-autocomplete-light - Fresh autocompletes for Django
django-pipeline           - Pipeline is an asset packaging library for Django.
django-celex-lexicon      - UNKNOWN
django-oscar              - A domain-driven e-commerce framework for Django
django-social-auth        - Django social authentication made simple.
django-sentry             - Exception Logging to a Database in Django
django-vkontakte-api      - Django implementation for vkontakte API
django-bootstrap-toolkit  - Bootstrap support for Django projects
django-lfs                - LFS - Lightning Fast Shop
django-fiber              - Django Fiber - a simple, user-friendly CMS for all your Django projects
django-oppia              - Server side component of OppiaMobile learning platform
django-angular-scaffold   - AngularJS Scaffolding for Django
FeinCMS                   - Django-based Page CMS and CMS building toolkit.
django-forms-builder      - A Django reusable app providing the ability for admin users to create their own forms and report on their collected data.
django-bootstrap3         - Bootstrap support for Django projects
django-bulbs              - America's Finest Namespace
django-couch-utils        - Handy tools and helpers for django projects, powered by CouchDB
django-plus               - Django utilities library
django-rblog              - Yet another Django Blog App
django-cities-light       - Simple alternative to django-cities
django-fobi               - Customisable, modular user- and developer- friendly form generator/builder application for Django
django-suave              - Rather nice pages.
django-inoa               - Collection of django tools and snippets commonly used by Inoa.
django-fabfile            - Fabric tasks for Django and Amazon Web Services
django-mailbox            - Import mail from POP3, IMAP, local mailboxes or directly from Postfix or Exim4 into your Django application automatically.
grappelli_safe            - A snapshot of the grappelli_2 branch of django-grappelli, packaged as a dependency for the Mezzanine CMS for Django.
django-common             - A number of useful django shortcuts and helpers
django-nap                - A light REST tool for Django
django-ebaysync           - UNKNOWN
Django-Pizza              - Yet another Django CMS.
django-facebook-api       - Django implementation for Facebook Graph API
django-inplaceedit        - Django application that allows you to inline edition of some data from the database
django-studiogdo          - Django implementation of StudioGdo MVC extension.
django-rgallery           - Yet another Django Gallery App
django-user-management    - User management model mixins and api views.
betty-cropper             - A django-powered image server
django-tools              - miscellaneous tools for django
django-extensions         - Extensions for Django
filebrowser_safe          - A snapshot of the filebrowser_3 branch of django-filebrowser, packaged as a dependency for the Mezzanine CMS for Django.
django-vkontakte-wall     - Django implementation for vkontakte API Wall
django-leaflet            - Use Leaflet in your django projects
django-redis              - Full featured redis cache backend for Django.
lck.django                - Various common Django-related routines.
django-oauth-tokens       - Application for getting, refreshing and storing OAuth access_tokens for Django standalone applications
django-celery             - Old django celery integration project.
django-mobileu            - The MobileU MVP framework allows other developers to easily build mobile education sites.
django-admin-sortable     - Drag and drop sorting for models and inline models in Django admin.
django-microsip-base      - Django Microsip Base
django-eggplant           - Django base for common use
django-lfstheme           - The default theme for LFS
django-jinja              - Jinja2 templating language integrated in Django.
django-pin                - pinterest apllication like in Django
django-alert              - Send alerts, notifications, and messages based on events in your django application
django-s3direct           - Add direct uploads to S3 functionality with a progress bar to file input fields.
django-grappelli          - A jazzy skin for the Django Admin-Interface.
django-moj-template       - MOJ Template
django-quickapi           - The Django-application for the fast organization API.
django-crowdsourcing      - Django app for collecting and displaying surveys.
django-proxy-server       - This is a django application to use django as a proxy server between a frontend device/server and a backend server inside a DMZ
django-cms                - An Advanced Django CMS
django-nvd3               - Django NVD3 - Chart Library for d3.js
django-image-cropping     - A reusable app for cropping images easily and non-destructively in Django
django-vkontakte-users    - Django implementation for vkontakte API Users
django-development-fabfile - A fabfile to ease many tasks during development and deployment of Django projects.
django-location           - Gather, store, and display real-time location information from Foursquare, iCloud, and more.
django-summernote         - Summernote plugin for Django
django-permission         - A enhanced permission system which enable logical permissionsystems to complex permissions
django-admin-bootstrapped - A Bootstrap theme for Django Admin
django-admin-steroids     - UNKNOWN
cmsplugin-fbalbum         - facebook album plugin for django-cms
django-stripe-payments    - a payments Django app for Stripe
django-s3file             - A lightweight Fine Uploader input for Django and Amazon S3
django-thjodskra          - django-thjodskra is a simple app for integrating the icelandic national registry into your django project
django-ripple_api         - Python wrapper for the Ripple API
django-inspectional-registration - Django registration app which required inspection step before activation
django-frog               - Media server built on django
django-tables2            - Table/data-grid framework for Django
django-webtest            - Instant integration of Ian Bicking's WebTest
(http://webtest.pythonpaste.org/) with django's testing framework.
django-reversion          - An extension to the Django web framework that provides comprehensive version control facilities
django-front              - A Django application to allow of front-end editing
django-page-cms           - A tree based Django CMS application
django-imagekit           - Automated image processing for Django models.
django-tethys_apps        - An app to enable development and hosting capabilities for Tethys Apps.
django-categories         - A way to handle one or more hierarchical category trees in django.
django-bob                - A set of helper tags and templates for using bootstrap in django.
django-pyodbc-azure       - Django backend for Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database using pyodbc
django-simple-elasticsearch - Simple ElasticSearch indexing integration for Django.
django-sae                - for django in sae
django-cached-hitcount    - Basic app that allows you to track the number of hits/views for a particular object.
django-db-log             - Exception Logging to a Database in Django
django-inlinetrans        - Is a django application that allows the translation of django templtes from the rendered html in the browser
django-report-builder     - Query and Report builder for Django ORM
django-oscar-datacash     - Datacash payment module for django-oscar
django-stdimage           - Django Standarized Image Field
django-pragmatic          - Pragmatic tools and utilities for Django projects
django-timedeltafield     - TimedeltaField for django models
django-audiofield         - Django application which allows audio file upload and conversion to mp3, wav and ogg format
django-powerdns-manager   - django-powerdns-manager is a web based PowerDNS administration panel.
django-test               - UNKNOWN
django-coop               - A basis for a cooperative organization directory, with people, organization, offers.
django-mail-queue         - Simple Mail Queuing for Django
django-cacheops           - A slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation for Django.
django-payments           - Universal payment handling for Django
django-fab-deploy         - Django deployment tool
django-timepiece          - django-timepiece is a multi-user application for tracking people's time on projects.
django-cumulus            - An interface to python-swiftclient and rackspace cloudfiles API from Django.
django-analytical         - Analytics service integration for Django projects
django-statsd-mozilla     - Django interface with statsd
merengue                  - Django-based CMS on steroids
django-data-schema        - Schemas over dictionaries and models in Django
django-allauth            - Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication.
django-blogger            - A package to administer a simple blog via Django.
django-markdown           - Django markdown support and wysiwyg.
django-master             - django master dashboard
django-jsonfield          - JSONField for django models
djhcup_staging            - Staging module for the Django-HCUP Hachoir (djhcup)
django-things             - Two Table model for Django for storing other model data. With things, you can create a django project and generate a static site from your database content.
django-postal             - A Django app for l10n of postal addresses.
redsolutioncms.django-simple-feedback - Simple application, that provides customizable email form template tag.You can specify form fields and optionally enable dedicated view to render feedback page.
django-ajaximage          - Upload images via ajax. Images are optionally resized.
django-easymode           - Quickly build backends for flash/flex websites with django
django-countries          - Provides a country field for Django models.
django-document-library   - Django app to manage multilingual documents based on django-filer.
django-bootstrap-markdown - An extension of the Django Textarea widget made for
    editing Markdown with a live preview.
django-security           - A collection of tools to help secure a Django project.
django-planet             - Django app to build a planet, RSS/Atom feeds aggregator.
django-adminactions       - Collections of useful actions to use with django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin
django-oscar-paypal       - Integration with PayPal Express, PayPal Payflow Pro and Adaptive Payments for django-oscar
django-pages              - Simple CMS for django
django-datebook           - A Django application to manage user Datebook
django-user-accounts      - a Django user account app
django-simple-import      - A Django import tool easy enough your users could use it
django-autoslug           - An automated slug field for Django.
django-dash               - Customisable, modular dashboard application framework for Django.
djangotribune             - Django-tribune is a chat-like application
django-aps-bom            - The BOM module for django-apsara.
django-extensible-profiles - Generic extensible django user profiles.
django-post_office        - A Django app to monitor and send mail asynchronously, complete with template support.
django-paypal-express-checkout - A reusable Django app to include a PayPal payment flow to your site.
django-organizations      - Group accounts for Django
django-moderator          - Django Bayesian inference based comment moderation app.
django-country-blocker    - Django app introducing a Context Processor that adds users location information to the context.
django-auth-ldap          - Django LDAP authentication backend
django-terms              - Site-wide adds a definition or a link for specialized terms.
django-simpleimages       - Opinionated Django image transforms on models
django-dbtemplates        - Template loader for templates stored in the database
django-angular            - Let Django play well with AngularJS
django-activity-stream    - Generate generic activity streams from the actions on your site. Users can follow any actor's activities for personalized streams.
django-viewgroups         - Django admin like groups of CBVs
django-tracking2          - django-tracking2 tracks the length of time visitors and registered users spend on your site
django-async-reports      - Reporting for django
django-openinghours       - A reusable Django app to work with opening hours.
django-modeltranslation   - Translates Django models using a registration approach.
django-multilingual-events - A simple event app to create event pages for events such as conferences.
django-redis-cache        - Redis Cache Backend for Django
django-sortedm2m          - Drop-in replacement for django's many to many field with sorted relations.
django-stachoutils        - Commons for Django
django-entity             - Entity relationship management for Django
django-tags-input         - Django jQuery Tags Input is a Django field and widget
wrapper that adds an easy to use interface for `ManyToManyField` and
`ForeignKey` fields in the forms of autocompleting tags with optionally live
creation of new linked items
django-email-as-username  - User authentication with email addresses instead of usernames.
django-rest-swagger       - Swagger UI for Django REST Framework 2.3.8+
crispy-forms-foundation   - Django application to add 'django-crispy-forms' layout objects for Foundation
automation                - A Django-specific implementation of Fabric
django-galeria            - Pluggable gallery/portfolio application for Django projects
django-signalqueue        - Truly asynchronous signal dispatch for Django!
django-messages-ui        - JS client-side messages plugin, with support for Djangocontrib.messages app
django-devserver          - Drop-in replacement for Django's runserver
django-review             - A reusable Django app that lets users write reviews for any model
django-pyvows             - django-pyvows are pyvows extensions to django web framework.
django-guardian           - Implementation of per object permissions for Django 1.2 or later.
django-lfc                - A CMS based on Django.
django-generic-images     - Generic images pluggable django app
confine-controller        - Django-based framework for building control servers for computer networking and distributed systems testbeds.
django-m2m-history        - Django ManyToMany relation field with history of changes
django-wysiwyg-redactor   - django-wysiwyg-redactor is a lightweight responsive wysiwyg editor for Django
django-manager-utils      - Model manager utilities for Django
django-gipsy              - A set of fancy tools for django.
django-simple-captcha     - A very simple, yet powerful, Django captcha application
django-mongonaut          - An introspective interface for Django and MongoDB
django-knockout-modeler   - Super easy ModelViews for knockout.js for your Django models
django-journal            - Keep a structured -- i.e. not just log strings -- journal of events in your applications
django-plugshop           - A small shop for Django Framework
django-flash              - Django-flash is a simple Django extension which provides support for Rails-like flash messages.
django-attest             - Provides Django specific testing helpers to Attest
django-staticfiles-isotope - Isotope meets Django staticfiles
django-debug-toolbar      - A configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response.
django-vkontakte-groups   - Django implementation for vkontakte API Groups
django-axes               - Keep track of failed login attempts in Django-powered sites.
django-braces             - Reusable, generic mixins for Django
django-socialregistration - Django app providing registration through a variety of APIs
django-static-sitemaps    - Tool for generating sitemaps as static files
django-mediagenerator     - Asset manager for Django
django-rq                 - A simple app that provides django integration for RQ (Redis Queue)
emencia-django-forum      - A minimalistic Django forum app
django-suit               - Modern theme for Django admin interface.
django-lionheart-helpers  - Django decorators and some other utilities.
django-medialibrary       - A pluggable django app for media management.
django-ngrams             - UNKNOWN
django-markitup           - Markup handling for Django using the MarkItUp! universal markup editor
appomatic_cmsplugin_phlog - Integrates django-cms and Photologue
django-versatileimagefield - A drop-in replacement for django's ImageField that provides a flexible, intuitive and easily-extensible interface for quickly creating new images from the one assigned to your field.
BWP                       - The Business Web Platform is Django-application. Contains models, templates and other preparations for the fast building of ERP system
django-measurement        - Convenient fields and classes for handling measurements
appomatic_cms_tagging     - Adds tagging support to django-cms
django-dynamic-fixture    - A full library to create dynamic model instances for testing purposes.
django-text               - Intuitive text editing for humans using Django.
django-sitetree           - This reusable Django app introduces site tree, menu and breadcrumbs navigation elements
django-socketio           - A Django app providing the features required to use websockets with Django via Socket.IO
django-waffle             - A feature flipper for Django.
django-inplaceedit-extra-fields - Django application that adds other useful fields to Django inplace edit
django-jquery-js          - jQuery, bundled up so apps can depend upon it
django-phonological-statistics - Django module that allows for querying of a database of phonological lemmas to determine statistics about inputted phonological strings
django-facebook-posts     - Django implementation for Facebook Graph API Posts
django-lazysignup         - Lazy signup for Django
django-user-media         - A reusable app to graceously handle files that your users might upload, such
as profile pictures, foto albums etc...
django-tango              - Faster, simpler Django content management.
django-multilingual-news  - A reusable Django app for managing news/blog entries in different languages.
django-blog-zinnia        - A clear and powerfull weblog application powered with Django
usethis-django-bootstrap  - Bootstrap 3.3.0 for Django with themes and theme chooser.
django-autoconfig         - Automatic configuration of Django projects based on the application requirements.
django-ajax-search        - A customizable AJAX-powered search for Django.
django-navigation         - Extensible breadcrumbs navigation for Django.
django-kss                - A simple Django app to make styleguide
django-model-utils        - Django model mixins and utilities
django-filer              - A file management application for django that makes handling of files and images a breeze.
django-styleguide         - Styleguide for django projects
django-rinvoices          - Yet another Django Invoicing App
django-tablib             - A wrapper around Kenneth Reitz' tablib to work with Django models.
django-static             - Template tags for better serving static files from templates in Django
django-people             - An app for showing person profiles, for example for your "About us" section.
django-render-csv         - utilities to render csv in django
django-geo                - A Django application which manage administrative geographical data.
django-leaflet-storage    - Create collaborative maps on top of Geodjango and Leaflet.
django-leetchi            - An integration of python-leetchi with Django framework
django-classy-tags        - Class based template tags for Django
django-urlographer        - URL mapper for django
simple-translation        - This is a translation app/plugin with support for django-cms 2.1 plugins in the admin
django-recommends         - A django app that builds item-based suggestions for users
django-session-security   - Let the user secure his session for usage in public computers
django-any-urlfield       - An improved URL selector to choose between internal models and external URLs
django-dbbackup           - Management commands to help backup and restore a project database to AmazonS3, Dropbox or local disk.
django-odnoklassniki-api  - Django implementation for odnoklassniki API
django-auth-policy        - Enforces a couple of common authentication policies for the Django web framework.
django-autofixture        - Provides tools to auto generate test data.
django-emailsys           - Provide the ability to send emails/sms using WebServices
django-vkontakte-groups-migration - Django implementation for vkontakte API Groups Users Migration
django-cron               - Running python crons in a Django project
django-froala-editor      - django-froala-editor package helps integrate Froala WYSIWYG editor with Django.
django-cms-storelocator   - A store locator extension for Django CMS
django-registration-email - Provides a custom authentication backend so that users can signup to the site
via their email address instead of a username. Also provides a set of standard
templates and sane URL mappings for the whole registration workflow.
django-hvad               - A content translation framework for django integrated automatically in the normal ORM. Removes the pain of having to think about translations in a django project.
django-dajaxice           - Agnostic and easy to use ajax library for django
django-articles           - Sophisticated blogging engine for Django-powered sites
django_smoknur            - django-smoknur
django-poll               - A concrete poll app allowing CRUD functionality in the admin and front-end.
django-passaporte-web     - Django client app for Passaporte Web.
django-statictastic       - A fantastic way to sync your files to S3.
django-request-profiler   - Django Request Profiler - a simple profiler for timing HTTP requests.
django-group-access       - Base Django model to add access control, via groups, to objects.
django-mssql              - Django backend database support for MS SQL Server.
django-viewmodels         - Class based views for Django with automatic viewmodel rendering
django-model-report       - Django reports integrated with highcharts.
django-conneg             - An implementation of content-negotiating class-based views for Django
django-haystack           - Pluggable search for Django.
django-herokuapp          - A set of utilities and a project template for running Django sites on heroku.
django-template-bootstrap - A django template based on twitter's bootstrap project.
django-autoreports        - Django application that lets you create reports
django-resized            - Resizes image origin to specified size.
django-annoying           - This is a django application that tries to eliminate annoying things in the Django framework.
django-netcash            - A pluggable Django application for integrating netcash.co.za payment system.
django-pagetree           - Tree of Pages helper application
django-perm               - Class based Django permissions for Django models.
django-rforum             - Yet another Django Forum App
django-dynamic-rules      - Allows you to create dynamic rules related to a particular model
django-cassandra-engine   - Django Cassandra Engine - the Cassandra backend for Django
django-waitinglist        - a Django waiting list app for running a private beta with cohorts support
django-object-permission  - Add object specific permission for particualr User/Group, All authenticated user or Anonymous user
django-protector          - Django application for managing object level permissions and generic groups
django-copybook           - Convert Objects and Django models to/from fixed format records.
django-vkontakte-photos   - Django implementation for vkontakte API photos
django-fretboard          - Responsive, powerful, simple Django forums.
django-sencha             - Django project contain static files about extjs 4.2
django-pushserver         - Push server for Django based on Leo Ponomarev's Basic HTTP Push Relay Protocol.
django-permissionsx       - Authorization for Django.
django-bakery             - A set of helpers for baking your Django site out as flat files
django-tinymce            - A Django application that contains a widget to render a form field as a TinyMCE editor.
django-permanent          - Yet another approach to provide soft (logical) delete or masking (thrashing) django models instead of deleting them physically from db.
django-inbound-email      - A Django app for receiving inbound emails.
django-templated-email    - A Django oriented templated / transaction email abstraction
django-entity-emailer     - Make emailing users easy and entity-based.
django-nopassword         - Authentication backend for django that uses a one time code instead of passwords
django-bootstrap-breadcrumbs - Django breadcrumbs using Twitter Bootstrap or custom template
django-envelope           - A contact form app for Django
django-bitfield           - BitField in Django
django-vkontakte-groups-statistic - Django implementation for vkontakte API Groups Statistic
django-dzenlog            - Django Dzenlog is a set of models and templates, which can be used to create blogs with different kinds media.
django-taggit             - django-taggit is a reusable Django application for simple tagging.
django-activeurl          - Easy to use active URL highlighting for django
django-mustachejs         - A Django template tag for embedding Mustache.js templates safely.
django-selectable         - Auto-complete selection widgets using Django and jQuery UI.
django-htmlmin            - html minify for django
django-twitter-bootstrap  - Provides a Django app whose static folder contains Bootstrap assets
django-otp                - A pluggable framework for adding two-factor authentication to Django using one-time passwords.
django-cratis             - Django-cratis is a way to group together django applications, so they form reusable features.
django-wizard             - A wizard that helps to control page flow.
emencia-django-slideshows - Simple Slideshow application
django-stronghold         - Get inside your stronghold and make all your Django views default login_required
django-mptt               - Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal
        with your Django Models and working with trees of Model instances.
django-bundles            - Another Django media bundler
django-easy-select2       - Django select2 theme for select input widgets.
Django-Select2            - Select2 option fields for Django
django-crispy-forms       - Best way to have Django DRY forms
django-influxdb-metrics   - A reusable Django app that sends metrics about your project to InfluxDB
django-transmeta          - Transmeta is an application for translatable content in Django's models.
django-quicky             - A collection of tools to use to quickly setup Django.
django-vies               - European VIES VAT field for Django
django-admin-sortable2    - Generic drag-and-drop sorting for the List, the Stacked- and the Tabular-Inlines Views in the Django Admin
cmsplugin-nivoslider      - Simple Nivo Slider plugin for django-cms
django-threaded-messages  - User-to-user threaded messaging system (similar to facebook) for Django
django-dbpreferences      - With django-dbpreferences you can store app/user settings into the database.
django-xworkflows         - A django app enabling Django models to use xworkflows.
django-js-reverse         - Javascript url handling for Django that doesn't hurt.
django-taggit-templatetags - Templatetags for django-taggit.
django-ckeditor           - Django admin CKEditor integration.
django-fastbill           - A thin python wrapper for the fastbill API
django-modeldict          - Stores a model as a dictionary
django-frontend-skeleton  - A basic Django template skeleton built on HTML5 Boilerplate and Twitter Bootstrap.
django-easytests          - Modified test utils from django-cms as a own module
aero                      - aero adds django-like apps support to tornado and automates common actions
django-polymorphic-tree   - A polymorphic mptt structure to display content in a tree.
django-multilingual-tags  - A reusable Django app that allows you to add translatable tags to any other model.
django-paranoia           - OWASP detection point reporting for Django
django-extra-views        - Extra class-based views for Django
django-basic-cms          - A tree based Django Basic CMS application
django-datatable-view     - This package is used in conjunction with the jQuery plugin (http://http://datatables.net/), and supports state-saving detection with (http://datatables.net/plug-ins/api).  The package consists of a class-based view, and a small collection of utilities for rendering table data from models.
django-tastypie-mongoengine - MongoEngine support for django-tastypie.
django-basis              - Simple reusable django app for basic model functionality
django-iban               - A validated IBAN field for Django models
django-copyblock          - Manage website copy as a directory of markdown-formatted files. Insert files as copy into your Django templates.
django-urlmagic           - UNKNOWN
django-ewiz               - A non-relational Django database backend that utilizes EnterpriseWizard's REST interface.
django-ajax-selects       - jQuery-UI powered auto-complete fields for editing ForeignKey, ManyToManyField and CharField
django-enumfields         - Real Python Enums for Django.
django-boto               - Wrapper of boto package for django
django-two-factor-auth    - Complete Two-Factor Authentication for Django
django-redis-metrics      - django-redis-metrics is a Django application for tracking application metrics backed by Redis.
socialschools-cms         - SocialSchools CMS app with defaults for django-cms
django-flatblocks         - django-flatblocks acts like django.contrib.flatpages but for parts of a page; like an editable help box you want show alongside the main content.
django-pgfields           - Provides custom Field subclasses intended for use with types available in PostgreSQL but not in the Django core ORM, including arrays and composite types. For Python 2 or Python 3.
django-email-extras       - A Django reusable app providing the ability to send PGP encrypted and multipart emails using the Django templating system.
django-markupfield        - Custom Django field for easy use of markup in text fields
django-writingfield       - A fullscreen textfield widget for Django
django-twitter-api        - Django implementation for Twitter API
django-feedreader         - A simple Django app to aggregate RSS feeds.
django-thermostat         - A Django app cronothermostat. It is a Python Home Automation component
django-processinfo        - django-processinfo is a Django application to collect information about the running server processes.
django-responsive-admin   - A responsive admin for Django using Kube CSS
django-easy-maps          - This app makes it easy to display a map for a given address.
django-bower              - Integrate django with bower
django-invoicing          - Django app for invoicing.
django-statsd             - django-statsd is a django app that submits query and
    view durations to Etsy's statsd.
django-sqlserver          - Django backend database support for MS SQL Server and pytds.
django-balanced           - Payments platform for marketplaces
django-lightapi           - django-lightapi is a super light weight api framework for exposing restful django webservices
django-zipfile            - A ZipFile subclass that accepts Django Templates
django-widgy              - A CMS framework for Django built on a heterogenous tree editor.
django-json-dbindex       - Django complementary index definition and management.
django-request-signer     - A python library for signing http requests.
django-role-permissions   - A django app for role based permissions.
django-staticfiles        - A Django app that provides helpers for serving static files.
django-geoip              - App to figure out where your visitors are from by their IP address.
django-mail_confirmation  - A general django user mail confirmation app usable with multiple models at the same time.
langacore.kit.django      - Various common Django-related routines.
django-responsive-dashboard - A generic and easy dashboard for Django applications.
the-real-django-wordpress - Django models and views for a WordPress database.
django-oauth2-provider    - Provide OAuth2 access to your app
django-cleanup            - Deletes old files.
django-impersonate        - Django app to allow superusers to impersonate other users.
django-precise-bbcode     - A django BBCode integration..
django-object-events      - Generic app for creating events that can be shown to the user in a notifications list.
django-filebrowser        - Media-Management with Grappelli
django-doctor             - Django health check and test-that-it-works application.
cmsplugin-flickr-player   - Flickr iframe with photo set for django-cms
django-photologue         - Powerful image management for the Django web framework.
django-multiuploader      - Adds jQuery dynamic form for uploading multiple files
django-fagungis           - DJANGO + FAbric + GUnicorn + NGInx + Supervisor deployment
django-salesforce         - a Salesforce backend for Django's ORM
django-cached-field       - Celery-deferred, cached fields on Django ORM for expensive-to-calculate data
django-alphafilter        - Django-AlphaFilter provides an admin widget for alphabetical filtering that works like date_hierarchy and an template tag for use elsewhere.
django-elastimorphic      - A marriage of django-polymorphic and elasticutils.
django-userena            - Complete user management application for Django
django-farm               - An application for managing farm related items, specifically animals and products.
django-facebook-auth      - Authorisation app for Facebook API.
django-fabric             - a generic fabric utility class for django projects
django-statici18n         - A Django app that provides helper for generating Javascript catalog to static files.
django-webmaster-verification - Webmaster tools verification for Django
django-setuptest          - Simple test suite enabling Django app testing via $ python setup.py test
django-follow             - Application which enables following features for users. Can be used for contact books or whatnot
django-harness            - Settings on steroids for Django
django-parler             - Simple Django model translations without nasty hacks, featuring nice admin integration.
django-floppyforms        - Full control of form rendering in the templates
django-blogango           - A django based blog
django-richtemplates      - Richtemplates is a set of templates (surprise!), template tags, media files
providing presentation layer for Django based projects, similar to what
Richfaces library offers for J2EE developers - not outstanding but still nice
looking and elegant.
django-behave             - Django Test Runner for the Behave BDD module
django-C3PO               - django-C3PO is a Django application using C3PO - module
    responsible for converting .po files from locale folder with translations
    to .ods format and sending them to Google Spreadsheets.

    This Django application provides panel where user can synchronize
    translations with GDocs and it gives possibility to push all translations
    on git and checkout last commit.

    django-C3PO uses celery since version 0.2. Be sure to properly configure
    it before using application.
django-test-extensions    - A few classes to make testing django applications easier
django-oscar-stores       - An extension for Oscar to include stores
django-babylon            - Django infinite caching for mandems.
django-custom-field       - End user custom fields for Django including contrib.admin support
django-listable           - A reusable Django app to make integrations with the DataTables javascript library easy.
django-hstore             - PostgreSQL HStore support for Django
django-netauth            - Django openid, oauth authentification.

Support next sites:

- http://google.com
- http://yandex.ru
- http://vkontakte.ru
- http://facebook.com
- http://twitter.com

and custom openid and oauth providers
django-ticketing          - Generate tickets efficiently in a database in Django
django-versioning         - Django-versioning allows you to version the data stored in django models, and stores only diff, not content copy.
django-marionettejs       - A simple Django app to be extends for easier backbone development, it provides a base template to inherit
django-ember-rest         - Django Models <> Ember-Data
django-mellon             - SAML 2.0 authentication for Django
django-ghostdown          - Ghost-like markdown editor as a Django form widget.
django-trackable          - A Django application which provides tools for out-of-band capture of arbitrary tracking data.
musette                   - os.environ proxy based on django-environ
django-helpdesk           - Django-powered ticket tracker for your helpdesk
django-sendgrid           - django-sendgrid
django-couchbase          - couchbase client for django memcache
django-calendarium        - A reusable Django app to manage and display a calendar in your templates.
django-jenkins            - Plug and play continuous integration with django and jenkins
django-tenant-schemas     - Tenant support for Django using PostgreSQL schemas.
django-multipleformwizard - An extension to the official Django form wizard supporting multiple forms on a wizard step.
django-firestone          - REST API Framework
django-adaptors           - Convert CSV/XML files into python object or django model
django-oauth-toolkit      - OAuth2 goodies for Django
django-networth           - Valuate instances of Django Models.
django-notification       - User notification management for the Django web framework
django-account            - Django application for registration and authentication
django-snailtracker       - Track history on django models
django-debreach           - Adds middleware and context processors to give some protection against the BREACH attack in Django.
django-webpack            - Generate Webpack bundles from a Django application.
cmsplugin-blog            - This is a blog app/plugin for django-cms 2.2
django-debian             - Debian integration for Django applications
django-tastypie           - A flexible & capable API layer for Django.
django-mongokit           - Bridging Django to MongoDB with the MongoKit ODM
django-djconfig           - Dynamic configuration.
Django-transactional      - Python module for doing common transactions in Django.
django-report-utils       - Common report functions used by django-report-builder and django-report-scaffold.
django-shop               - An Advanced Django Shop
cmsplugin-filer           - django-cms plugins for django-filer
django-admin-tools-stats  - django-admin-tools-stats - Django-admin module to create charts and stats in your dashboard
django-jstemplate         - A Django template tag for embedding Mustache.js templates -- or other JavaScript templates -- safely.
django-marcus             - Bilingual blog on Django
django-discoverage        - Adds coverage to Django's DiscoverRunner.
django-jython             - Database backends and management commands, for development under Django/Jython
django-zencoder           - A Django app that allows the upload and encoding of videos with Zencoder
django-s3-cache           - Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) cache backend for Django
django-chroniker          - Easily control cron jobs via Django's admin.
django-rest-framework-mongoengine - MongoEngine support for Django Rest Framework.
django_fiobank            - Django-app for managing and processing Fio Bank transaction
django-sekizai            - Django Sekizai
django-portlets           - Generic portlets for Django.
django-test-extras        - Enhancements for the Django test command and testing utility code
django-peavy              - django-peavy makes it easy to collect and monitor Django application logging.
django-userapp            - Django userapp integration
django-users2             - Custom user model for django >=1.5 with support for multiple user types
django-solr               - Solr Search Engine ORM for Django
django-render-json        - utilities to render json as http response for django views
django-flickr             - Mirror your Flickr into Django.
django-auth-pack          - UNKNOWN
django-skd-tools          - Steelkiwi Django Tools
django-logdb              - Django-logdb enables you to log entries to a database and aggregate them periodically.
django-vkontakte-board    - Django implementation for vkontakte API Board
django-pile               - A pile of django code for common use over multiple websites.
django-socialnetworks     - Extends Django with “log in” and “share” functionalities for the most common social networks.
django-wkhtmltopdf        - Converts HTML to PDF using wkhtmltopdf.
django-import-export      - Django application and library for importing and exportingdata with included admin integration.
django_pony_forms         - Django-pony-forms helps you to write better html for your Django forms
django-nomad-base-accounts - Django app from nomadblue.com that provides the basic foundations to manage email-based users.
django-frequently         - A reusable Django app that can be used as a FAQ.
django-rosetta            - A Django application that eases the translation of Django projects
django-simple-rest        - A drop dead simple package for creating RESTful APIs on top of Django
django-tailordev-cms      - TailorDev CMS  A simple CMS for your django projects.
django-glinks             - Interal add manager for django sites with ads not blocked by ad blocker.
django-picklefield        - Pickled object field for Django
django-exchange           - currency, exchange rates and conversions support for django
django-conversejs         - Adds converse.js (javascript XMPP client) to Django
django-payfast            - A pluggable Django application for integrating payfast.co.za payment system.
django-massmedia          - Allows for site staff can upload and edit the media files through the site, and the filesystem is maintained in the background.
django-cas-cache          - UNKNOWN
django-geckoboard         - Geckoboard custom widgets for Django projects
django-node               - Bindings and utils for integrating Node.js and NPM into a Django application
django-zen                - Zen-Lightweight Django CMS
django-observer           - Watch any object/field/relation/generic relation of django and recive signals
django-simple-seo         - Simple SEO Module for Django
dc-django-base            - Django base application
django-staticfiles-select2 - select2 meets Django staticfiles
django-kamasutra          - A application to position objects anywhere on a page.
django-oscar-asiapay      - Payment integration of AsiaPay (PayDollar) to use on django-oscar
django-perftools          - UNKNOWN
cmsplugin-news            - Simple news plugin for django-cms 2.x
django-filter             - Django-filter is a reusable Django application for allowing users to filter querysets dynamically.
django-fluent-contents    - A widget engine to display various content on Django pages
django-groove             - Various utilities for Django projects.
django-country-dialcode   - Django Application providing Dialcode and Countries code
django-menus              - Menu helpers for django projects
django-revproxy           - Yet another Django reverse proxy application.
django-form-utils         - Form utilities for Django
django-social-publisher   - Server-side content publishing extension for django-social-auth.
django-start              - Create a Django project based on FF0000 best practices.
django-photos             - This is a simple photo-app for django.
django-oauth-api          - OAuth API for Django using Django Rest Framework
django-prices             - Django fields for the prices module
django-sms-gateway        - django generic sms through http gateway
django-cms-search         - An extension to django CMS to provide multilingual Haystack indexes
django-faces              - 
django-bootstrap-pagination - Render Django Page objects as Bootstrap 3.x Pagination compatible HTML
django-dbsettings         - Application settings whose values can be updated while a project is up and running.
emencia-django-socialaggregator - Django app for aggregate some feeds from social networks.
django-permissions        - Generic per-object permissions for Django
django-future             - Scheduled jobs in Django
django-fast-sync          - A Django app which helps you to import a lot of data with raw SQL
django-datatables-view    - Django datatables view
django-oauth-plus         - Support of OAuth 1.0a in Django using python-oauth2.
django-aws-billing        - AWS Billing for Django
django-recaptcha          - Django recaptcha form field/widget app.
django-geojson            - Serve vectorial map layers with Django
django-senex-shop         - Senex Shop
django-prometheus         - Django middlewares to monitor your application with Prometheus.io.
django-inviter            - Invite users to your Django apps
django-admin-extensions   - Simple tools to extend the django admin site
django-choices            - Sanity for the django choices functionality.
django-robots             - Robots exclusion application for Django, complementing Sitemaps.
updoc                     - Django-based website for HTML or Markdown docs.
django-su                 - Login as any user from the Django admin interface, then switch back when done
django-classbasedsettings - Use classes to define settings.
django-standard-form      - Quick and simple django templatetags for displaying forms.
django-websocket-redis    - Websocket support for Django using Redis as datastore
django-ssl-slapper        - A middleware that secures URLS.
django-vkontakte-polls    - Django implementation for vkontakte API Polls
django-fluent-pages       - A flexible, scalable CMS with custom node types, and flexible block content.
django-view-as            - A Django middleware which allows you to view the site on behalf of a user.
django-likes              - Django app providing view interface to django-secretballot.
django-ulogin             - User social authentication with ulogin.ru service
django-frontend           - Django Frontend is a collection of static files and templates to jumpstart Django front-end development.
django-debug-panel        - django-debug-toolbar in WebKit DevTools. Works fine with background Ajax requests and non-HTML responses
django-ostinato           - Django-ostinato brings cms-like features to your django projects.
django-hunger             - A Django app to manage a private beta phase.
django-bootstrap-static   - A Collection of Bootstrap static files.
django-sequere            - A Django application to implement a follow system and a timeline using multiple backends (db, redis, etc.)
django-jsonis             - Django JSON Utils
django-instant-coverage   - Better-than-nothing testing for Django
django-fsm                - Django friendly finite state machine support.
django-object-permissions - A method for adding object-level or row-level permissions
django-pin-passcode       - A simple django app that provides site-wide easy password authentication for 1 user
django-geoexplorer        - Use GeoExplorer in your django projects
django-grip               - Django GRIP library
django-bigbrother         - Modular Dashboard for Django Projects
django-dynamic-choices    - Django admin fk and m2m dynamic choices by providing callback support
django-fluent-blogs       - A blog engine with flexible block contents (based on django-fluent-contents).
django-uuslug             - A Django slugify application that guarantees uniqueness and handles unicode.
django-rules-light        - Rule registry for django
django-cache-url          - Use Cache URLs in your Django application.
django-json-field         - Generic JSON model and form fields.
django-smart-proxy        - The django-smart-proxy app allows you to configure plug-and-play reverse proxy solutions for social networks and other complex integration points with your website.
django-mama-cas           - A Django Central Authentication Service (CAS) single sign-on server
django-mptt-admin         - Django-mptt-admin provides a nice Django Admin interface for Mptt models
django-facebook-pages     - Django implementation for Facebook Graph API Pages
django-jfu                - A Django Library for jQuery File Upload.
django-simple-feedback    - Django application that allows you to easily get user
feedbacks. Users need to be registrated via django.contrib.auth.
django-oauth-twitter      - A Django application that lets you associate Twitter accounts with your User accounts
django-csvimport          - Import CSV files to django models
django-tokenapi           - Add an API to your Django app using token-based authentication.
django-lean               - A framework for performing and analyzing split-test experiments in Django applications.
django-facetools          - Django Facetools provides a set of features to ease development of Facecbook canvas apps in a Django project.
django-coupons            - A reuseable Django application for coupon gereration and handling.
django-workflows          - Generic workflow engine for Django.
django-configurations     - A helper for organizing Django settings.
django-gravatar2          - Essential Gravatar support for Django. Features helper methods, templatetags and a full test suite!
django-newsletter         - Django app for managing multiple mass-mailing lists with both plaintext as well as HTML templates (and pluggable WYSIWYG editors for messages), images and a smart queueing system all right from the admin interface.
django-gm2m               - Django generic many-to-many field
django-smart-manager      - Make templates that manage models
django-mail-factory       - Django Mail Manager
django-flipbook           - A reusable Django app that displays an image gallery as a flipbook.
django-clickbank          - A pluggable application for receiving data from ClickBank's Instant Payment Notifications
django-missing            - Some missing features in Django. Are not missing anymore.
django-hero-slider        - Django app to define images to be shown on a frontpage slider. They can link to any object.
django-boss               - Django management commands, revisited.
django-posts              - A generic posts app for django
django-jquery             - jQuery packaged in an handy django app to speed up new applications and deployment.
django-informativo        - Newsletter application for Django projects
django-treebeard          - Efficient tree implementations for Django 1.6+
django-imaging            - AJAX driven gallery field for django
django-file-resubmit      - Keeps submited files when validation errors occur.
django-boundaryservice    - A reusable system for aggregating and providing API access to regional boundary data.
djhcup_integration        - Integration module for the Django-HCUP Hachoir (djhcup)
django-static-precompiler - Django template tags to compile all kinds of static files (SASS, LESS, CoffeeScript, Babel).
django-proxylist-for-grab - Proxy-list management application for Django
django-redisboard         - Redis monitoring and inspection drop-in application using django admin.
django-simple-history     - Store model history and view/revert changes from admin site.
django-twilio             - Build Twilio functionality into your Django apps.
django-dynamic-validation - Define user generated validation requirements for django models.
linaro-django-xmlrpc      - Flexible XML-RPC application for Django - deprecated
django-wysiwyg            - django-wysiwyg
django-hermes             - A light-weight blogging app for Django.
django-awesome-avatar     - Django Avatar field
django-frontend-notification - django application to display list of notifications, run basic actions such as view all notifications and delete notifications
django-embed-video        - Django app for easy embeding YouTube and Vimeo videos and music from
django-dynamicresponse    - Lightweight framework for easily providing REST APIs for web apps built with Django.
django-updown             - django-updown is a reusable Django application for youtube     like up and down voting.
django-tornado            - Django/Tornado integration made easy.
django-rest-auth          - Create a set of REST API endpoints for Authentication and Registration
django-slim               - Simple implementation of multi-lingual models for Django.
django-queryset-csv       - A simple python module for writing querysets to csv
django-reversion-compare  - history compare for django-reversion
django-bulk-update        - Bulk update using one query over Django ORM.
django-silk               - Silky smooth profiling for the Django Framework
django-setup              - Minor improvements to test suite
django-hautomation        - A Django app which provides a REST API for home automation
django-gears              - Compiles and concatenates JavaScript and CSS assets.
django-yplaces            - Places app.
django-oraclepool         - django database backend that uses cx_Oracle session pooling for connections
django-clever-pages       - App for create pages
django-selectable-select2 - plugin for django-selectable (to use with select2 UI)
django-livesettings       - livesettings
django-jsonresponse       - Simple wrap django views to render json
django-gaekit             - Collection of backends, wrappers and utilities to enquicken django development on Google App Engine
django-dynamic-scraper    - Creating Scrapy scrapers via the Django admin interface
django-browserid          - Django application for adding BrowserID support.
django-ftp-deploy         - Auto FTP deployment for django.
django-mobile             - Detect mobile browsers and serve different template flavours to them.
django-widget_list        - An Advanced and flexible ajax data grid
django-supervisor         - easy integration between djangocl and supervisord
django-geojson-tiles      - GeoJSON tile view for Django
django-activity           - Django Activity provides support for streams
django-rulez              - A lean and mean object-level rules system for the Django framework
django-hijack             - django-hijack allows superusers to hijack (=login as) and work on behalf of another user.
django-token-auth         - app that provides limited authentication via hash-type URL.
django-switchuser         - UNKNOWN
django-admin-smoke-tests  - Runs some quick tests on your admin site objects to make sure there aren't non-existant fields listed, etc.
django-knowledge          - A simple frontend and admin interface for dealing with help
        knowledge tickets and issues, including public and private responses and searching.
django-markdownx          - Simple markdown editor (with live preview and images uploads) built for Django
django-rest-assured       - Django REST Assured instantly test-covers your Django REST Framework based API.
django-ymaps-admin-widget - Widget admin for Yandex Maps
django-selenium           - Django Selenium Integration
django-all-access         - django-all-access is a reusable application for user registration and authentication from OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 providers such as Twitter and Facebook.
django-zurb-foundation    - Django Zurb Foundation package.
django-health-check       - a pluggable app that runs a full check on the deployment, using a number of plugins to check e.g. database, queue server, celery processes, etc.
django-operis             - Autogeneration of Ember Models from Django Models
django-money              - Adds support for using money and currency fields in django models and forms. Uses py-moneyed as the money implementation.
djangocms-social          - Social plugin for django-cms.
django-vooster            - UNKNOWN
django-hosts              - Dynamic and static host resolving for Django. Maps hostnames to URLconfs.
django-digest             - An implementation of HTTP Digest Authentication for Django.
django-postman            - User-to-User messaging system for Django, with gateway to AnonymousUser, moderation and thread management, user & exchange filters, inbox/sent/archives/trash folders, support for apps: auto-complete, notification, mailer.
django-testscenarios      - Test scenarios for Django
django-pdb                - Easier pdb debugging for Django
django-torrent-stream     - Wraps the Torrent Stream http://torrentstream.org/
django-pagelets           - Simple, flexible app for integrating static, unstructured content in a Django site (Django >=1.7, Python 2.7/3.3)
django-db-parti           - Fully automatic database table partitioning for Django
django-auth-additions     - Additions (monkey-patches) to auth models.
django-pages-cms          - Simple content management system for Django 1.6+
django-statsy             - Statistics for Django projects
django-oauth2             - Provide OAuth2 access to your app (fork of django-oauth2-provider)
django-entity-event       - Newsfeed-style event tracking and subscription management for django-entity.
django-media-library      - A reusable Django app to let users organize their own media.
django-clever-selects     - Chained select box widget for Django framework using AJAX requests.
django-ecl-tools          - EdgeCaseLabs' Django Tools
django-tethys_gizmos      - An app to enable Tethys gizmos in your site.
django-admin-timeline     - Facebook-like timeline for Django admin
django-dockit             - UNKNOWN
django-ccnews             - A lightweight news application for Django
django-brake              - Cache-based rate-limiting for Django.
django-discussions        - Messaging system for your users
django-linguo             - Linguo aims to make model translation easy and is designed to let you use the built-in Django features (Query API, Model Forms, Admin, etc) as intended.
django-cropduster         - Django image uploader and cropping tool
django-feedme             - Django Google Reader Replacement
django-ratelimit-backend  - Login rate-limiting at the auth backend level
django-object-tools       - Django app enabling painless creation of additional admin object tools.
django-softhyphen         - A Python library for hyphenating HTML in your Django project
django-experiments        - Python Django AB Testing Framework
django-coverage           - Django Test Coverage App
django-payline            - Payments using Payline
django-cked               - CKEditor and elFinder integration for Django Framework.
django-remote-scenario    - Remote scenario setup for e2e testing of django projects
django-js-variable-injector - A (more) elegant solution for injecting Django template variables into the context of an external Javascript file
django-admin-skel         - Basic admin styles for django (non django.contrib.admin). Maintained by Alexey Loshkarev <alexey@smscoin.com>
django-less               - Django template tags to compile LESS into CSS
django-admin-honeypot     - A fake Django admin login screen to notify admins of attempted unauthorized access.
django-localized-recurrence - Store events that recur in users' local times.
django-gcm                - Google Cloud Messaging Server
django-wpadmin            - WordPress look and feel for Django administration panel.
django-yaaac              - Django application providing Ajax search capabilities.
django-subdomain-instances - A way of allowing subdomains to be served by the same project, and associating objects with particular subdomains.
django-dynamic-link       - A file streaming application for Django
django-rewrite-external-links - Rewrite all external (off-site) links to go via a message page, using a middleware class.
django-voice              - A feedback application for Django
transhette                - django-rosetta fork for translating Django .po catalogs, with a lot of improvements compared with rosetta
django-stringfield        - Better string field for Django.
django-group-user-mngt    - Manage groups and user via jtable
django-url-framework      - Automagically discover urls in a django application, similar to the Ruby on Rails Controller/Action/View implementation.
django-dfp                - DFP implementation for Django
django-app-flag           - Simple flag for your Django webapps
django-podcasting         - Audio podcasting functionality for django sites.
django-manolo             - Buscador de personas que visitan las instituciones del Estado
django-easymoney          - An easy MoneyField for Django.
django-pci-auth           - Provides change password validation with AJAX support and history check.
django-manifest           - A kickstarter for Django Web Framework projects.
django-pgindex            - Search for Django and PostgreSQL
django-sphinx             - An integration layer bringing Django and Sphinx Search together.
django-select2-forms      - Django form fields using the Select2 jQuery plugin
cmsplugin-image-gallery   - A reusable Django app adding filer-based galleries to Django-CMS.
django-babel              - Utilities for using Babel in Django
cmsplugin-forms-builder   - django-cms plugin for cmsplugin-forms-builder
django-xslt               - an XSLT template system for Django
django-disqus             - Export comments and integrate DISQUS into your Django website
piston-mini-client        - A package to consume Django-Piston web services
django-calaccess-raw-data - A Django app to download, extract and load campaign finance and lobbying activity data from the California Secretary of State's CAL-ACCESS database
django-widget-tweaks      - Tweak the form field rendering in templates, not in python-level form definitions.
django-site-basics        - Reusable django app to handle /favicon.ico and robots.txt for your site
django-carrots            - Basic account application for Django Workshops by Geek Girl Carrots
django-cors-headers       - django-cors-headers is a Django application for handling the server headers required for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
django-olwidget           - OpenLayers mapping widget for Django
django-audit-log          - Audit trail for django models
django-richenum           - Django Enum library for python.
django-pgcrypto-fields    - Encrypted fields dealing with pgcrypto postgres extension.
django-feedly             - A Django app to create list and grid-based feeds.
django-docusign           - Django application for DocuSign signature SAAS platform.
django-markymark          - django-markymark provides helpers and tools to integrate markdown into your editor.
django-improved-inlines   - Inline object rendering for django, based on django-basic-apps + filters + templates
django-adminplus          - Add new pages to the Django admin.
django-sitegate           - Reusable application for Django to ease sign up & sign in processes
django-watson             - Full-text multi-table search application for Django. Easy to install and use, with good performance.
django-eloqua             - Python/Django interface for the Eloqua REST api.
django-fsm-admin          - Integrate django-fsm state transitions into the django admin
django-durationfield      - Reusable app for adding a DurationField to Django
django-ship               - An app to use Post Office services in e-commerce built with Django.
django-sts                - State Transition System for Django
django-pretty-times       - pretty_times provides django template helpers for the py-pretty library.
django-addons             - Addon framework for Django
django-ipware             - A Django utility application that returns client's real IP address
django-blakey-utils       - Common utilities for Blakey project
django-gitlab-logging     - A logging handler that opens GitLab issues on server error.
django-dmcm               - Django Markdown Content Manager.
django-simple-audit       - Simple audit for model instances in Django.
djhcup_reporting          - Reporting module for the Django-HCUP Hachoir (djhcup)
django-directupload       - A Django application that offers direct uploading of files from your forms using Uploadify.
django-badges             - An easy to use app that provides Stack Overflow style badgeswith a minimum ammount of effort in django
django-achievements       - Django application to deal with achievements and rewards unlocked by users
django-cacheback          - Caching library for Django that uses Celery to refresh cache items asynchronously
django-tequila            - A Tequila authentication backend for django
django-twitter-tag        - A django template tag to display user's recent tweets.
django-helpers            - Django Helpers and form add-ons.
django-aps-purchasing     - The purchasing module for django-apsara.
django-secure-auth        - Secure authentication by TOTP, SMS, Codes & Question
django-stories            - An application for handling newspaper-like stories on a web site
django-orderable          - Orderable model and admin
django-alerts             - Django alerts
django-cms-themes         - Load prepackaged themes (templates and accompanying media) into Django CMS projects through the admin
django-sql-explorer       - A pluggable app that allows users (admins) to execute SQL, view, and export the results. Inspired by Stack Exchange Data Explorer.
cmsplugin-socialschools   - SocialSchools plugin for django-cms
django-migrator           - Django Migration Framework, useful to do migrations from other systems to Django data model
django-actionkit-client   - A Django wrapper around Actionkit's MySQL client-db, REST API and XML-RPC API
django-seo-js             - SEO support for angular, backbone, ember, famo.us, and other SPA apps built with django.
django-coffeescript       - Django template tags to compile CoffeeScript
django-pagseguro2         - Integração da API v2 do PagSeguro com o Django.
django-stubtools          - A set of tools for Django to help 'stub-out' an app quickly.
django-staticfiles-bootstrap - Twitter Bootstrap staticfiles for django
cmsplugin-googleplus      - Django-CMS plugin for Google Plus Activities
django-storages           - Support for many storages (S3, MogileFS, etc) in Django.
django-select-multiple-field - Select multiple choices in a single Django model field
django-fluent-comments    - A modern, ajax-based appearance for django_comments
django-profiler           - util for profiling python code mainly in django projects, but can be used also on ordinary python code
django-relationships      - descriptive relationships between auth.User
django-cymysql            - Django database backend for cymysql
django-fluent-dashboard   - An improved django-admin-tools dashboard for Django projects
django-ccpages            - A lightweight pages application for Django
django-translate          - Non-gettext translations for django.
django-offline-messages   - A package that implements offline messages for Django plus more
django-synchro            - Django app for database data synchronization.
django-ckeditor-updated   - Django admin CKEditor integration.
django-pytds              - Django backend database support for MS SQL 2005 and up.
django-viddler            - viddler
django-scribbler          - django-scribbler is an application for managing snippets of text for a Django website.
django-simple-sso         - Simple SSO for Django
django-render             - Django templates rendering sugar
django-preserialize       - Pre-serialize model instances and querysets
django-hierarchical       - Hierarchical models and form fields for Django
django-grapevine          - A comprehensive email tool for Django
djangocms-blogit          - Simple django-cms blog app
django-sphinxdoc          - Easily integrate Sphinx documentation into your website.
django-context-extras     - django-context-extras provides some extra context processors that are often needed by Django projects.
django-suit-locale        - Django Suit localization.
django-accountant         - Django based account manager.
django-simple-menu        - Simple, yet powerful, code-based menus for Django applications
django-mapit              - A web service for mapping postcodes and points to current or past administrative area information and polygons.
django-thumbnailfield     - Enhanced ImageField with automatically generate thumbnail of the specified image
django-spreadsheetresponsemixin - A mixin for views with a queryset that provides a CSV/Excel export.
django-currencies         - Adds support for multiple currencies as a Django application.
django-likert-field       - A Likert field for Django models
django-perms              - Syntactic sugar for handling permission functions in views, templates and in code
django-omblog             - Another blog engine, great.
django-agent-trust        - A framework for managing agent trust, such as public vs. private computers.
django-twemoir            - Twitter data models
django-flatpages-i18n     - Translatable flatpages
django-rest-authemail     - A RESTful API for user signup and authentication using email addresses
templated-emails          - Like django-notifications, but just for sending plain emails. Written because it is annoying to fork other apps just to make an email into an HTML email
django-admin-tools        - A collection of tools for the django administration interface
django-cep                - Address fields autofill app for forms using brazilian CEP field.
django-db-geventpool      - Add a DB connection pool using gevent to django
django-masquerade         - django-masquerade
django-ttag               - A template tag constructor library for Django.
django-mfw                - Django framework for mobilephone/smartphone site
django-cachalot           - Caches your Django ORM queries and automatically invalidates them.
django-multisite          - Serve multiple sites from a single Django application
django-rapid-prototyping  - A reusable Django app that helps to create prototypes and cost estimations.
django-nose               - Makes your Django tests simple and snappy
django-fluent-utils       - Internal utilities for code sharing between django-fluent modules
django-sirtrevor          - A simple Django app that provides a model field and corresponding widget based on the fantastic Sir Trevor project
django-odnoklassniki-groups - Django implementation for odnoklassniki API Groups
django-otp-twilio         - A django-otp plugin that delivers tokens via Twilio's SMS service.
django-dynamic-initial-data - Dynamic initial data fixtures for Django apps
django-gitcms             - Django Git CMS: A django based git-backed content management system
cmsplugin-text-ng         - django-cms improved text plugin
django-wsgiserver         - django-wsgiserver installs a web server for Django using CherryPy's WSGI server.
django-gitolite           - A basic Django app for using Gitolite
Djalog                    - Simple, Django-ready (but can be used without Django as well) logger
using excellent logging module.
django-phpBB3             - django database models of phpBB3
django-csv-tool           - Tool to help create CSV imports faster
django-concurrency        - Optimistic lock implementation for Django. Prevents users from doing concurrent editing.
django-countries-plus     - A django model & fixture containing all data from the countries table of Geonames.org
django-sendfile           - Abstraction to offload file uploads to web-server (e.g. Apache with mod_xsendfile) once Django has checked permissions etc.
django-ldap3-sync         - A Django application for synchronizing LDAP users, groups and group membership. (Forked from django-ldap-sync).
django-common-helpers     - Common things every Django app needs!
django-fm                 - Twitter Bootstrap 3 based modal AJAX form for Django
django-admin-export       - Generic export to xls action for Django admin interface
django-active-tab         - nav decorator for django views
django-smart-selects      - Django application to handle chained model fields.
django-shopify            - Django-Shopify generic app
django-permissions-widget - Fresh Django permissions widget
django-developer-toolkit  - Django utility app for Django developers.
django-webcam             - django fields easy store webcam snaphot
django-apikey             - Simple Key and Token authentication for Django.
django-model-blocks       - Simple filters and tags for generic Django model template partials
django-endless-pagination - Django pagination tools supporting Ajax, multiple and lazy pagination,
Twitter-style and Digg-style pagination.
django-delegate           - Automatic delegate methods for Django managers and querysets,
without runtime dispatch penalties.
django-subdomains         - Subdomain tools for the Django framework, including subdomain-based URL routing.
django-rated              - A rate limiting middleware for Django
django-query-builder      - Build complex nested queries
django-dmarc              - Making it easier to manage DMARC reports
django-paypal-adaptive    - A pluggable Django application for integrating PayPal Adaptive Payments
django-getpaid            - Multi-broker payment processor for django
django-restricted-resource - Base model for Django that adds simple and efficient ownership and access control.
django-mmc                - App for monitoring management commands on Django.
django-contato            - Contact application for Django projects
django-tcms               - Django tCMS.
django-data-migration     - Data migration framework for Django that migrates legacy data into your new django app
django-mini               - Run plug-able Django apps without a settings module
django-mockups            - Provides tools to auto generate content.
django-chance             - Django CMS conference application
django-antichaos          - Django application for easy tag manipulation.It's addon to django-tagging or django-taggin-ng applications.
django-cookieless         - Django cookie free sessions optional decorator
django-sockjs-server      - SockJS server for Django
django-flashpolicies      - Flash cross-domain policies for Django sites
django-taggit-templatetags2 - Templatetags for django-taggit.
django-jsonview           - Always return JSON from your Django view.
django-user-sessions      - Django sessions with a foreign key to the user
django-serializers        - Customizable serialization for Django
django-crontab            - dead simple crontab powered job scheduling for django
django-bootstrap-form     - django-bootstrap-form
django-tables2-reports    - With django-tables2-reports you can get a report (CSV, XLS) of any django-tables2 with minimal changes to your project
django-kss-styleguide     - A simple Django app to make styleguide
django-shop-configurableproduct - Configurable product for django-shop
django-daguerre           - On-the-fly image manipulation for Django 1.7+.
django-photo-albums       - Pluggable Django image gallery app.
django-image-tools        - Image tools for Django
django-postgrespool       - Postgres Connection Pooling for Django.
django-picker             - Put javascript, css framework into your project.
django-elastic-transcoder - Django with AWS elastic transcoder
django-restart            - A simple Django app to let admins restart the application
django-request            - django-request is a statistics module for django. It stores requests in a database for admins to see, it can also be used to get statistics on who is online etc.
django-appcms             - Templatetags for inserting django-cms placeholders in app templates.
django-testmigrate        - Lets you write test functions for your migrations.
django-dashing            - A simple Django dashboard app to visualize interesting data about your project.
django-sluggable          - Slug your multiple models and manage redirections
django-exacttarget        - ExactTarget SOAP Api made simple
django-sayit              - A data store for speeches and transcripts to make them searchable and pretty.
django-bleach             - Easily use bleach with Django models and templates
django-primitivegallery   - A simple image gallery.
django-html5-boilerplate  - A framework that includes the HTML5 boilerplate template into your django project.
django-http-proxy         - A simple HTTP proxy for the Django framework.
django-celery-email       - Django email backend for celery.
django-offermaker         - Django library to create dynamic forms with configurable variantable restrictions.
django-assetfiles         - Drop-in replacement for staticfiles which handles asset processing.
django-extras             - Extensions for Django to solve common development situations not (or not yet) covered by the core Django framework.
django-baseviews          - A small collection of Django view classes to build upon.
django-vanilla-views      - Beautifully simple class based views.
django-utils2             - Django Utils is a module with some convenient utilities not included with the standard Django install
django-datetimezone-field - A Django app providing database and form fields for split datetime/time and pytz timezone objects.
django-finalware          - A utility application that finalizes the bootstrapping of a Django-powered site
django-github-log         - Django log handler to create issue on github automatically
django-nomad-country-blogs - A minimalist Django blogging system to maintain country-specific blogs.
django-betterforms        - App for Django featuring improved form base classes.
django-rflatpages         - Yet another Django Flatpages App
django-i18n-model         - Translations for Django models
django-janitor            - django-janitor allows you to use bleach to clean HTML stored in a Model's field.
django-transadmin         - Translate texts from the admin interface.
django-oscar-accounts     - Managed accounts for django-oscar
django-paypal             - A pluggable Django application for integrating PayPal Payments Standard or Payments Pro
django-stored-messages    - Django contrib.messages on steroids
django-formapi            - Django API creation with signed requests utilizing forms for validation.
django-like               - Django application that provider the like and ilike lookups for the querysets
django-achilles           - Django AJAX Framework
django-xauth              - All-in-one django registration application
django-live               - Comet based chat for django.  Live help + public rooms
django-facebook-photos    - Django implementation for Facebook Graph API Photos and Albums
django-request-log        - Pluggable Django applications to record user login and logout events and URL views.
django-rss-plugin         - A Django CMS plugin to show a list of feeds.
django-tinylinks          - A reusable Django app that adds a link shortener like bit.ly to your site.
django-signup             - A user registration app for Django with support for custom user models
cmsplugin_zinnia          - Django-CMS plugins for django-blog-zinnia
django-adminfiles         - File upload manager and picker for Django admin
django-aggtrigg           - Django complementary index definition and management.
django-staff              - A basic addition to auth.User that manages additional staff info
django-tag-parser         - Micro-library to easily write custom Django template tags
django-oscar-easyrec      - easyrec recommendations module for django-oscar
django-redactorjs         - This reusable Django app using WYSIWYG editor redactorjs.com
django-mease              - django-mease: Websocket integration made easy for Django
django-watchman           - django-watchman exposes a status endpoint for your backing services
django-config-gen         - Generates configuration files for Apache, Nginx, etc. using values in settings.py and the Django template system. You can write your own templates for whatever text based config file you need.
django-sudo               - Extra security for your sensitive pages
django-dfk                - Deferred foreign keys for Django
django-modelqueryform     - App for generating forms allowing users to build model queries
django-docfield-couchdb   - Django fields for representing CouchDB docs and more.
django-emailmgr           - An email manager for Django user
django-markers            - Dynamic map marker generation using template images and arbitrary text
django-tiamat             - A collection of utilities to help in Django Projects
django-encrypted-fields   - This is a collection of Django Model Field classes that are encrypted using Keyczar.
django-laravel-validator  - a data validator for django inspired the validator of laravel framework
django-social-user        - A generic system for interacting with remote APIs that need to create Django users.
django-exceptional        - A Django client for Exceptional (getexceptional.com).
django-verification       - Generalized app for two-step verification
django-urlauth            - Django application for user authentication with key in hypertext link
django-classview-bootstrap3 - Django-Bootstrap 3 generic template with class views
django-s4                 - UNKNOWN
django-uni-form           - django-uni-form
django-generic-helpers    - The small frameworks that helps to write reusable django apps with generic relations
django-viewclass-mixins   - Helpful mixins for Django View classes.
django-requests-panel     - A Django Debug Toolbar panel for requests
django-shortcuts          - You spend way too much time typing 'python manage.py'
django-password-reset     - Class-based views for password reset.
django-admin-oauth2       - A django app that replaces the django admin authentication mechanism by deferring to an oauth2 provider
coop-geo                  - GeoDjango fields and geo widgets for django-coop
djhcup_core               - A django-based interface for warehousing HCUP data
django-throttleandcache   - A utility for caching/throttling function calls.
django-advanced-reports   - Advanced reports for Django
django-yamlfield          - A Django database field for storing YAML data
django-sem                - Useful tool for sending signed emails.
django-eztables           - jQuery Datatables integration for Django
django-mysql              - Extensions to Django for use with MySQL/MariaDB
django-cms-named-menus    - Allows you to add named menus like Wordpress
django-attachments        - A generic Django application to attach Files (Attachments) to any model
django-yaccounts          - Accounts app.
django-hmin               - Fast HTML minify function, django middleware, decorator
django-detect-cyclic      - Django application to detect cyclic imports
django-geoposition        - Django model field that can hold a geoposition, and corresponding admin widget.
django-fsfield            - Scalabe file storage fields for your Django models
django-localeurl          - A Django application that allow you to specify the language of a page in the URL.
django-export             - Django app allowing for filtered exporting of model data.
django-images             - A database-driven thumbnailing solution for Django
django-theherk-events     - Django CMS plugin to track events on multiple calendars
django-realestate         - Real Estate app built on Django
django-freeplay           - Easily add CMS functionality to your Django site
django-admin-shortcuts    - Add simple and pretty shortcuts to the django admin homepage.
django-deepzoom           - A simple Django app to create deep zoom tiled images.
django-fost-authn         - HTTP SHA1 HMAC authentication backend for Django
django-reportmail         - django library to render and send report mail.
django-roberts            - A simple Django app to provide access to a robots.txt file
django-threadlocals       - Contains utils for storing and retreiving values from threadlocals, and middleware for placing the current Django request in threadlocal storage.
django-dockitcms          - CMS written using django-dockit
django-user               - A user app that introduce simple sign-in and sign-up.
django-json-rpc           - A simple JSON-RPC implementation for Django
django-backward           - A Django application to store your previous history and action in your session engine
django-async              - Asynchronous task execution with proper database transaction management for Django
django-app-metrics        - django-app-metrics is a reusable Django application for tracking and emailing application metrics.
django-react              - Render and bundle React components from a Django application
django-tz-detect          - Automatic user timezone detection for django
django-player             - Django-based Presentation Layer, focused on present contents extracted from CMSs
django-webcache           - A django web caching app that supports throttling, expiration and compression.
django-easydump           - Easily load database snapshots across deployments
django-pyodbc             - Django 1.5 SQL Server backend using pyodbc.
django-datamaps           - Django-Datamaps provides helper functions compatible with datamaps.js.
django-static-compiler    - A static file compiler for Django
django-merchant           - A Django app that provides helpers for multiple pluggable payment backends.
django-urlarchivefield    - A custom Django model field that automatically archives a URL
django-ace                - django-ace provides integration for ajax.org ACE with Django
django-enquiry            - A simple multilingual poll app.
django-versioned-static   - UNKNOWN
django-view-shortcuts     - A set of shortcuts for Django views.
django-authtools          - Custom user model app for Django featuring email as username and class-based views for authentication.
django-feedback-form      - Minified JQuery & Ajax feedback form to handle fast customer requests in Django
django-crispy-contact-form - Customizable contact form based on crispy-forms with captcha support for Django 1.5+
django-templatehooks      - Template hooks for django
django-generic-plus       - Django model field that combines the functionality of GenericForeignKey and FileField
django-fields             - Django-fields is an application which includes different kinds of models fields.
django-media-helper       - An image resizing and management app for Django
django-pagehelp           - A Django application which provides contextual help for your site's pages.
django-qsstats-magic      - A django microframework that eases the generation of aggregate data for querysets.
django-native-tags        - Native, Pythonic Templatetags for Django
django-constance-trbs     - Django live settings with pluggable backends, including Redis.
django-locksmith          - Django apps for API authentication and centralized authorization
cmsplugin-configurableproduct - DjangoCMS plugin for django-shop-configurableproduct
Plata                     - Plata - the lean and mean Django-based Shop
django-announcements      - Announcements for your Django powered website.
django-simple-feedback-form - Simple feedback form for your django project.
django-nomad-notifier     - Django app to implement a system of notifications for the users of web apps that tipically must receive updates from the site activity.
django-form-admin         - Abstract class implemented to provide form django admin like
django-autoload-fixtures  - This library allows you to load initial Fixtures automagically after the South migrate your Model.
django-orm                - Advanced improvement of django-orm with a lot of third-party plugins for use different parts of databases are
not covered by the standard orm.
django-redis-sessions-fork - Redis Session Backend For Django
django-superview          - Generic View class with extra funionality for Django
django-memcache-admin     - Memcache admin for Django.
django-discover-runner    - A Django test runner based on unittest2's test discovery.
django-rewards            - UNKNOWN
django-committees         - A simple reusable application for managing a small orgs governance in a Django application.
django-intercom-io        - a pluggable app for adding intercom.io to your website
django-bfm                - Basic Django File Manager with multifile uploads, live file status, and file deleting.
django-mass-edit          - Make bulk changes in the Django admin interface
django-fairepart          - A generic application to invite your contact from facebook, google, etc.
django-collectd-rest      - A simple Django application to demonstrate RRD plots generated by collectd or any other rrd data
django-messages           - User-to-user messaging system for Django
django-tinycontent        - A Django app for managing re-usable blocks of tiny content.
django-cache-utils        - Caching decorator and django cache backend with advanced invalidation ability and dog-pile effect prevention
django-merlin             - Providing alternate form wizards for the Django project.
django-linkcheck          - A Django app that will analyze and report on links in any model that you register with it.
django-monitoring-ahernp  - Django app implementing Logging and a Dashboard page.
bambu-buffer              - Post to Buffer and manage profile settings through a Django-powered site
django-qwert              - A trivia collection framework for Django
django-nomadblog          - A minimalist Django blogging system.
django-shipping           - Django shipping tool
django-weave              - django-weave is a Django reusable application witch implements a Firefox weave server.
django-celery-ses         - django-celery-ses
django-bootup             - A Django bootup application that helps with quick and secure bootup of your django project.
django-federated-login    - Provides federated login (SSO) to Django projects
django-simple-autocomplete - App enabling the use of jQuery UI autocomplete widget for ModelChoiceFields with minimal configuration required.
django-extlog             - Extended log for Django, that tracks changes in models.
django-simpleapi          - A Django package that allows you to write APIs simply
django-viewflow           - Reusable workflow library for django
django-inoa-chronograph   - Chronograph, a Django library for managing scheduled tasks (version mantained by Inoa)
django-metasettings       - A reusable Django application to control the currency rate and favorite language code, inspired by etsy
django-le-social          - External registration / authentication for Django
django-blackhole          - Django application that let's you work in your templates apart from having or not the
corresponding views created.
django-pegasus-cms        - tbdtbd
django-staticbuilder      - Optimize your static files.
django-async-messages     - Send asynchronous messages to users (eg from offline scripts).  Useful for integration with Celery
django-password-policies  - A Django application to implent password policies.
django-migrate-mail       - Copy Gmail messages to another Gmail account.
simple-django-contact     - A simple Django app to set up a contact form
django-geopositionmap     - Django Geoposition, google and osm map. Model field that can hold a geoposition with bound method, gis Point type, and corresponding admin widget.
django-postgresql-manager - django-postgresql-manager is a Django based management interface for PostgreSQL users and databases.
django-intercom           - Django App for integrating with intercom.io
django-newcache           - Improved memcached cache backend for Django
django-log-file-viewer    - Django admin expansion to read/parse file based Django Logging output.
django-tickets            - Reusable django application providing a generic support ticket system
django-salmonella         - raw_id_fields widget replacement that handles display of an object's string value on change and can be overridden via a template.
django-render-url         - a very light django plugin
django-statify            - Build out a static version of your website.
django-forums             - Small standalone django forums application
django-generic-flatblocks - A flatpages/flatblock application using generic relations to content models.
django-sslify             - Force SSL on your Django site.
django-online-docs        - A reusable Django app that shows documentation for the view that is currently
displayed. The documentation is written in Markdown and gets displayed in
jQuery modals.
django-partial-page       - Middleware that extracts {% block-s %} from pages and sends them as JSON. This allows the clients update parts of the pages, which is useful for Ajax apps and sites using History.PushState.
    If /mypage/ has {% block main_content %} in the template, make a request /mypage/?partial=main_content, and you'll receive a JSON: {"main_content": "..."}.
    The example Django project in the BitBucket contains a working JavaScript module that handles these requests and does something more.
django-sitemessage        - Reusable application for Django introducing a message delivery framework
django-stormpath          - Stormpath integration for Django.
django-parsley            - Django app for client-side form validation. Wrapper for parsley.js
django-push               - PubSubHubbub (PuSH) support for Django
django-tailordev-biblio   - TailorDev Biblio  Scientific bibliography management with Django.
django-discussion         - UNKNOWN
django-ma-settings        - A simple Django app to have simple typed settings.
django-states             - State machine for django models
django-require-i18n       - Django management command for extracting and compiling localization strings used in the require.js i18n plugin.
django-downtime           - Give your site a down page, or redirect to another error page.
django-admin-easy         - Collection of admin fields and decorators to help to create computed or custom fields more friendly and easy way
django-bootstrap-themes   - Bootstrap theme support for Django.
django-oscar-testsupport  - Testing utilities for Oscar
django-pods               - App Settings for Django
django-aloha-edit         - Django Aloha Edit
django-imperavi           - A django application that contains a class for admin interface to render a         text field as beautiful Imperavi WYSIWYG editor http://redactorjs.com/
django-visitor            - Track visitors across your site using a cookie
django-staticmedia        - Dynamically get URLs for your site-level and app-level static media.
django-custard            - Django runtime typed custom fields for any model.
django-shop-payer-backend - Payment backend for django SHOP and Payer.
django-ratings            - Generic Ratings in Django
django-pager              - Pagination.
django-project-templates  - Paster templates for creating Django projects
django-vff                - Versioned file field for django models
django-cab                - A code snippet manager, originally written to power djangosnippets.org
django-thumborstorage     - Django custom storage for Thumbor backend.
django-ddp                - Django/PostgreSQL implementation of the Meteor DDP service.
django-simple-events      - UNKNOWN
django-messaging-subscription - A RESTful API for managing messaging content, subscriptions and sending via Vumi-go
django-naomi              - Email backend for Django. Preview your email in browser instead of sending it.
django-swingtime          - A Django calendaring application.
django-pgjsonb            - Django Postgres JSONB Fields support with lookups
django-cruds              - django-cruds is simple drop-in django app that creates CRUD for faster prototyping.
engage-django-sdk         - Engage SDK for Django
django-bootstrap3-datetimepicker - Bootstrap3 compatible datetimepicker for Django projects.
django-tastypie-swagger   - An adapter to use swagger-ui with django-tastypie
django-filepicker         - Official Filepicker Django Library
django-bootstrap-typeahead - Convert django model choice fields into typeahead fields.
django-authority          - A Django app that provides generic per-object-permissions for Django's auth app.
django-mobi               - Django middleware and view decorator to detect phones and small-screen devices
django-betty-cropper      - A Django app that provides fields for a betty-cropper server
django-nyt                - A pluggable notification system written for the Django framework.
django-taggit-autosuggest - Autosuggestions for django-taggit
django-uturn              - Overriding redirects in Django, to return where you came from
django-sampledatahelper   - Helper class for generate sampledata
django-chunky             - Editable content chunks for Django
django-vellum             - A web log for Django.
django-aws-manager        - A Django app to manage Amazon AWS servers.
django-sites              - Alternative implementation of django sites framework
django-paging             - An efficient paginator that works.
django-taobao             - Taobao SDK for django.
django-require            - A Django staticfiles post-processor for optimizing with RequireJS.
django-altuser            - Alternative user models for django >= 1.5, with email field and other features
django-configglue         - Django commands for managing configglue generated settings
django-vcs-watch          - RSS proxy for different VCS/DVCS.
django-heroku-memcacheify - Automatic Django memcached configuration on Heroku.
django-forumbr            - Simple and complete django forum solution
django-time-out           - A reusable Django that allows you to put your Django site into maintenance mode.
django-dumper             - Django URL cache invalidation from model saves
django-tooltips           - Django manageable Bootstrap Tooltips
django-storage-swift      - OpenStack Swift storage backend for Django
pylons-exceptional        - A pylons client for Exceptional (getexceptional.com), ported from django-exceptional
django-rpy2               - Allow django to create R scripts and generate charts and other data output from those scripts.
django-db-mailer          - Django module to easily send emails using django templates stored on database.
django-cccontact          - A minimal contact form application for django
django-pummel             - Django PML template tags and utils (djang-pml was taken, okay!)
django-formset-js         - Extend Django formsets with JavaScript
django-freshdesk          - Single Sign-On functionallity between Django and Freshdesk
django-template-debug     - A small collection of template tags for debugging and introspecting templates
django-live-support       - A django app that lets you chat with visitors to your site.
django-featured           - An application for starting new django applications.
django-tagging-ext        - Adds in new features to supplement django-tagging
django-async-gt           - a simple app to asynchronously upload images with Django, using Celery
django-qanda              - A simple FAQ app for Django sites.
django-live-profiler      - A database access profiler for Django-based applications that can be ran in production with minimal performace overhead.
django-recaptcha-works    - django-recaptcha-works provides a Django form field that integrates the reCaptcha service.
django-yapi               - A mini-framework for Django for creating RESTful APIs.
django-rest-framework-docs - An inventory tool for Django Rest Framework v2 API
django-pinpayments        - Tools for easily adding pin.net.au payment processing to your Django proejct
django-timetable          - An Django app that provides generic calendar functions
django-zenforms           - Application allows you to control forms layout from templates. Uniforms batteries included.
django-stalefields        - Tracking stale fields on a Django model instance
django-services           - Django Services Pattern Support
django-weekday-field      - Weekday field for django models
django-vinaigrette        - Translate Django model data using gettext
django-daterange-filter   - Allow to filter by a custom date range on the Django Admin
django-html5accordion     - JS support to expand/collapse content, like HTML5 details/summary elements
django-easy-split         - Super easy split testing for your Django projects.
django-rosetta-inpage     - Translate i18n messages with Django Rosetta
django-nested-inline      - Recursive nesting of inline forms for Django Admin
django-fsm-log            - Logging for django-fsm
django-analyze            - A general purpose framework for training and testing classification algorithms.
django-viewsets           - Avoid boring views and urls.
django-livewatch          - django-livewatch integrates livewatch.de for django projects
django-entity-subscription - Make subscription management easy and entity-based.
django-db-pool            - Basic database persistance / connection pooling for Django + Postgres.
django-catalog            - Django generic catalog application. Organize objects in tree structure, allows
to make links for objects.
django-oneall             - Django Authentication support for OneAll. Provides unified authentication for 20+ social networks
django-email-phone-user   - Django Custom User model with email or phone as username
django-nose-selenium      - A nose plugin to run selenium tests with django
django-debugtools         - A toolbox of small utilities to assist Django development
django-pwutils            - Django specific utils and helpers
django-usertools          - A fire-and-forget enhancement to the Django user admin.
django-epiced             - A Django app to add the EpicEditor with easy to use widget.
django-siteprefs          - Reusable app for Django introducing site preferences system
django-mysqlpool          - Django database backend for MySQL that provides pooling ala SQLAlchemy.
django-toffee             - A simple Django app to layout your applications.
django-etc                - Tiny stuff for Django that won't fit into separate apps.
django-taggit-labels      - Alternate labels for django-taggit
django-slowtests          - Locate your slowest tests.
django-block-ip           - Simple IP and IP-range blocking for Django
django-geoportail         - Add maps and photos from the French National Geographic Institute to GeoDjango
django-generic-positions  - Generic app for using a drag & drop position field, wherever you want to.
django-compress-storage   - Automantic compress files after upload
django-multipageforms     - Form wizard is dead, long live multipageforms
django-customerevents     - UNKNOWN
django-robokassa          - Приложение для интеграции платежной системы ROBOKASSA в проекты на Django.
cmsplugin-collapse        - A simple bootstrap accordion plugin for django-cms
django-template-minimizer - Minimize your Django templates so that your HTML is served up already minimized.
django-db-mutex           - Acquire a mutex via the DB in Django
django-ssheepdog          - django-ssheepdog is a public ssh key management tool for teams of programmers
django-templated-email-db - A Django oriented templated / transaction email abstraction
django-pgjson             - PostgreSQL json field support for Django.
django-football365        - Fetch logs, fixtures, results and live scores via the Football 365 API.
django-netaxept           - This is a generic payment app for django using Netaxept
django-referral           - A small django application for marketing using referral links
django-searchbar          - Simple searchbar and handler you can use in all your views and templates.
django-mediagenerator-kensho - Kensho's fork of mediagenerator
django-backbone           - Provides a Backbone.js compatible REST API for your models using Django Admin style registration.
django-spirit             - Spirit is a Python based forum powered by Django.
django-nextpage           - django-nextpage
django-issue-synchronisation - Issue synchronisation for django applications
django-pgallery           - Photo gallery app for PostgreSQL and Django.
django-rolodex            - A Django app for managing relationships between people and organizations.
django-debug-toolbar-template-timings - A django-debug-toolbar panel that shows you template rendering times for Django
django-secretballot       - Django anonymous voting application
django-honeypot           - Django honeypot field utilities
django-secure             - Utilities and a 'linter' to help you make your Django site more secure.
django-pastedeploy-settings - Conversion of Paste Deployment configuration to Django settings
django-simple-ratings     - a simple, extensible rating system.
django-issue              - An app for tracking ongoing issues within your web application!
django-skrill             - A reuseable Django application for integrating the Skrill (Moneybookers) payment API
django-friendship         - django-friendship provides an easy extensible interface for following and friendship
django-cachebot           - Automated caching and invalidation for the Django ORM
django-constance          - Django live settings with pluggable backends, including Redis.
djangocms-utils           - Utilities for django-cms
django-markdown2          - This is a simple app, which supplies a single template tag for markdown markup.
django-templatesadmin     - A Django app to make minor changes to your templates on the fly.
django-elasticsearch-debug-toolbar - A Django Debug Toolbar panel for Elasticsearch
redsolutioncms.django-tinymce-attachment - Allows to attach files and images for any objects, specified in configuration.
If you use TinyMCE to edit object content, this module makes for you links to 
files in hyperlink select box and list of images in image select box.
django-skwissh            - SSH monitoring Django application
django-elasticmodels      - A tool to map Django models to ElasticSearch mappings
django-easyfilters        - Easy creation of link-based filtering for a list of Django model objects.
django-reportapi          - Easy mechanism building reports in Django projects.
django-extended-admin     - Additional features for django admin
django-green-comments     - Threaded comments application
django-longerusernameandemail - django-longerusernameandemail provides a migration and a monkeypatch to make the django auth.user username and email fields longer, instead of the arbitrarily short 30 and 75 characters.
django-modelcluster       - Django extension to allow working with 'clusters' of models as a single unit, independently of the database
cmsplugin-twitter         - Twitter plugin to work with Django-CMS
django-viewlet            - Render template parts with extended cache control.
django-pytest             - django test runner to use py.test tests
django-object-actions     - A Django app for adding object tools for models in the admin
django-backupdb           - Management commands for backing up and restoring databases in Django.
django-airbrake           - Airbrake exception logger for Django
django-rstamper           - Yet another Django Gallery App
django-datetime-widget    - Django-datetime-widget is a simple and clean widget for DateField, Timefiled and DateTimeField  in Django framework. It is based on Bootstrap datetime picker, supports both Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 2
django-otp-agents         - Integration of django-otp and django-agent-trust.
django-social-tags        - Social meta-tag handler for Django.
django-devicetype-templates - Django library to serve different templates for different device types
django-scaffold-toolkit   - Django开发中一组常用工具。包括表单生成,验证,富文本编辑器,useragent检测等等
django-vkontakte-ads      - Django implementation for vkontakte API Ads
django-file-form          - Django-file-form helps you to write forms with a pretty ajax upload
django-carton             - django-carton is a simple and lightweight application for shopping carts and wish lists.
django-longform           - A Django application for longform blogging.
django-delayed-storage    - Transparent django storage proxying for delayed operations with files
django-snippetscream      - Django app packaging the best snippets found on http://djangosnippets.org
django-census-places      - Use city (and census designated place) boundaries provided by the United States Census
django-timezone-utils     - Time Zone Utilities for Django Models
django-tellafriend        - Tell-a-friend functionality for Django-based websites
django-genericforeignkey  - Django application that allows yo yout generic relations have a nice admin widget
django-defender           - redis based Django app that locks out users after too many failed login attempts.
django-easy-thumbnails-watermark - A watermark filter for easy_thumbnails
django-thummer            - A website screenshot and thumbnailing app for Django.
django-like-button        - Django App for adding a Facebook like button
django-podcast-client     - A client for downloading and organzing podcasts.
django-undeletable        - Deleted data stays in the database and will be hidden from the default manager.
django-os-geocoder        - A Django app that lets you load Ordnance Survey data and use it to find places.
django-djmongo            - A reusable Django application providing a web interface for MongoDB and RESTFul API Toolkit.
django-visits             - Visit counter for Django
django-news               - rss feed aggregation with django
django-actionviews        - Alternative Class Based Views for Django
mkdjangovirtualenv        - A django-specific enhancement to virtualenvwrapper's mkvirtualenv function to setup the settings and pythonpath variables, auto-install requirements, set the project path, and install git modules if possible.
django-geoip-utils        - GeoIp data as an app to facilitate installing. Also features template filters, utility functions and a management command for updating the GeoIP data.
django-email-html         - Application for switching from Django plain-text emails to html emails with 2 bodies: html and plain-text, generated automatically from html
django-highrise           - Highrise CRM integration for Django projects.
django-sync-server        - django-sync-server is a Django reusable application witch implements a Firefox weave server.
django-raster             - Simple raster file implementation for Django based on PostGis
django-pyscss             - Makes it easier to use PySCSS in Django.
django-quizblock          - Basic Quiz PageBlock
django-mailrobot          - Stores and sends canned email responses.
django-static-libs        - UNKNOWN
django-snikt              - Web front end for hardware provisioning.
django-markdown-newsletter - Easy to use Django markdown newslette
django-simple-email-confirmation - Simple email confirmation for django.
django-bootstrap-admin    - Adds twitter bootstrap and other nicities to the Django admin
django-dict-response      - Django Dict Response
django-memcached-pool     - A Memcached Pool for Django
django-inspect-model      - Model inspection for Django
django-smartfields        - Django Model Fields that are smart.
django-frontend-static    - A basic Django application to install often used static files.
django-pagination-bootstrap - Easy add pagination in Django, using Bootstrap's layout.
django-macaddress         - MAC address model and form fields for Django apps.
django-staticassets       - Compiles and bundles static assets. Uses a directive processor similiar to Ruby's Sprockets
django-urlcrypt           - Encrypts information in urls, such as login credentials. Useful if you want to send a user a link that logs the user in without leaking their login credentials.
django-bootstrap-crud-templates - A repository of Bootstrap CRUD templates for Django.
django-keyboard-shortcuts - Helps to use the keyboard inside your web project.
django-duat               - A lightweight Django User Acceptance Testing feedback tool.
django-welcome            - Send email messages to new users and send notifications about new users to administrators.
django-emailit            - Make sending html emails easy.
django-overextends        - A Django reusable app providing the ability to use circular template inheritance.
django-callback           - Django Callback
qdj                       - QDJ is 'django-admin.py startproject', but with your own project templates. The project starter for obsessives with deadlines.
django-sizefield          - A model field to store a file size, whose edition and display shows units.
django-sitemapper         - A small Django app to manage sitemap.xml overrides on a per-object basis
django-comments-xtd       - Django Comments Framework extension app with thread support, follow up notifications and email confirmations.
django-vintage            - An archiver of web pages. Like a specialized django-flatpages.
django-classy-mail        - Class-Based Email for Django built with Mixins
django-dajaxice-ng        - Agnostic and easy to use ajax library for django
django-ratchet            - Ratchet.io plugin for django
django-ses                - A Django email backend for Amazon's Simple Email Service
django-groundwork         - A simple Django wrapper for Zurb Foundation
django-cofingo            - Jinja2 template renderer for Django
django-location-field     - Location field for Django
django-exclusivebooleanfield - Provides an `ExcluveBooleanField` which is a boolean (db) field where only one row in the table (or optionally, a subset of table based on value of other fields) is `True` and all the other rows are `False.
django-mosql              - Django model integration for MoSQL.
django-push-notifications - Send push notifications to mobile devices through GCM or APNS in Django.
easy-aws                  - Deploying django-projects to Amazon AWS
django-meio-easytags      - An easy way to create custom template tags for Django's templating system.
django-flickrsets         - Reusable Django application to synchronize Flickr sets.
django-html-cleaner       - Django text and character fields that clean HTML input.
django-celery-transactions - Django transaction support for Celery tasks.
django-skd                - [s]IMPLE [k]EY [d]ISTRIBUTION - skd is a tool for the simple distribution of SSH-keys in a growing environment.
django-pki                - A PKI based on the Django admin
django-keyed-urls         - So simple you'll burst into tears right away.
django-vote               - A simple Django app to conduct vote.
django-simple-geo         - Simple Django city, state, country geo-spatially aware model and utilities.
django-progressbarupload  - Progress bar upload for Django
django-shop-viveum        - A payment backend module for django-SHOP, using Viveum (https://viveum.v-psp.com) as PSP.
django-bitly              - Bit.ly integration for django
django-andablog           - A blog app that is only intended to be embedded within an existing Django site.
django-serene             - An enhanced djangorestframework. Serene is a RESTful framework with a touch of sirisanthana
django-mailviews          - Class-based mail views for Django
django-ssify              - Two-phased rendering using SSI.
django-downloadview       - Serve files with Django and reverse-proxies.
django-giza               - Autodoc all modules from a Django project's INSTALLED_APPS for Sphinx
django-paginas            - A flat pages application for Django based on django.contrib.flatpages
django-mongoforms         - A Django-ModelForm clone for mongoengine
django-cas-ng             - CAS 1.0/2.0 client authentication backend for Django (inherited from django-cas)
sizeof-django-tellafriend - SIZEOF.PL | Django Tell a Friend
django-projector          - Project management Django application with task
tracker and repository backend integration.
django-registration2      - Registration and moderation utilites
django-anyvcs             - A Django app providing homogeneous management of VCS systems.
django-whatsnew           - Simple application to manage `what's new` screen.
django-interactive        - Building easier client-side connections
django-storages-s3upload  - Direct (client-side) HTTP POST file upload to S3 using Django forms/views.
django-codemirror2        - Django widgets for replacing textareas with CodeMirror2, an in-browser code editor
django-viewutil           - Utilities useful for writing django views.
django-prices-openexchangerates - openexchangerates.org support for django-prices
django-ar-organizations   - Group accounts for Django
django-scss               - Django template tags to compile SCSS into CSS
django-cms-pagetags       - Tag fileds for CMS pages. Works with django-tagging or django-tagging-ng.
coop-tag                  - Repackaging django-taggit with add-ons
django-dynamic-manipulation - Record rule based dynamic manipulations.
django-data-exporter      - Export asynchronously your data from your Django models
django-mixins             - Useful mixins for Django class based views
django-unfriendly         - The unfriendliest urls in town! Django app that obfuscates urls and allows your application to natively execute the original view.
django-smuggler           - Pluggable application for Django that helps you to import/export fixtures via the administration interface
django-chainable-manager  - Chainable methods on Model managers
django-photoprocessor     - Automated image processing for Django.
django-disco              - Helpful Django utilities from Discovery Creative
django-audiotracks        - A pluggable Django app to publish audio tracks
django-screamshot         - Web pages capture using Django & CasperJS
django-postgres-fuzzycount - A Django model manager providing fast / fuzzy counts for PostgreSQL database tables.
django-console            - bash console in the browser for django admins
django-changuito          - A fork of django-cart with the same simplicity but up-to-date
django-sassy-coffee       - This is a django application to compile SASS, SCSS and CoffeeScript files from the static directory into CSS and JavaScript files
django-multiselectfield   - Django multiple select field
django-treeadmin          - Tree UI for mptt-managed models, extracted from FeinCMS
django-mediamosa-tinymce  - Django integration for mediamosa in TinyMCE.
django-singletons         - Reusable singleton models for Django
django-sortable           - Flexible sorting for Django applications
django-awesome-bootstrap  - A Django app for including twitter bootstrap and font awesome.
django-booking            - A reusable Django app that manages bookings for various purposes.
django-qiniu-storage      - Django storage for Qiniu Cloud Storage
django-i18n-utils         - Utilities for localized Django projects
django-session-idle-timeout - Timeout a logged user after a period of time
django-chatovod           - Chatovod  - chat widget for Django.
django-avatar             - A Django app for handling user avatars
django-data-exports       - Model data exports for Django
django-category           - Django categorize content app.
django-simple-social      - A generic system for interacting with remote APIs that need to create Django socials.
django-phonenumber-field  - An international phone number field for django models.
django-db-readonly        - Add a global database read-only setting.
django-ndator             - Django models obfuscator
django-pay2pay            - A simple Django app for pay via pay2pay.ru system.
django-mutant             - Dynamic model definition and alteration (evolving schemas)
django-jingo-offline-compressor - Using jingo and django_compressor but miss offline compression?
django-admin-ext          - Extensions to Django's admin site to add an ajax view.
django-cbv                - Django class-based views, backported from Django trunk
django-menu               - Django-powered website navigation maintenance tool
django-plugins            - django-plugins.
django-sendsmsru          - Russian backends for django-sendsms
django-enumfield          - Custom Django field for using enumerations of named constants
django-dynamic-preferences - A django app for registering dynamic global, site and user preferences
django-generic-ratings    - Django ratings tools supporting ajax, generic content type scores, multiple ratings for each content object.
django-url-tools          - Django helpers for dealing with URLs in templates
django-mailru-money       - Приложение для подключения сайта к деньгам@mail.ru
django-fixtureless        - Test utility to create fixtureless objects in Django.
django-dajax              - Easy to use library to create asynchronous presentation logic with django and dajaxice
django-theherk-resources  - Django app for keeping data on organizations and people.
django-pyres              - django pyres integration
django-good-practice-examples - An app for managing and displaying good practice examples for different
django-otp-yubikey        - A django-otp plugin that verifies YubiKey OTP tokens.
django-loginza            - Django application for Loginza service
django-shpaml             - A Django template loader for loading and converting SHPAML markup to HTML
django-tempus             - Django Tempus provides url tokens that triggers custom actions
django-debug-template     - Project that helps you debug django template context
django-site-maintenance   - UNKNOWN
django-outlets            - A reusable Django app that allows you to manage and display your stores
django-confirmanager      - Simple email confirmation application.
django-emailform          - django-email forms is an application for generating multi input forms, customized using the django admin, with emailing of entries to a supplied list of email addresses.
django-mysql-fix          - This project contains optimizations (hacks) for MySQL for Django ORM
django-crucrudile         - UNKNOWN
django-esutils            - Django Esutils.
django-accounting         - Accounting made accessible for small businesses and sole proprietorships through a simple Django project
django-preferences        - Django app allowing users to set app specific preferences through the admin interface.
django-skylark            - UNKNOWN
django-shell-plus         - django-admin.py shell+  <- shell with models auto-imported
django-content-edit       - A very simple way to let users edit content on the front end of a website.
django-pxpay              - PaymentExpress PxPay Gateway for Django
django-aggregate-if       - Conditional aggregates for Django, just like the famous SumIf in Excel.
django-hello_sign         - Django app for integrating with HelloSign
django-rax                - PyRax implementation for Django.
django-elfinderfs         - django-elfinderfs is a 3rd party connector for elFinder 2.x and Django. It's a simple local file system driver which does not uses any databases.
django-atomic-celery      - Atomic transaction aware Celery tasks for Django 1.6+
django-user-guide         - Show configurable HTML guides to users.
django-mailing            - A flexible Django app for templated mailings with support for celery queuing, SendGrid and more.
django-html5-appcache     - HTML5 AppCache manifest generator
django-resto              - REplicated STOrage for Django, file backends that mirror media files to several servers over HTTP
django-colorful           - An extension to the Django web framework that provides database and form color fields
django-flashcookie        - This django application provides rails-like flash messages to Django framework.
django-menuz              - Drag and drop menu manager for Django.
django-request-tracker    - Track incoming requests using analytic services.
django-solo               - django-solo helps working with singletons: things like global settings that you want to edit from the admin site.
django-cache-manager      - Cache manager for django models
django-dynamic-forms      - django-dynamic-forms is a reusable Django application to create and configure forms through the admin.
django-transaction-hooks  - Django database backends that permit registering post-transaction-commit hooks
django-admin-keyboard-shortcuts - Keyboard Shortcuts for your Admin Backend
django-admin-sso          - django sso solution
django-nupages            - Pages application for django projects
django-pimpmytheme        - Customise theme (css and template) on a per
user/client/whatever basis
django-inviter2           - Simple email invitations for your Django app
django-cmsplugin-blurp    - 
django-invitation-backend - Registration through invitations backend for django-registration > 0.9
django-vouchers           - Vouchers in Django
django-jasmine            - Jasmine Javascript testing integration for Django.
django-query-parameters   - Django templatetags to simplify creating, updating, and removing query parameters from querystring
Flask-Store               - Provides Django-Storages like file storage backends for Flask Applications.
django-combinedforms      - Compose Django forms
django-hyperadmin         - A hypermedia API framework for Django.
django-scaffold           - Reusable application for a generic section/subsection hierarchy in Django 1.3.x
django-dcolumns           - An app to give any Django database model the ability to dynamically add fields.
django-nose-qunit         - Integrate QUnit JavaScript tests into a Django test suite via nose
django-var-js             - Application variables passed from the server to the client.
django-pluggables         - A design pattern for Django that allows you to build "Pluggable" Reusable Applications
django-polymodels         - Polymorphic models implementation for django
django-yandex-money       - Integrating django project with yandex-money
django-lastfm-auth        - django-lastfm-auth is an extension to django-social-auth which adds a backend for Last.fm.
django-articles-addons    - A collection of tools to extend codekoala's wonderful django-articless
django-ajax-upload-widget - Provides AJAX file upload functionality for FileFields and ImageFields with a simple widget replacement in the form.
django-beehat             - Common Django snippets and other useful code.
django-inspect            - Provides inspection conveniences for django models
django-spurl              - A Django template library for manipulating URLs.
redsolutioncms.django-utilities - Django's set of utilities. Includes admin ImageField with preview, override for username,
Localized date filter, ConsoleException middleware and broken link highlight template.
django-mobile-app-distribution - A Django app that adds iOS and Android app upload functionality to the Django admin interface.  Provides a mobile optimized HTML fronted for clients to download Ad Hoc mobile applications using their iOS or Android devices.
django-ipyfield           - IPy.IP instances with BigInt storage for django models
django-announce           - an Announce.js client for Django
django-microsip-consolidador - Revisa Existencias y precios varias sucursales Microsip
django-followit           - A Django application that allows users to follow django model objects
django-macros             - A Django template tag library for repeating blocks tags and creating in template macros.
django-inline-wrestler    - Wrestle your django inlines with jQuery and Grappelli.
django-samart-save        - Automatically validates when you call your model’s save()
django-bootstrap          - Django class-based views working with Bootstrap, from Twitter.
django-selenium-boilerplate - Boilerplate for setting up selenium tests in Django
django-hbs-makemessages   - Library providing makemessages for Handlebars.js templates
django-foundation-statics - Zurb Foundation (http://foundation.zurb.com) static files packaged in a django app to speed up new applications and deployment.
django-db-file-storage    - Custom FILE_STORAGE for Django. Saves model's filefields in your database instead of your file system.
redsolutioncms.django-seo - Adds generic SEO fields for objects in your site or specific urls
django-livestats          - A django livestats framework
django-enummodel          - A Django application to bridge the gap between using enumerations and having fully-specified, normalized data models.
django-shop-discounts     - configurable and extendible discount app for Django-shop
django-model-changes      - django-model-changes allows you to track model instance changes.
django-scaffolding        - Automatically generate reasonable database entries for your app
django-zeropass           - An app to allow password free logins
django-safedelete         - Mask your objects instead of deleting them from your database.
django-popularity         - A generic view- and popularity tracking pluggable for Django.
django-filemaker          - FileMaker access and integration with Django
django-basky              - A extensible basket for your django project
django-forms-ext          - Extensions for Django's Forms.
django-admin-conf-vars    - A simple Django app to edit configuration variables with the Django admin.
django-badbrowser         - Browser detection (including browser upgrade notices) for Django
django-positions          - A Django field for custom model ordering
django-admin-views        - django-admin-views is a simple way to add custom admin views and direct URLs to the Django admin
django-dev-commands       - Useful commands for developing Django applications.
django-yacaptcha          - Simple captcha with Yandex API.
django-i18nurls           - Translate URL patterns and prefix URLs with language-code.
django-onlineuser         - A django app to count online users.
django-kronos             - Kronos is a Django application that makes it easy to define and schedule tasks with cron.
django-activitysync       - Fast, easy, and extensible social activity aggregation for Django projects
django-zebra              - Library for Django and Stripe
django-mathfilters        - A set of simple math filters for Django
django-funkymetrics       - Super simple Django application for easily tracking events and submitting them asynchronously to KISSmetrics.
django-fias               - FIAS Django integration
django-timezone-field     - A Django app providing database and form fields for pytz timezone objects.
django-waffle-session     - A feature flipper for Django.
django-happenings         - A simple event calendar app for Django.
django-keyedcache         - keyedcache
django-appconf            - A helper class for handling configuration defaults of packaged apps gracefully.
django-odnoklassniki-users - Django implementation for odnoklassniki API Users
django-modelsettings      - Django application settings defined and stored using Django ORM models
geonode-avatar            - A fork of django-avatar, for GeoNode
django-helpdesk3000       - Django-powered ticket tracker for your helpdesk
django-multilingual-orgs  - An app for showing localized versions of organization profiles. E.g. as plugin
in a blog post.
django-brevisurl          - django-brevisurl is django app for shortening urls
django-url-robots         - Django robots.txt generator
django-deployer           - Django deployment tool for popular PaaS providers
django-objectset          - ObjectSet abstract class for set-like models
django-locality           - Countries and territories, made usable.
django-notify             - A Django application which provides temporary notifications.
django-tethys_datasets    - An app to enable provide access to dataset storage for apps.
django-haystack-panel     - A Django Debug Toolbar panel for Haystack
django-richtext-blog      - A django app that implements a blog with the features we've grown accustomed to. Features: Rich text editing with TinyMCE; Full image upload support; Tags; Comments; Spam prevention; Atom/RSS feeds; Example templates; Code syntax highlighting; SEO optimised urls and more.
django-fortunecookie      - Django models to store everything about fortune cookies.
django-background-task    - Database backed asynchronous task queue
django-logentry-admin     - Show all LogEntries in the Django admin site.
django-epiceditor         - A django app that allows the easy addition of EpicEditor markdown editor to a django form field, whether in a custom app or the Django Admin.
django-fresh              - Auto-refresh your browser when files in your project change.
django-anonsurvey         - A Django app to create Web-based anonymous surveys
django-emoticons          - A usefull and incredible Django application that allow you to use emoticons in your templates :)
django-guts               - Funny application to show sources of your Django project.
django-generate           - Django slightly smarter than fixtures content generation app.
django-europeana          - Application providing Europeana widget integration.
django-postmark           - A Django reusable app to send email with postmark, as well as models and views to handle bounce integration.
django-anonymizer         - App to anonymize data in Django models.
django-admin-enhancer     - A simple django app that provides change and deletion links to FK fields in the admin.
django-nocaptcha-recaptcha - Django nocaptcha recaptcha form field/widget app.
django-tethys_wps         - An app to enable provide access to dataset storage for apps.
django-vkontakte-places   - Django implementation for vkontakte API Places (any kind of geo objects)
redsolutioncms.django-easy-news - News application. Allow to publish news on site. You can show news archive,calendar block, or latest news block in template. Admin editor compatible with django-tinyMCE.
django-datatrans          - Translate Django models without changing anything to existing applications and their underlying database.
django-h5bp               - A simple HTML5 Boilerplate Django app that has some predefined template Blocks, useful to be extended in any application template.
django-international      - Country and currency data for Django projects
django-mediagenie         - Static files management for Django
django-direct             - A simple Django application that provides a RESTFul Direct certificate validation API.
django-ctrl               - An implementation of Controllers for Django.
django-flatcontent        - Django FlatContent is intended as a flatpages-like app but for smaller chunks of content that can be edited in the Django admin.
django-analytics-client   - Custom analytics client for Django projects.
django-rshop              - Yet another Django Shop App
django-dynamodb-sessions  - A Django session backend using Amazon's DynamoDB
django-ad-code            - django-ad-code is a reusable application for managing and rendering ad tags from ad networks or exchanges such Adsense, DoubleClick or OpenX.
django-about              - Put short description here...
django-tour               - Require the django user to complete a series of steps with custom logic
django-facebook-comments  - Drop-in facebook comments for django
django-mentions           - Facebook-like mentions for Django
django-rest-common        - Common things every Django REST app needs!
django-pagedown           - A django app that allows the easy addition of Stack Overflow's 'PageDown' markdown editor to a django form field
django-favit              - A simple reusable app for django that makes it easy to deal with faving
django-osm-field          - Django OpenStreetMap Field
django-kendoui-backend    - Kendo UI DataSource backend
django-propaganda         - Django app to manage your daily newsletter delivery.
django-inline-ordering    - Django app to ease ordering of related data - enable Drag&Drop ordering in admin with just a few LOC
django-wysihtml5          - Simple Django app that provides a Wysihtml5 rich text editor textarea widget.
django-tests-assistant    - A tool to help keep track of tests, specially for you - developer.
django-registration-defaults - Default templates and settings for James Bennett'sdjango-registration application.
django-debug-toolbar-mongo - MongoDB panel for the Django Debug Toolbar
django-respite            - Respite conforms Django to Representational State Transfer (REST)
django-webcam-photoupload - Webcam photo uploads for the movement
django-qoptions           - Options, Labels and standalone Texts for django admin. Administrator emails, phones, contact data, etc.
django-flows              - django-flows keeps state and position in complicated flows of logic, allowing optional branches and complicated paths through a series of individual user actions.
django-simple-avatar      - django-simple-avatar
django-wabbajack          - UNKNOWN
django-friends            - friendship, contact and invitation management for the Django web framework
django-emailpost          - Post to Django blogs via email.
django-factory_boy        - Uses factory_boy to supply test data factory classes for all stock Django models.
django-email-registration - So simple you'll burst into tears right away.
django-easy-timezones     - Easy timezones for Django (>=1.4) based on MaxMind GeoIP.
django-reroute            - A drop-in replacement for django.conf.urls.defaults which supports HTTP verb dispatch and view wrapping.
django-paloma             - Class based e-mails for Django
django-comments           - Generic pluggable comments application
django-badgify            - A reusable application to create your own badge engine using Django
django-seo                - Adds generic SEO fields for objects in your site or specific urls
django-fabdeploy-plus     - Fabric deployment for Django
django-phased             - Simple two-phase template rendering application useful for caching of authenticated requests.
django-thumbnail-works    - django-thumbnail-works adds thumbnail support to the default ImageField.
django-related            - Class-based-views mixins for handling related objects
django-fancy-cache        - clears the junk out of your CSS
django-user-streams       - Simple, fast user news feeds for Django
django-odnoklassniki-discussions - Django implementation for odnoklassniki API Discussions
django-breadcrumbs        - Easy to use generic breadcrumbs system for Django framework.
django-staticblocks       - staticblocks provides you with tools for content managers to easily include flatpage content as a snippet in your templates while retaining structured control over the templates themselves
django-alacarte           - A minimalist Django menu app.
django-password-session   - A reusable Django app that will invalidate all active sessions after change password.
django-tastypie-elasticsearch - ElasticSearch Resource for django-tastypie.
django-loginas            - An app to add a "Log in as user" button in the Django user admin page.
django-basket             - Django generic basket application. Allow to put in basket any object and view orders in the Django admin interface
django-hateconf           - Application for distribuited configurations in django
django-oauthost           - This reusable Django application introduces OAuth2 server functionality.
django-eve-proxy          - A Django-based EVE API proxy.
django-nested-admin       - Django admin classes that allow for nested inlines
django-mcmo               - Allows multiple apps to override the same management command in Django
django-scheduler          - A calendaring app for Django.
django-pipeline-eco       - django-pipeline compiler for eco templates
django-ajax-toolkit       - Ajax goodies for django projects.
django-datastream         - Django HTTP interface to Datastream API time-series library.
django-ccgallery          - A minimal Gallery application for Django
django-geoip-redis        - Django GeoIP. Based on default DB or Redis.
django-epic-sample        - A minimal Django project to demonstrate EPIC functionality.
django-oneskyapp          - OneSkyApp translation service management commands for your django app
django-preflight          - Create a page for making sure all settings are correct.
django-licenses           - A Django application that provides the ability to publish content under different licenses.
django-sslserver          - An SSL-enabled development server for Django
django-grappelli-navbar   - Navigation bar on Django administration
django-contactstore       - an openinviter based contact importer
django-simple-math-captcha - An easy-to-use math field/widget captcha for Django forms.
django-shpaml-template-loader - A Django template loader for loading and converting SHPAML markup to HTML
django-staticblog         - Markdown-based blog engine that compiles to static html pages
django-template-analyzer  - Django Template Analyzer - Extract template nodes from a Django template
django-webfaction         - Collection of tools to run django on webfaction more seamless
django-modalview          - Django app to add generic views.
django-receipts           - Django app for verifying web app receipts
django-gitrevision        - Django git revision, simple add current git revision to request object for use in tempaltes and views.
django-werewolf           - Item publishing workflow for Django.
django-grains             - Define content fragments in Django templates and store their contents in the database. This is yet another take on the idea previously implemented in django-flatblocks, django-chunks etc.
django-municipios         - Aplicação plugável Django com modelos e widgets para os Municípios Brasileiros
django-multi-sessions     - Multi-sessions backend for Django
django-synth              - A Simple Integration Between Django and Synth
django-meta               - Pluggable app for handling webpage meta tags and OpenGraph properties
django-email-confirmation - Simple email confirmation for the Django web framework.
django-associations       - A simple Django app to show url associations between installed apps.
django-appdata            - Extandable field that enables Django apps to store their data on your models.
django-cronjobs           - A simple Django app for running cron jobs.
django-ajax-model-listing - Ajax-based model listing for Django. Supports pagination, sorting and filtering. Needs jQuery. Docs coming soon. Demo project here: https://bitbucket.org/victorsilv4/django_ajax_model_listing_demos
django-providerregistry   - A simple Django application that provides a UI and RESTFul API for read only access to NPPES data.
django-piston             - Piston is a Django mini-framework creating APIs.
django-url-imaging        - URL-based image processing for Django
django-vkontakte-iframe   - Django app for developing vk.com (aka vkontakte.ru) iframe applications
django-auth-pubtkt        - Implementation of mod_auth_pubtkt as Django middleware
django-messagegroups      - Render grouped messages with the Django messaging framework
django-garage             - A collection of useful functions and modules for Django development
django-secureform         - Provides protection against spammers and scammers.
django-mindscape          - a library traversing django models
django-fancytree          - Django forms widget that uses Fancytree to display tree data
zinnia-theme-html5        - HTML5 theme for django-blog-zinnia
django-macros-url         - Macros Url library for django
django-multiseek          - Seek records using multiple parameters
django-authenticator      - authentication client for django
django-shop-simplenotifications - A simple reusable app for django-shop that sends emailnotifications on certain events
django-drip               - Simple drip campaigns for Django.
django-ios-notifications  - Django iOS Notifications makes it easy to send push notifications to iOS devices
django-profiletools       - Tools for Profile models in Django.
django-markdown-deux      - a Django app that provides template tags for using Markdown (using the python-markdown2 processor)
django-bootlog            - A Django Blogging App based on Twitter Bootstrap Theme
django-notifier           - User and Group Notifications for Django
django-mbtiles            - Serve maps from MBTiles files using Django
pybuilder-django-enhanced-plugin - Plugin for pybuilder providing some useful tasks for django development
django-ga-tracking        - Simple Google Analytics integration for Django projects
django-mailfactory-extras - Extensions for django-mail-factory, like django-xadmin integration or asynchronous message sending
django-orderable-inlines  - Drag-to-reorder inline model admins for Django
django-hilbert            - django-hilbert is one of many Django apps which is a loose collection of utility functions. It is a mixture of Python code and Javascript that I find myself writing over and  over. Primarily it focuses around utilities for AJAX and testing.
django-translation-manager - Django app for managing translations from admin
django-conversation       - A reusable Django app that provides threaded conversations between users.
django-moderation         - Generic Django objects moderation application
django-timezones          - A Django reusable app to deal with timezone localization for users
django-classroom          - An application for managing classroom details on a school website.
django-sqlpaginator       - django app that does pagination and ordering using raw
sql on a Model. It has the same API as the django.core.pagination.Paginator
django-swingers           - Library of common utilities, templates and django customizations used throughout `Department of Parks and Wildlife <http://dpaw.wa.gov.au/>`_.
django-setmagic           - Magically editable settings for winged pony lovers
django-social-share       - Templatetags for 'tweet this' and 'share on facebook'
django-gearman-commands   - Django management commands for working with Gearman job server from Django framework
django-nudge              - Use Nudge to (gently) push content between Django servers
cmsplugin-text-wrapper    - A django-cms plugin which extends and replaces the shipped text plugin with simple wrapper functionalities.
django-seznam-captcha     - UNKNOWN
Django-Pushy              - Handle push notifications at scale.
django-webleads           - Django application to manage incoming leads to your website
django-dpaste             - A django pastebin application.
django-codemirror-widget  - django-codemirror-widget is Django form widget library for using CodeMirror on textarea
django-stream             - Activity stream application for Django
django-ssl-admin          - Django middleware to make the admin https only.
django-kindling           - Create nice new Django projects.
django-event-rsvp         - A reusable Django app to create event pages where users can RSVP.
django-memcache-status    - A django application that displays the load and some other statistics about your memcached instances in the admin.
django-pluggable-contact  - Pluggable contact app for Django with support for in-DB inboxes and topic-based addressing
django-photologue-addons  - An extension to the base photologue template tag set.
django-typed-models       - Sane single table model inheritance for Django
django-oscar-docdata      - Docdata Payments Gateway integration for django-oscar
django-events-watcher     - Events watcher is an event packaging library for Django to track changes made in your models.
django-subscription       - Managing subscriptions in Django
django-cachebuster        - Django 1.3 ready cache busting app
django-croppy             - Django model field to store custom image crops
django-textplusstuff      - A django field that makes it easy to intersperse 'stuff' into blocks of text.
django-smoketest          - Django smoketest framework
django-payslip            - A reusable Django app that allows you to enter salary data of your employees
so that authorized persons can view, print and export (PDF) their payslips.
django-excel-response3    - A subclass of HttpResponse which will transform a QuerySet,
or sequence of sequences, into either an Excel spreadsheet or
CSV file formatted for Excel, depending on the amount of data.
django-siteblocks         - Reusable application for Django introducing URL-dependent static and dynamic data blocks
django-google-analytics-app - Django Google Analytics app allowing for server side/non-js tracking.
django-shrink             - js compiler & css minifier with sass compatibility
django-sproutcore         - A package to help automate creation of sproutcore apps for django
django-treemenus          - Tree-structured menuing application for Django.
Django-Photofile          - Templatetags for thumbnail generation, with automatic rotation based on EXIF.Orientation. Among other things.
django-maintenancemode    - Django-maintenancemode allows you to temporary shutdown your site for maintenance work
django-pindb              - Manages master/replica pinning for django
django-neighborhoods      - Get neighborhood information for your coordinates.
django-user_agents        - A django package that allows easy identification of visitors' browser, operating system and device information (mobile phone, tablet or has touch capabilities).
django-pygmy              - UNKNOWN
django-content-category   - This django application gives category functionality. Can be used by other applications.
django-sidebar            - Dynamic Sidebar creation for Django. Easily create and manage sidebar from Django Admin.
django-emoji              - A simple django app to use emojis on your website
django-admin-timestamps   - Custom list display of model timestamps for Django Admin.
django-tidings            - Framework for asynchronous email notifications from Django
django-assist-ru          - Приложение для интеграции платежной системы ASSIST в проекты на Django.
django-publish            - cli publishing of blog articles to a django-articles blog.
django-openid-auth        - OpenID integration for django.contrib.auth
django-naremitcms-docimport - A static text file import tool for NaremitCMS
django-tabination         - A library that enables you to easily build your own tab navigation based on class based views.
django-automatic-links    - Application for Django, that allows you to adding keywords that will be automatically converted into links.
django-actualities        - A django blog app
django-classification-banner - A django app that adds classification banners to your site.
django-uwkhtmltopdf       - A Django app to generate pdfs from templates using wkhtmltopdf
django-chalk              - Simple reStructuredText blogging for Django
django-formrenderingtools - Template-based rendering of Django forms layouts (not widgets).
django-gift-registry      - A minimal wedding registry or gift registry app.
django-simplestatic       - A highly opinionated drop-in library for static file management in Django
django-sendsms            - A simple API to send SMS messages.
django-admin-import       - Import tool attachable to almost every Django admin
django-concepts           - django-concepts
django-minimizer          - Django application for minimizing static files and using simple html5 template
 with jQuery and modernizr.
django-database-size      - Monitor the size of database tables from Django admin.
django-cachedpaginator    - Paginator that caches pages automatically.
django-threadedcomments   - A simple yet flexible threaded commenting system.
django-template-i18n-lint - Lint tool to find non-trans/blocktrans text in django templates
django-balancer           - A set of tools for using Django's multi-db feature to balance database requests
django-twittersync        - Django app to sync Twitter stream to local DB.
django-google-storage     - Django storage for Google Storage
django-prefetch           - Generic model related data prefetch framework for Django
django-yaba               - Yet Another Blog Application
autoblocks                - Place arbitrary django-cms placeholders into templates
django-app-skeleton       - A basic skeleton and script to make a packageable django application
django-glossary           - A simple glossary system for Django-powered sites
django-leads              - An easy, functional and customizable lead page for your next big thing, ready to use in your django project.
django-configfield        - A new model and form field flexible for schema changes, stored as JSON in database.
django-uwsgi-cache        - uWSGI Django cache backend
django-report-scaffold    - Create streamlined and flexible reporting tools for your end uesrs. Report scaffold is not a drop in application but a framework for creating reporting tools. Think of it like django admin.
django-odnoklassniki-photos - Django implementation for odnoklassniki Photo and Album API
django-designer           - Django template renderer for designers
cmsplugin-simple-markdown - A plugin for django-cms that provides just a markdown plugin and nothing more.
django-auth-kerberos      - Kerberos authentication backend for Django
django-cms-ajax-text-plugin - UNKNOWN
django-misc               - Django miscellaneous - module with different useful stuff for django. 
Here you'll find: 
- couple decorators, like render_to and receive; 
- json_encode module for simplify work with json; 
- some usefull templatetags, like set, filter, get etc; some additional utilities; 
- bbcode template tags; 
- template tags that provide like and share for social sevices.
django-rest-framework-proxy - Django Rest Framework Proxy allows easy proxying of incoming REST requests
blanc-django-admin-skin   - Blanc Admin Skin for Django
django-preventconcurrentlogins - Django middleware that prevents multiple concurrent logins.
django-wikiapp            - A simple pluggable wiki application for Django with revision and multiple markup support.
django-icetea             - REST API Framework
django-social-launch      - Social sign up page for Django.
django-chimpusers         - Integrate Django users with a MailChimp mailing list.
django-browser-info       - Django middleware and view decorator to add browser info to the request object
cmsplugin-nextlink        - This is a link plugin for django-cms 2.2
django-tinyschedule       - A small package for managing schedules in Django
django-simple-plugins     - A simple yet powerful and configurable tool for adding plugins to your Django project.
django-ordered-model      - Allows Django models to be ordered and provides a simple admin interface for reordering them.
django-responsive         - Utilities for building responsive websites in Django.
django-spreadsheet-reports - Automates the tasks of producing simple reports from Django models.
django-js-routing         - Expose your Django routes to JavaScript
django-caldav             - CalDAV implementation for Django offering Feed interface
django-search-forms       - Search forms for django
django-genericadmin       - Adds support for generic relations within Django's admin interface.
django-immutablemodel     - A base class for Django to allow immutable fields on Models
django-sse                - HTML5 Server-Side Events for Django 1.3+
django-ticker             - A simple Django app for newsticker with a row level permission based workflow.
django-ratelimit          - Cache-based rate-limiting for Django.
django-mediasync          - Django static media development and distribution tools
django-ckeditor-enhanced  - django-ckeditor-updated with codesnippet plugin support
django-flux               - locally fetch, store, and present social media flux
django-appengine-auth     - django-appengine-auth is an extension to django-social-auth with a backend for the Google App Engine OAuth endpoint
django-oscar-sagepay      - This package provides integration between django-oscar and the payment gateway SagePay UK
django-nested-formset     - Nest Django formsets for multi-level hierarchical editing
django-paynova            - Python client for Paynova's API. For Django framework.
django-multidb-router     - Round-robin multidb router for Django.
django-email-hijacker     - Email Hijacker for Django
django-invoice            - Django invoicing app.
django-ccsitemaps         - A static sitemap generator for Django
django-djaboto            - A Django app and assorted tools to help create, deploy and manage Django projects on AWS servers
django-buzz               - Django app to find What is hot and buzzing in a topic.
Django-Next-Please        - Simple Pagination Decorator for Django.
django-socialprofile      - django-socialprofile enables users to manage their user profile built by logging in via a social     service such as Google, Twitter, or Facebook. It relies on python-socialauth.
django-disposable-email-checker - Python class for use with Django to detect Disposable Emails
django-fiat               - A simple django app that makes it easier to work with currencies and countries
django-tapatalk           - DjangoBB Tapatalk implementation
django-chimps             - Django app to allow users to subscribe to MailChimp lists.
django-stdfields          - Extra model and form fields for Django: minutes and enumerations
django-globetrotter       - Extra i18n + l10n tools for Django
django-bootstrap-sass     - Bootstrap sass file for django
django-skypehub           - Skype API bridge for Django
django-tenant-templates   - Tenant-aware templating for Django.
django-shop-richcatalog   - Rich catalog functionality for django shop.
django-remotestorage      - Unhosted remoteStorage server app for django
django-nicedit            - Nicedit widget for django with image upload feature.
django-webp               - django webp
django-nonrel-enuff       - Crutch for SQL users
django-geoaware           - A Django application that can include GeoIP info in session and/or context.
django-localdevstorage    - A Django storage backend for local development that downloads files from the live site on the fly.
dreipol-django-fagungis   - DJANGO + FAbric + GUnicorn + NGInx + Supervisor deployment for dreipol
django-indexer            - Key/Value Indexer
django-appengine-toolkit  - Deploy Django projects on Google App Engine with ease
django-kitsune            - A Django Admin app to perform host server monitoring.
django-zodb               - Using Django and ZODB together
django-staticflatpages    - like flatpages, but with templates.
django-remote-auth-ldap   - REMOTE_USER authentication using LDAP
django-plist              - Django app for serializing objects into Cocoa Property List XML
django-sslify-admin       - Force SSL on your Django admin site.
cmsplugin-pdf             - A reusable Django app to add PDFs to Django-CMS.
django-roa                - Turn your models into remote resources that you can access through Django's ORM.
django-filemanager        - Template for reusable django applications.
django-redis-sessions     - Redis Session Backend For Django
django-public-project     - CMS for building an information website around public projects
django-compat             - For- and backwards compatibility layer for Django 1.4 to 1.8
django-client-errors      - Automatic javascript error tracking with browser and device information.
django-admin-utils        - Utility code and patterns.
django-objectdump         - Export one or more objects and their related objects. Allows for fine-tuned control over which related objects are exported.
django-earthdistance      - Add support for PostgreSQL earthdistance extension to Django
django-admin2             - An introspective interface for Django's ORM.
django-qourisman          - A collection of Django admin extensions
django-modeler            - Generate django ORM code from object instances (great for testing)
django-reviews            - Generic reviews for Django.
django-seo-cascade        - Django SEO manager. Automatic sitemap generation, cascading meta tag blocks, and overrides via the django admin.
django-csv-importer       - Convert csv files into python object or django model
django-markupmirror       - Django field and widget for editing markup content (PlainText, HTML,Markdown, reStructuredText, Textile) using the CodeMirror editor withlive preview.
scielo-django-extensions  - Extensions commonly used in SciELO for bibliographic metadata management.
django-optimizations      - A utility library for Django aimed at improving website performance.
django-transactional-cleanup - Deletes old files on transaction commit.
django-typogrify          - Make type not look like crap (for django apps)
django-markdown-shortcodes - Utility adding WordPress-like shortcodes for Markdown authoring in Django.
django-sitecats           - Django reusable application for content categorization.
django-getenv             - Read settings from environment variables.
django-smarter            - Smarter declarative style generic views for Django.
django-ignoretests        - Ignore tests of given django apps
django-account-keeping    - A reusable Django app for keeping track of transactions in your bank accounts.
django-tagging            - Generic tagging application for Django
django-separatedvaluesfield - Custom field for Django to separate multiple values in database with a separator and retrieve them as list
django-fixture-magic      - A few extra management tools to handle fixtures.
django-pstore             - Python Protected Password Store server application
django-nanolog            - A simple Django app to manage simple logs.
django-shop-simplecategories - A simple to use product categories module for django SHOP
django-api-docs           - Interactive API Documentation
django-shop-richproduct   - Rich product functionality for django shop.
django-alo-forms          - Add additional logic to your Django forms
django-password-strength  - This package contains an extention of the Django password widget including a password strength meter and crack time powered by zxcvbn.
django-generic-m2m        - relate anything to anything
django-fab                - Common methods to help create fabric deplopment scripts for django
django-cloak              - App for Django to cloak as a user, or generate a login link
django-maja-newsletter    - A Django app for sending newsletter by email to a contact list.
django-contact-form-gv    - Django Contact Form using class based views.
cmsplugin-bootstrap-carousel - Bootstrap carousel plugin for django-cms
django-charting           - Charts for Django made simple
django-cloudslave         - Create, use and destroy temporary slaves in the cloud
django-signature          - Django application to generate and sign Models.
django-abo                - Recurring payment / subscription handling for Django, supporting different payment gateways
django-mako               - Django Mako
django-draft              - Drafts for django admin
django-radio              - This app provides an easy way to set up your radio
django-registration       - An extensible user-registration application for Django
django-netfields          - Django PostgreSQL netfields implementation
django-subscribe          - A simple subscription app for Django. Allows a user to subscribe to any object.
django-instagram-api      - Django implementation for instagram API
django-batchform          - Fill a batch of django forms from an uploaded file.
django-deep-serializer    - Serialize/Deserialize an object and its relations through class definitions
django-venezuela          - Aplicación en Django que contiene los modelos de estados, ciudades, municipios y parroquias de Venezuela.
django-auth-abakus        - A django auth module that can be used to to authenticate users against the API of abakus.no.
django-randomslugfield    - A Django field that automatically generates random slugs.
django-hierarchy          - A library for storing trees in the Django ORM.
django-domains            - An application that allows you to run many different sites on one Django instance
django-profilebase        - Tools for building a custom Profile class with authentication
django-tastypiedoc        - A simple Django app to explore tastypie APIs.
django-xmlrpc             - XML-RPC Server App for the Django framework.
django-print-settings     - print_settings management command for Django
django-pylibmc            - Django cache backend using pylibmc
django-epic               - A Django app to manage electronic parts inventories for PCB manufacturing.
django-thumbor            - A django application to resize images using the thumbor service
django-html5-mobile-boilerplate - A framework that includes the Django HTML5 boilerplate template into your django project and augments it with mobile support.
redsolutioncms.django-server-config - Useful for deploy server installation. 
Adds management command to make configs for your project. 
Automatically recognizes media directories in 3-party applications
django-isitup             - A simple reusable application for managing a small orgs governance in a Django application.
django-historylinks       - Automatic SEO-friendly HTTP 301 redirects if the URL of a Django model changes.
django-counter            - 
django-devsafe            - Safely work with a production database in an insecure environment.
django-pjaxr              - Django extension to use jquery-pjaxr easily!
django-multiblogs         - An application for managing multiple blogs, and even *gasp* blog "sets".
django-scrypt             - A Scrypt-enabled password hasher for Django 1.4/1.5
django-webmap-corpus      - Corpus for making web map applications.
django-digg-paginator     - Digg-like Paginator from Django Snippets
django-uuidfield-2        - UUIDField for django models
django-bootstrap-static-files - Twitter bootstrap static files for Django.
django-settingsjs         - Configurable Javascript settings in Django.
django-urls-sugar         - A library for making complex urls in Django easier.
django-site-status        - A simple Django app to issue site wide alerts
django-kerberos           - Kerberos authentication for Django
emencia-django-staticpages - This is a simple Django app to publish some pages directly from templates
django-insert-above       - These django templatetags is a hack making possible to insert "content" in some (maybe above the current or parent template) places.
django-email-users        - Stock user app but without usernames
django-whatever           - Unobtrusive test models creation for django.
django-staticpreprocessor - Pre-process static files in Django
django-web-utils          - Django helpers for working with the web.
django-limbo              - This is a long list of libraries I have used in almost all of my projects.
    This also includes altered code from django snippets and code I have copied directly from others.
geonode-announcements     - Fork of pinax/django-announcements. Announcements for your Django powered website.
django-twitterbootstrap-form - Render Django forms as described using the twitter bootstrap HTML layout
django-crocodoc           - Django app for integrating with CrocoDoc
django-google-oauth       - Django Integration for Google+ OAuth2
django-inplaceedit-bootstrap - Integration of django-inplaceedit and bootstrap
django-emailer            - Template based email sending with SMTP connection management
django-critic             - A rating application.
django-thumbnail-maker    - Thumbnail maker for Django
django-pseudo-cms         - A Simple application to help add dynamic content to pages.
django-simple-feedback-collector - A simple feedback collector for Django
django-redator            - Django Redator (sic) is a application for the Django Web Framework to help you integrate Redactor <http://imperavi.com/redactor/>, a beautiful and easy-to-use WYSIWYG HTML editor, into your projects.
django-email-obfuscator   - A Django template filter to protect email addresses from     crawlers.
django-fresh-media        - Reusable Django application that helps you to deliverfresh media files, even if their expiry period is really long. To do this,the application provides a template tag that adds a small hash to the URLof each served file. This hash depends on the file metadata or content,so if it is changed, the hash will be changed too.
django-test-autocomplete  - A shell-autocomplete helper that list TestCases and tests
django-sortable-listview  - An extension of django's ListView that provides sorting
django-generic-aggregation - annotate() and aggregate() for generically related data
django-good-choices       - Simple and convenient approach to "choices" in Django
django-oot                - Django application to export content to OpenOffice documents
django-genshi             - Django integration for Genshi
django-primary-filters    - django-primary-filters provides some extra filters that are often needed by Django projects.
django-infuse             - A series of class based view mixins.
django-pipeline-compass   - django-pipeline compiler for scss and with compass. Does not require the ruby gem.
redsolutioncms.django-page-cms - A tree based Django CMS application
django-social-widgets     - Django app for easy embedding social network widgets and plugins into your site. Supports Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest.
django-master-linter      - django master linter
django-url-reduce         - A Django pluggable app that automatically generates and injects shortlinks into your webpages.
django-rainbowtests       - A colorful Django Test Runner.
django-email-confirm-la   - Django email confirmation for any Model and any Field.
django-taggit-live        - It's an autocomplete widget for django-taggit TagField
templer.django-project-app - Templer extension for creating Django applications within projects.
django-licensing          - A Django model and data for adding licensing info to data.
django-unity-asset-server-http-client - REST-api bases over unity asset server for some routines.
django-yacon              - Django based Content Managment building framework
django-stampu             - Convert your django sites into static content
django-formfield          - django-formfield
django-modeltranslation-wrapper - Wrapper around modeltranslation package, adding nice features.
django-css                - django-css provides an easy way to use CSS compilers with Django projects, and an automated system for compressing CSS and JavaScript files
django-ios-notification   - A Django Application for contacting the Apple Push Service and maintaining a list of iOS devices.
django-informant          - Simple newsletter application for Django framework.
django-mass-post-office   - Mass Post Office
zinnia-theme-bootstrap    - Bootstrap theme for django-blog-zinnia
django-appengine-utils    - Helpers for working with Django and Google App Engine.
django-emailtools         - App for Django featuring class based email sending
django-redactoreditor     - Integrates the Redactor Javascript WYSIWYG editor with Django.
django-bmf                - Business Management Framework with integrated ERP solution written for django
django-rest-framework-nested-resource - DRF view mixin for nested resources
django-settings-view-as-json - View Django Settings at a URL
django-ide                - A Django app to develop Django apps
cmsplugin-tabs            - A simple tabs plugin for django-cms
django-geodz              - A simple django app that provides out of the box algerian province and municipality models and their respective data fixtures.
django-rest-utils         - Utils to help building a REST API with django-rest-framework
Django-Bootstrap3-Validator - BootstrapValidator support for Django projects
django-dirtyfields        - Tracking dirty fields on a Django model instance
django-softmachine        - CeRTAE SoftMachine est une application web qui consiste à réaliser les interfaces d’une application par la construction de vues à partir d’un modèle de données normalisée.
django-ormcache           - ORM cache for Django
django-on-call            - Point website users at configurable on-call administrators
django-ember              - Django Ember.js integration
django-cloud-browser      - Django Cloud Browser application.
django-db-call            - UNKNOWN
django-facebook-pages-statistic - Application for storing Facebook Pages statistic for different timesnaps
django-pressroom          - A pressroom application for django.
django-response-helpers   - A helper application for working with Django Responses
django-form-models        - Sample models for modelling django forms and fields, and integrate with crispy forms layout.
django-taggit-autocomplete-modified - DESCRIPTION_DESCRIPTION_DESCRIPTION
django-pingback           - Pingback client/server implementation for Django framework.
django-hotrunner          - HotRunner is a Django test runner with useful features, like excluding apps and displaying running times of individual tests.
django-quiz-app           - A configurable quiz app for Django.
django-actions            - UNKNOWN
django-input-mask         - JavaScript input masks for Django
django-revuo              - Simple CMS django app
django-bootstrap-staticfiles - Django app that provides compiled Bootstrap assets
django-relatives          - Utilities for linking to related objects in Django admin
django-rest-encrypted-lookup - Replace Rest Framework's IntegerField pk or id lookups with encrypted strings.
django-cookie-law-nl      - Django specific cookie implementation compliant with Dutch law, use at your own risk.
django-rss-widget         - Django RSS Widget
django-zap                - Automate the destruction and re-creation of django databases
django-cc                 - Django wallet for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
django-dashing-custom-torsten - A simple Django dashboard app to visualize interesting data about your project. Custom for testing by Torsten Feld
django-navtag             - A simple Django navigation template tag
django-smartadmin         - Django ModelAdmin for the lazy.
django-ga-puller          - Django app used to pull daily Google Analytics data into your django database.
django-bootstrap3-sass    - A simple Django app to import bootstrap3-sass.
django-simple-select      - An autocompleting select widget for Django
django-shop-categories    - A extendable category app using django-mptt for django-shop
django-bugtracker         - A simple Django admin-based bug tracker app.
django-sitepush           - Redeploy Django projects using management commands
django-diario             - Blog application for Django projects
django-mcfeely            - Email queuing system for django
django-chart-tools        - A thin wrapper around Google Chart API that tries not to invent a new language for describing charts.
django-mail-templated     - Send emails with Django template system
django-txtlocal           - App for sending and receiving SMS messages via http://www.textlocal.com
django-custom-user        - Custom user model for Django >= 1.5 with the same behaviour as Django's default User but with email instead of username.
django-databrowse         - Databrowse is a Django application that lets you browse your data.
django-classy-settings    - Simple class-based settings for Django
django-debug-toolbar-line-profiler - A panel for django-debug-toolbar that integrates information from line_profiler
django-googlesearch       - Django Google linked custom search engine app.
django-helper             - A set of useful function/tags/filter for Django.
django-taggit-machinetags - Machine tagging built upon django-taggit
djangocms-css-background  - A django-cms plugin which allow you to edit css background image or color from the edit mode
django-insight            - Records and displays registration origin stats.
django-blarg              - Django 404 and 500 pages the blarg way.
django-cbv-formpreview    - Django's FormPreview updated to use class based views.
django-dropboxchooser-field - Dropbox chooser field for django
django-model-i18n         - django-model-i18n is a django application that tries to make multilingual data in models less painful.
django-encode             - Django media encoding.
django-auto-api           - Web APIs for Django, with one line of code.
django-flexisettings      - Django flexible settings with running environment support, separate security files and project layout detection.
django-icybackup          - A Django database/media backup tool with Amazon Glacier and local folder support
django-modelclone         - Django application that allows users to clone a model in Admin
django-google-maps        - Plugs google maps V3 api into Django admin.
django-password-reset-fc  - Class-based views for password reset.
django-tracking           - Basic visitor tracking and blacklisting for Django
django-generate-scaffold  - Generate a Django model, views, URLconf, and templates on the command line in seconds.
django-xadmin-extras      - Extensions for django-xadmin
django-snakeoil           - Simple Django SEO module
django-mobile-framework   - Contains models to help developers create mobile application backends
cmsplugin-newsplus        - Simple news plugin for django-cms 3.x
django-jsonapi            - Non-prohibitive, JSON API library for Django.
django-settings           - Simple django reusable application for storing project settings in database.
django-startcbv           - Management command to start an app with class-based views.
dzenlog-text              - This is a simple application for textual blog, based on the django-dzenlog application.
django-sniplates          - Efficient template macro sets for Django
django-zoneke-contrib     - Django Contrib
django-ipauth             - IP Authentication for Django
django-googlemap          - django-googlemap is a simple Django app to show the google map from ip addresses.
django-pesapal            - A django port of pesapal payment gateway
django-storages-redux     - Support for many storages (S3, MogileFS, etc) in Django.
django-money-rates        - Currency conversion for money
django-config             - An architecture for maintaining multiple settings files in Django
django-outbox             - Django Outbox is an app that enable you to see the emails sent by your project through the web browser.
django-dev                - Tools to facilitate application development for Django
django-offsite-storage    - Cloud static and media file storage suitable for app containers
django-watermark          - Quick and efficient way to apply watermarks to images in Django.
django-extended-image-field - Django Image Field with thumbnails creator
django-mantis-openioc-importer - An OpenIOC import module for the  Mantis Cyber Threat Intelligence Mgmt. Framework.
django-email-user-model   - Django custom user model that enable E-Mail as username
django-activatable-model  - Django Activatable Model
django-login-as           - Django Login As any user
django-theherk-article    - django CMS plugin to post a simple article
django-urldecorators      - Django-urldecorators is a reusable Django application which allows apply view decorators and middleware components depending on requested url.
django-pdfy               - <Include a description of your project>
django-internationalflavor - Complementing django-localflavor with fields that are applicable to multiple countries
django-firebird           - Firebird backend for Django 1.6.
django-socialtext         - Django application to integrate Socialtext into your project.
django_couchdb_utils      - django-couchdb-utils provide implementations for various Django backend
(auth, sessions, cache, etc) that use CouchDB (through couchdbkit) instead of
the relational databases supported by Django's ORM.
django-tailordev-contact  - Django TailorDev Contact  A simple contact form for your django projects.
django-detective          - Django app that tracks all user requests.
django-testclient-extensions - Extensions to Django's built-in test client.
django-timecode           - Provides classes for working with timecodes (as used in the video industry).
django-dowser             - Django fork of amazing memory leaks tracking application for python wsgi - the Dowser
django-reminders          - a user reminder app for site builders to guide users through completion of activities
django-websettings        - Django application to provide a web interface to set a yet another django's settings
django-discover-jenkins   - A minimal fork of django-jenkins designed to work with the discover runner, made with simplicity in mind
django-linked-accounts    - Link third-party service accounts to Django accounts.
django-cms-jplayer        - Django-CMS JPlayer Plugin
django-dual-authentication - Allows authentication with either a username or an email address.
django-turbolinks         - Drop-in turbolinks implementation for Django
django-testmaker          - A package to help automate creation of testing in Django
django-forge              - A Django implementation of the Puppet Forge API.
django-messages-extends   - A Django app for extends Django's messages framework, adds sticky messages and persistent messages
django-test-utilities     - Additional test functionality useful within Django
djangotoolbox             - Djangotoolbox for Django-nonrel
django-notes              - A simple reusable app to add notes to various models
django-bundledmedia       - Django application for adding compressed CSS and JS files in some prepared slots
django-longliving         - A framework for long-living worker processes for Django using redis
django-lockdown           - Lock down a Django site or individual views, with configurable preview authorization
django-zotero             - Django tool to tag objects and export them to Zotero
django-requestrepeat      - A django app that repeats one http POST into several.
django-crossdb            - Tools for enabling Django models to relate to each other across databases.
Django-LocationBase       - Reusable app for handling locations including longitude/latitude, location picking in admin and template tags for static map images.
django-smart-load-tag     - An attempt to bring namespaces and more control to Django's {% load %} tag.
django-pagination         - django-pagination
django-reportengine       - A Django app for building and integrating reports into your Django project.
django-trustpay           - Django app for Trustpay payment gateway API.
cmsplugin-accordion       - django-cms plugin that allow to create accordions on the frontend.
django-smsaero            - A simple Django app for send SMS via smsaero.ru.
django-fs-trumbowyg       - Trumbowyg (WYSIWYG editor) integration app for Django admin.
django-aesfield           - Django Model Field that supports AES encryption
django-layers-hr          - Serve different templates and static files for eg. mobi and web. Layers can be stacked to enable resource re-use.
django-trello-webhooks    - Django Trello Webhooks - Trello callback integration for Django.
django-minipg             - Yet another Django PostgreSQL database backend for minipg
django-tag-tools          - Tag cloud for django tagging and django-taggit.
django-pjm                - A Django app for managing public PJM energy pricing data.
django-publicmanager      - Custom managers that handle public availability of database objects.
drf-compound-fields       - Django-REST-framework serializer fields for compound types.
django-simple-resizer     - A simple image resizer
django-assets             - Asset management for Django, to compress and merge CSS and Javascript files.
django-unixdatetimefield  - UnixDateTimeField in Django
django-spillway           - Geodata extensions for Django REST Framework
django-session-csrf-per-view - CSRF protection for Django without cookies.
django-atlas              - Geolocation models, data and tools using GeoDjango
django-reports            - Django framework for writing reporting tools
django-logstream          - Multiprocess log collector for python/django-logging
django-livefield          - Convenient soft-deletion support for Django models
django-sitemenu           - Nested menu for django projects.
django-pdf-tables         - A Django app for processing PDF documents with tables
django-threaded-multihost - Django Threaded Multihost
django-sprites            - Django app models to handle image sprites to speed up page loads that have multiple small images.
django-juno-testrunner    - A more useful (and slightly more glamorous) test runner for Django 1.6+ from the folks at YunoJuno
django-markwhat           - A collection of template filters that implement
     common markup languages.
django-nuages-tag         - A simple Django TemplateTag (compute_tag_cloud) to help in the creation of tag clouds.
django-contentrelations   - Allows connecting any object to any other object and unifying the interface between all the objects.
django-pycharm-debug-middleware - A django middleware to debug exceptions in PyCharm's PyDev debugger
django-currency-exchange  - Django Foreign Exchange
django-postageapp-backend - Postageapp email backend for Django framework
django-ci                 - Django continuous integration and testing
django-oembed             - A collection of Django tools which make it easy to changetext filled with oembed links into the embedded objects themselves.
django-jsdir              - Eases the management of JS files in a django app
django-translator         - Translator is an app for collecting translations for specified keys in django admin.
django-xross              - Reusable application for Django nicely bridging client and server sides.
django-uploadstatic       - A Django app that provides helpers for uploading static files.
django-sermon             - A simple reusable application for managing sermons in a Django application.
django-tastypie-extendedmodelresource - An extension of TastyPie's ModelResource to easily support nested resources, and more.
django-pikaday            - A simple app that provides easy integration with the Pikaday Datepicker
django-couchdb-cache      - CouchDB cache application for Django
django-dingos             - A Django app that provides a generic framework for managing structured information in a generic way.
django-feedback-form2     - Put short description here...
django-celery-with-mongodb - Bundle installing the dependencies for Django-Celery and MongoDB
django-highlightjs        - A Django app to easy integrate highlight.js syntax highlighter.
django-sms-support        - SMS support for OnaData.
django-testing-base       - Simple Django testing base classes and patterns
cmsplugin-pygments        - django-cms plugin for pygments
django-zeropush           - ZeroPush iOS push notifications support for django
django-testproject        - Universal project for running unit tests of Django applications
django-distributedlock    - UNKNOWN
django-template-finder    - Simple Django utility that allows you to find templates with names matching given pattern
Django-hotsauce           - Scalable and heterogeneous web toolkit sitting on top of Django and others
django-extra-cbv          - Extra class based views for Django
django-jquery-ui          - jQuery UI packaged in a django app to speed up new applications and deployment.
django-session-csrf       - CSRF protection for Django without cookies.
django-localflavor-sl     - Slovenian Django localflavor
django-shop-simplevariations - A simple to use product variations module for django SHOP
django-sshkey             - Associates multiple SSH public keys with Django user accounts.
django-ssh                - A basic Django app for storing SSH keys
django-multiple-email-backends - Want to send through more than one interface? E.g. SMTP and database? This is your solution
django-save-form          - Encapsulate the common workflow of saving a form if submitted, displaying it if not.
django-weeny              - Small and simple URL shortener app for Django.
django-usersettings2      - The missing extension to the Django “sites” framework, use it to store additional information for your Django-powered sites.
django-tethys_compute     - A Django app for adding computing resources admin controls to Tethys .
django-paintstore         - A Django app that integrates jQuery ColorPicker with the Django admin.
django-ga-mail            - A reusable Django app that sends google analytics report by email.
django-pico               - A Django wrapper for the Pico web app framework
django-south-central      - Application state migration tool, inspired by South
django-meetup             - General purpose tool to sync a local database with Meetup.com content
django-url-breadcrumbs    - a generic app to provide a simple breadcrumbs functionality in django projects
django-api-auth           - django-api-auth leverages tokens for authentication and was built for use with the Angular HTTP Auth Interceptor
django-simple-polymorph   - A simple utility to polymorph inherited models
django-social-auth3       - Django social authentication made simple. Python 3 support fork.
django-staticmediamgr     - A Django app to copy static media files over to a remote place, optionally minifying css and js.
django-cms-lite           - Simple Django CMS with very limited functionality.
django-arrow-field        - Django arrow datetime field
django-mail-utils         - Django mail mixins and utilities
django-userpref           - Django user preferences
django-socket-server      - Django Socket Server
django-image-loupe        - A high resolution image manager for pan and zooming into images
django-multiforloop       - UNKNOWN
redsolutioncms.django-trusted-html - Perhaps the best in the world HTML validator.
ella-taggit               - django-taggit wrapper for Ella CMS
django-sld                - A simple django library that generates SLD documents from geographic models.
django-mininews           - Boilerplate for creating publishable lists of objects
django-easyfilters-ex     - Easy creation of link-based filtering for a list of Django model objects.
django-markup             - A generic Django application to convert text with specific markup to html.
django-simple-aes-field   - A SimpleAES encoded field for Django.
django-languages-plus     - A django model & fixture containing common languages and culture codes
django-simple-settings    - A very simple settings configurable in Django Admin Panel.
django-nani               - Multilingual database contents for Django
django-awesome-snippets   - A decorator to generate and cache html snippets
django-chatterbox         - Social listening made easy
django-activelink         - A Django template library for checking whether the current page matches a given URL. Useful for highlighting active links in menus.
django-easy-reports       - Django reporting library
django-admin-approx-count - A dirty mixin to rescue from dumb count(*) query of Django admin
django-simple-templates   - Easy, designer-friendly templates and A/B testing friendly tools for Django.
django-pyodbc-gis         - GIS support for SQL Server, on top of django-pyodbc-azure
django-selectize          - django-selectize is a Django app based on Selectize.js that help you to create Select and Multiselect widgets in Django forms.
django-organice           - All-in-one collaboration solution providing an intuitive, consistent user experience.
django-redirects-hvad     - A modified version of django.contrib.redirects with multilingual target URLs
asheeshs-django-optimizer - A pretend Django optimizer for use in a web security tutorial
django-clicky             - Clicky analytics for Django projects
django-extra_keywords     - Extra gettext keywords handling in Django
django-formwizard         - A FormWizard for Django with multiple storage backends
django-bmemcached         - A Django cache backend to use bmemcached module which supports memcached binary protocol with authentication.
django-rest-serializer-field-permissions - Field-by-field serializer permissions for Django Rest Framework.
django-sql-stacktrace     - Pluggable application, which puts a python stack trace in the SQL query as a comment (useful for debugging)
django-appcore            - Reusable useful tools for Django 1.5+ application programming.
django-imagequery         - Image manipulation written like well known QuerySet operations
django-objectpermissions  - A method for adding object-level or row-level permissions
django-admin-jqueryui     - Simply adds a jquery ui to the admin panel
django-pagebase           - Pages for Django
django-dropbox-redux      - A Django App that contains a Django Storage which uses Dropbox with Python3 support.
django-livereload         - LiveReload with the Django development server
django-queued-storage     - Provides a proxy for Django storage backends that allows you to upload files locally and eventually serve them remotely
django-qrcode             - Django application that provides simple templatetags to generate QR-codes
django-rte                - Rich text editor for Django
django-admin-generator    - Django Admin Generator is a management command to
automatically generate a Django `admin.py` file for given apps/models.
django-frontend-template  - A basic Django template built on HTML5 Boilerplate.
django-poll-system        - The application to organize polling (or voting) on your site.
django-smorgasbord        - transparent support for multiple templating languages in Django
django-crowdsourced-fields - A reusable Django app that allows to mark certain fields of your models as
masterdata. Users would still be able to enter their own values but the app
will map them to unique instances. Admin staff is able to review all user
generated entriesand mark them as approved.
django-privacy            - Reusable Django app to add privacy settings to fields and/or objects.
django-entity-history     - History about Django Entities
django-userswitch         - A quick 'n' dirty Django app for switching between different users while testing
django-template-server    - Makes it easy to test Django templates
django-heroku-redisify    - Friendly Redis for Django on Heroku
django-filebrowser-no-grappelli-nph - Media-Management
django-paginator-plus     - Want to save the url params and get a format page_range?This package save extra data to django paginator. Useful when url has params.
django-generic-filters    - Easy filters for your Generic ListView with Django.
django-passwords          - A Django reusable app that provides validators and a form field that checks the strength of a password
django-wham               - Rest APIs disguised as Django ORM Models
django-swaps              - Django-swaps is a social application that allows users of a Django site to swap anything for anything with each other.
django-mynewsdesk         - Django package for MyNewsDesk API
django-theherk-external-urls - Django CMS plugin to allowing using external urls in the menu system.
vlk-django-jsonfield      - A model JSONField with an integrated form for django.
django-userprofiles       - Registration, e-mail verifications and profiles.
django-environ            - Django-environ allows you to utilize 12factor inspired environment
variables to configure your Django application.
django-email-bandit       - django-email-bandit is a Django email backend for hijacking email sending in a test environment.
django-attach             - Django admin plugin for attaching files to model instances with multiple file selection support
django-autoslug-field     - AutoSlugField for Django based on django-extensions AutoSlugField, adds option to track foreignkey/parent field for slug.
django-smart-selects-generic - Django application to handle chained generic model fields.
django-email-change       - django-email-change adds support for email address change and confirmation.
redsolutioncms.django-chunks - Parts of reusable content across your site. Usable for validation meta codes, 
analytics codes, phone numbers, addresses and so on.
django-ftpserver          - FTP server application for Django.
django-templatetag-handlebars - Easily embed Handlebars.js templates in your django templates
django-ganalytics         - Simple Google Analytics integration for Django.
django-loginurl           - Allowing an anonymous user to log in by only visiting a URL
the-real-django-wordpress-extras - A collection of non-WordPress extensions for django-wordpress (the real one)
django-mailman            - Interface to Mailman Web-API
django-latest-tweets      - Latest Tweets for Django
django-mailgun            - A Django email backend for Mailgun
django-ajax-validation    - Provides support for doing validation using Ajax(currently with jQuery) using your existing Django forms.
django-filternaut         - Construct arbitrarily complex Django "Q" filters from flat data, such as query parameters.
django-cssmin             - CSS compression for Django.
django-singleton-admin    - This package provides a way to ensure singleton classes can 
                     only have one instance in the Django admin panel.
                     It is taken from Mezzanine by Stephen McDonald.
django-migratron          - Create and run different buckets of unordered schema and data migrations.
django-shop-sofortpayment - A Sofort Bank payment backend for django SHOP
django-casscache          - Django backend for python-casscache
django-stockandflow       - Django stock and flow tracking for business intelligence metrics
django-postgres-pebble    - First-class Postgres feature support for the Django ORM. (Pebble Branch)
django-charitychecker     - a small django app to verify information about nonprofits using their EINs
django-ajaxmiddleware     - django middleware to handle ajax requests really easily
django-faves              - Generic favorites pluggable django app
django-httplog            - Very simple http request-response log in database for debugging APIs.
django-gizmo              - 
django-template-previewer - A Django app to allow developers preview templates
django-klingon            - django-klingon is an attempt to make django model translation
    suck but with no integrations pain in your app!
djangocms-placeholder-attr - Allow you to call a plugin model attribute from a placeholder in django-cms
django-redirector         - UNKNOWN
django-sr                 - Django settings resolver.
django-url2png            - Make web page screen shots using the url2png service.
django-intruder           - Django Intruder is a simple and unobtrusive application to intercept requests. It is useful to enable and disable features, for continuous deployment purpouses.
django-denormalize        - Converts Django ORM objects into data documents, and keeps them in sync
melbdjango-joke           - Lulz
django-dynamic-models     - A Django app that enable change model fields if other other apps models
django-loaderio           - An app for adding loader.io validation tokens
django-adv-cache-tag      - An advanced template tag for caching in django : versionning, compress, partial caching, easy inheritance
django-theherk-menu-icons - Django CMS navigation modifier to attach icons to menus.
django-uocLTI             - An IMS-LTI provider interface for django apps using the ims_lti_py library, created for use within the Universitat Obert de Catalunya UOC - nfinney 2013
django-celery-with-couchdb - Bundle installing the dependencies for Django-Celery and CouchDB
django-oscar-avalara      - Avalara integration for django-oscar
django-unittest-depth     - Run django unittest recursively
django-ical               - iCal feeds for Django based on Django's syndication feed framework.
django-pandas             - Tools for working with pydata.pandas in your Django projects
django-encrypted-cookie-session - UNKNOWN
django-cmstemplates       - Efficient django template blocks implementation
django-timelog            - Performance logging middlware and analysis tools for Django
django-protractor         - Easily integrate your protractor tests with django
django-throttle           - Simple application for throttling HTTP requests to views
django-o2o_tagging        - Use this app to tag objects like you tag your friends on facebook, but using any objects as the tagger and the tagged. Think of a `User` tagging a `Friend` in a `Photo` all of them being different models.
django-after-response     - Simple asynchronous execution
django-agregador          - RSS/Atom feeds aggregator application for Django projects.
apimodel                  - API-backed Django-style model
django-model-filters      - Simple filters for generic object template blocks
django-webdav-storage     - This application allows you easily save media and static files into webdav storage
django-haweb              - A Django app which shows a web front for django-hautomation
django-rq-dashboard       - A dashboard for managing RQ in the Django admin
django-dojoserializer     - Serializes django model instances to a dojo data compatible JSON representation
django-spine              - Spine plugin for Django
django-colissimo          - Django app to get shipping prices from La Poste Colissimo
django-dslforms           - Create simple Django forms with a mini-language in your templates.
django-user-tags          - A reusable Django app that enables users of your site to tag items. Each user's
tags are separated so that the auto-suggest functionality will never suggest
tags another user has entered.
django-statomatic         - Pure Django static site generator
django-recurrence         - Django utility wrapping dateutil.rrule
django-addthis            - Simple integration of the AddThis social sharing widget in Django projects.
django-cerial             - UNKNOWN
django-custom-auth        - A simple Django app that replaces the default authentication
django-staticfiles-jquery - jQuery meets Django staticfiles
django-scraper            - Django application which crawls and downloads online content following instructions
django-gwo                - Django driven Google Website Optimizer testing
django-sorting-bootstrap  - Sorting templates API using sorting-bootstrap templatetags and Bootstrap classes.
django-shop-saferpay      - A django SHOP payment backend for SaferPay
django-classview-bootstra386 - Django-Bootstra.386 generic template with class views
django-easy-currencies    - Simple app to manage currencies conversion in Django using openexchangerates.org service.
dashboardmods             - A collection of dashboard modules for django-admin-tools
django-calaccess-parser   - A Django app to download, extract and load campaign finance and lobbying activity data from the California Secretary of State's CAL-ACCESS database
django-fhadmin            - Modifies the stock Django-Administration interface to fit our ideas a little bit better.
django-order              - Django app allowing users to manually order objects via admin.
django-user-profile       - user profile for pinterest apllication like in Django
django-dnd                - Django auth backend for populating user data using the Dartmouth Name Directory
django-webid-provider     - A reusable django app that turns any django-powered site into a WebID provider
django-auth-fogbugz       - Django FogBugz authentication backend
django-featured-item      - Mark a single record in a model as featured
django-braintree          - Django app for interacting with the braintree API
django-html_sanitizer     - Provides a set of HTML cleaning utilities for django models, forms and templates.
django-currency_rates     - Currencies & echange rates for django projects
django_popcorn            - Add-another pop-ups a la django-admin.
django-mediamosa          - Django integration support for the mediamosa api.
django-exceptions         - Django app to handle exceptions in a comfortable way
django-sql-debug          - Django Sql Debug
django-slow-log           - slow request log for django
django-advancedsearchfilter - Advanced Search Filter for Django Contrib Admin
django-cli-query          - Django management command for commandline querying
django-javascript-settings - django-javascript-settings is a Django application that provides a way of passing settings for Django applications to JavaScript.
django-subview            - Treat Django views as reusable and generic components
django-chess              - 
django-mobile-detector    - A small app to detect mobile browsers.
django-portfolio          - A simple set of abstract models and functionality to speed up the development of a portfolio type site in Django 1.3+
django-uuidfield          - UUIDField in Django
django-robust-redirects   - A more robust and feature full django redirect package
django-kombu              - Kombu transport using the Django database as a message store.
django-mptt-urls          - Django app for creating hierarchical URLs associated with django-MPTT models.
django-dbstorage          - A Django file storage backend for files in the database.
django-templatepages      - Django app for mapping URLs to templates on the filesystem
django-tenancy            - Handle multi-tenancy in Django with no additional global state using schemas.
django-simple-invoice     - Invoicing application for Django
django-sticky-uploads     - Enhanced file input widget for Django which uploads the file in the background and retains value on form errors.
django-batch-select       - batch select many-to-many and one-to-many fields (to help avoid n+1 query problem)
django-linkthru           - A riff on adzone, but without the advert cruft. Just text/images linking to arbitrary urls.
django-payment-webmoney   - WebMoney Merchant Interface support for Django.
django-crazyegg           - Crazy Egg heatmaps for Django projects
django-ldap-basic-auth    - Simple middleware that injects the Authorization header in the request after authenticating against a ldap server.
django-aislug             - Intelligent slug computing
django-changes            - A utility to store and access information about changes on objects in a Django
django-sysadmin           - Django models to make a sysadmins life easier
django-shop-ipayment      - A payment backend module for django-SHOP, using IPayment (https://ipayment.de) from the 1und1 company in Germany.
django-comments-extension - contrib.comments extensions. Currently only provides edit functionality.
cmsplugin-flickr          - flickr plugin for django-cms
django-mapped-fields      - Form fields to make it easier to map CSV or JSON files to your own models
django-methodview         - Class based HTTP method view
django-user-action-confirmation - Easy and simple way to confirm user actions in your django projects
django-youtubeembedfield  - A field that accepts regular YouTube links and saves the embed ones.
django-grunt              - Django tools for integrating Grunt into your workflow
django-initialcon         - A small django application for generating small colourful icons for users profile pictures
django-ccthumbs           - A thumbnail generating model field for Django
django-wakawaka           - A super simple wiki app written in Python using the Django Framwork
django-memoize            - An implementation of memoization technique for Django.
django-gubbins            - A collection of useful snippets for enhancing or replacing functionality within Django
django-pgmp               - Django ORM types for PostgreSQL multi-precision numeric types.
django-flat-theme         - A flat theme for Django admin interface. Modern, fresh, simple.
django-class-based-auth-views - A reimplementation of django.contrib.auth.views as class based views.
zinnia-wysiwyg-tinymce    - TinyMCE for editing entries in django-blog-zinnia
django-genericimports     - Import any CSV or XLS file regardless of data types, headers or foreignkeys.
django-email-login        - A Django application that enables you to have your users use their email address instead of their username
django-bingo              - Bingo
django-crum               - Django middleware to capture current request and user.
tivix-django-braintree    - An easy way to integrate with Braintree Payment Solutions from Django.
django-staticsite         - Django static site generator for DEBUG and production.
django-oauth-backend      - UNKNOWN
django-knockback          - A django app that contains the necessary javascript files to use knockback.js
django-cleditor           - A django form widget for CLEditor (a super clean, MIT licensed WYSIWYG HTML editor) that handles uploading
django-treenav            - Extensible, hierarchical, and pluggable navigation system for Django sites
django-image-helper       - Django helpers for working with images.
django-xliff              - XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) serializer for Django
django-forms-bootstrap    - a simple form filter for using Django forms with Bootstrap
gu-django-multihost       - A Django application/framework which allow to serve different hostnames and urlconfs in one django application instance
django-bootstrap3-datepicker - Bootstrap3 compatible datepicker for Django projects.
django-content-toolkit    - A simple Django package for model translations
django-sape               - Django + sape.ru.
django-cuser              - Middleware to make user information always available.
django-celery-with-redis  - Bundle installing the dependencies for Django-Celery and Redis
django-imger              - 
django-publications       - A Django app for managing scientific publications.
django-powerdns-dnssec    - PowerDNS administration app for Django
django-xhtml2pdf          - A Django app to generate pdfs from templates
django-auth-iam           - Django authentication backend using Amazon IAM
django-selector           - django urls helper based on wsgi selector
django-sitemetrics        - Reusable application for Django providing easy means to integrate site metrics counters into your sites
django-navigen            - Dynamic navigation menu generation for django.
django-configstore        - An application to allow for other apps to easily store site based configurations
django-report-tools       - Class-based reports for elegant data views.
django-vernissage         - An extremely simple dynamic TemplateView for django
cmsplugin-viadeo-resume   - Viadeo resume plugin for django-cms 2.2
django-werkzeug-debugger-runserver - Replaces Django's runserver command with one that includes the Werkzeug debugger (shamelessly ripped out of django-extensions)
django-autoroot           - automaticly creates `root` user after syncdb if not exists
django-api                - Specify and validate your Django APIs
django-tldap              - High level python LDAP Library
django-softdelete         - Soft delete support for Django ORM, with undelete.
django-paymaster          - Application for integration PayMaster payment system in Django projects.
django-ooyala             - A django library for interacting with the Ooyala video platform
django-debugmail          - Debug based e-mail backend.
django-toolware           - A utility application that offers the most commonly-used tools.
django-parallelized_querysets - Spread Django QuerySets on multiple cores with low memory usage.
django-teamwork           - Django app that offers an authorization backend with support for per-object permissions based on combinations of Teams, Roles, and Policies.
django-sms                - A Django app for sending SMS with interchangable backends.
django-log-request-id     - Django middleware and log filter to attach a unique ID to every log message generated as part of a request
django-rest-framework-social-oauth2 - UNKNOWN
django-commando           - A declarative API for writing, overriding and sequencing Django management commands
django-sharepoint-auth    - Authenticate users using SharePoint.
django-spectacles         - Tools for BDD built on top of django's  unit testing framework
django-grappelli-extensions - Extensions for Grappelli Admin interface
django-smart-extends      - This application is useful when you want to overwrite a template of a application in your project. Currently this in Django produce infinite recursion
django-notifications-hq   - GitHub notifications alike app for Django.
django-fanout             - Fanout.io library for Django
django-audited-models     - An abstract base class providing automatic creator/editor/datetime_created/datetime_modified fields.
django-celery-with-beanstalk - Bundle installing the dependencies for Django-Celery and Beanstalk
cmsapp-rt                 - This package contains one app (including a context processor and example template) to help your Django-CMS project work with Twitter Bootstrap
anderson.django-custom-user - UNKNOWN
django-forms-ajaxified    - A reusable Django app that allows to load and submit forms via AJAX.
django-qartez             - Additional XML sitemap functionality for Django
django-kissmetrics        - Tool for working with KISSmetrics in Django.
django-media-tree         - Django Media Tree is a Django app for managing your website's media files in a folder tree, and using them in your own applications.
django-responsive-dfp     - Responsive ads using mediaquery for dfp.
django-monkey-team        - Django middleware that displays debug tracebacks on production sites (where you would have `DEBUG = False`) only to developers.
django-courriers          - A generic application to manage your newsletters
django-lastfm             - Access Last.fm from your Django site.
django-social-auth-trello - A django-social-auth plugin that integrates with Trello
django-daddy-avatar       - very simple avatar from gravatar
django-gcharts            - Provides a QuerySet, Manager and other tools for easy integration with the Google Visualization API
grappelli-modeltranslation - A small compatibility layer between grappelli and django-modeltranslation
django-robots-txt         - Simple robots.txt app for django
django-statsd-patches     - Patch and time some additional django libraries
django-localized-names    - A reusable Django app to provide a correct order for names according to the
currently set language.
django-logicaldelete      - a base model that provides built in logical delete functionality
django-vcexport           - a flexible library for exporting serialized django model instances to a version-controlled repository automatically or manually
django-ldap-groups        - A Django app for authenticating and authorizing against LDAP
django-userproperty       - django userproperty
django-comments-spamfighter - A Django app that contributes Akismet and Keyword blocking to your django comments.
django-xadmin             - Drop-in replacement of Django admin comes with lots of goodies, fully extensible with plugin support, pretty UI based on Twitter Bootstrap.
django-asset-convoy       - Asset packager for Django applications
django-absolute           - Absolute URLs tools for django
django-bidi-utils         - context processors and filters for handling Bi-directional (BiDi) in django templates
django-image-cropper      - This app allows upload and crop images
django-template-repl      - A readline shell for the Django template language.
django-cms-redirects      - UNKNOWN
django-disqus-sync        - Sync Disqus comments to your database and render them as HTML for better SEO
django-newsletter-subscription - Another newsletter subscription app.
django-grappelli-template-editor - A TTW Template Editor for Grappelli
django-private-media      - Private media for Django. Check the user's authorization before serving files at PRIVATE_MEDIA_URL, uploaded to PRIVATE_MEDIA_ROOT. Requires Django 1.5.
tenant-schemas-celery     - Celery integration for django-tenant-schemas
django-errordite          - Errordite exception logging for Django.
django-datatables         - Django integration of DataTables jQuery plugin.
django-typograf           - Django package for use typograf in models.
djangocms-gallery         - Gallery plugin for the django-cms.
django-secure-login       - Django app to harden the security around login
django-celery-model       - django-celery-model is an extension to Celery and django-celery which adds support for tracking Celery tasks assigned to Django model instances.
django-valuate            - Easy plugging of user evaluation system to any django object.
django-binaryfield        - a generic app to provide a way to handle database binary data in django
django-themeswitch        - a django app that allows for easy switch between themes
django-request-tree       - Provides dango views with input transformed into a tree structure.
django-4store             - A small Django application that makes developing with the 4Store RDF database easier.
django-template-fragments - helper for templates used in javascript client framework: allow to store small django templates in a dir and generate a javascript object that contains them all as strings
django-basic-feedback     - Provides a Feedback button on your pages and lets you view feedback via Django's admin site. Requires jQuery.
django-archan             - A Django app that displays dependency matrices and project architecture information
django-generic-mail       - Easy to use, class based email for Django
django-linguist           - An application to manage translations in Django models
django-image-dimensions   - Automatically add dimension attributes to all <img> tags in a response to improve rendering speed on the client.
django-pgviews            - Create and manage Postgres SQL Views in Django
django-secure-input       - django-secure-input provides custom form fields to render wysiwyg editor instead of regular textareas. It takes care of cleaning html for you too. With its super secure defaults you do not want to modified it's whitelisting rules.
django-ckedit             - Django integration with the popular WYSIWYG editor CKEditor.
django-dbdump             - Database backup management command.
django-mongodb-engine     - MongoDB backend for Django-nonrel
django-tagging-autocomplete - Autocompletion for django-tagging
django-chunked-upload     - Upload large files to Django in multiple chunks, with the ability to resume if the upload is interrupted.
django-environments       - Manage different settings within a Django project with maximum DRY
django-gfklookupwidget    - A widget to replace the object_id in a generic relation with a search link.
django-websocket          - Websocket support for django.
django-unsigned-fields    - Django fields for using unsigned integers for relationships
django-calendar-sms       - This reusable Django app can help you to send sms via Google Calendar.
django-cache-machine      - Automatic caching and invalidation for Django models through the ORM.
django-renderit           - Application that can render any object
django-googleplay-api     - Google Play API, with configuration on Django.
django-dag                - Directed Acyclic Graph implementation for Django 1.6+
django-command-interface  - A reusable Django app that allows to list manage.py commands and lauch them with one click
Django-tinymce-filebrowser - Django-based file uploader and viewer for TinyMCE
django-icelandic-addresses - Django app containing a list of Icelandic addresses
django-multimail          - Enable multiple email addresses per user in Django
django-ssl-auth           - Django SSL Client Authentication
django-cities             - Place models and worldwide place data for Django
django-shoogie            - Log server errors to database
django-reploc             - A simple way for people to find representative locations on your Django-powered Web site.
cmsplugin-poll            - Simple poll plugin for django-cms 2.2
django-hashphrase         - A Django app to facilitate email links
django-mathjax            - MathJax easy integration with django
django-mongo-storage      - A mongo GridFS storage backend for django.
django-debug-logging      - A plugin for django_debug_toolbar that logs results to the database for aggregated review.
django-request-mock       - Create a Django request object that mocks a real one.
django-decouple           - Strict separation of settings from code.
django-shop-postfinance   - An postfinance payment backend
django-twilio-sms-2       - Twilio integration for SMS-based Django apps
django-startproject-plus  - Django superset startproject command for creating new projects.
django-cms-fragments      - Injecting fragments of js, css and html in a django-cms plugin
django-calaccess-campaign-browser - A Django app to refine and investigate campaign finance data drawn from the California Secretary of State’s CAL-ACCESS database. This is a work in progress. Its analysis should be considered as provisional until it is further tested and debugged.
django-roxyfileman        - Integrate Django with Roxy Fileman
django-site-utils         - Django site-wide management commands and utilities.
django-extra-views-ng     - Extra class-based views for Django
django-kenny              - An extremely simple dynamic TemplateView for django
django-dotenv             - foreman reads from .env. manage.py doesn't. Let's fix that.
ls-django-shop-categories - A extendable category app using django-mptt for django-shop
django-nginx-image        - Resizing and cropping images via Nginx, and cache the result
django-audit              - Auditing for Django applications
django-ajaxutils          - Ajax requests for Ponies
django-auditlog           - Audit log app for Django
django-painless-seo       - Painless SEO app for Django framework
django-redisession        - A Redis-based Django session engine for django.contrib.sessions.
django-settings-export    - This Django app allows you to export certain settings to your templates.
django-multihost          - Simple multihost handling for Django
django-simple-poll        - Django simple poll application
django-fontawesome        - a django app that provides a couple of fontawesome/django related utilities.
selenose                  - Selenium plugin for nose and django-jenkins
django-media-manager      - Media-Management with the Django Admin-Interface.
django-valueinlist-filter - Queryset can be filtered by a given list on the django admin page, just like: qs.filter(field__in=[list])
django-wepay              - Django WePay Application.
django-filtered-form      - A Form that can have per-field queryset filters declaratively defined
django-warthog            - Embeddable CMS for Django.
django-counter-field      - django-counter-field makes it extremely easy to denormalize and keep track of related model counts.
django-simplevhost        - UNKNOWN
django-database-files-3000 - A storage system for Django that stores uploaded files in both the database and file system.
django-cms-smartsnippets  - Parametrizable Django CMS snippets.
django-ucamwebauth        - A Django authentication backend for Ucam-WebAuth a.k.a. Raven
django-mutex-event        - Mutual excluded events.
Django-ArrayAccum         - Patch for Django-1.6.1 that allows you to use Postgres's array_accum function. It adds function ArrayAccum in django.db.models. Using ArrayAccum will only work on Postgresql. First install Django-1.6.1 then install this package.
django-static-jquery      - jQuery packaged in an handy django app to speed up new applications and deployment.
django-skebby             - A Django app to send sms with skebby
gu-django-filebrowser-no-grappelli - Media-Management with the Django Admin-Interface. Without django-grappelli requirement.
django-image-sitemaps     - Google Image Sitemaps builder for Django.
django-speedbar           - Provides a break down of page loading time
django-facebook-utils     - Some Facebook utilities to use in Django projects
django-pg-current-timestamp - Add true postgresql `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP` support to Django + PostgreSQL
django-narrative          - Django narrative
django-traces             - A reusable app to track view hits
django-centralniak-slugfield - Provides more handy support for slugs in Django models
heroku-django-helpers     - UNKNOWN
django-infinite-scroll-pagination - infinite-scroll-pagination is a Django app that implements the *seek method* for scalable pagination..
django-locations-base     - A simple locations app for Django
django-banklink           - django application for Swedbank payment gateway
django-accounts-cbv       - Account login, logout, and password reset.
django-registration-me    - An extensible user-registration application for Django using MongoEngine
django-almanac            - Almanac/weather management for the Django web framework.
django-variant            - Django variant testing framework
django-code-linter        - suite to test django code style
django-compositekey       - Use Django with embedded database that have composite multicolumn primary key and multiple foreignkeys
django-last-seen          - Keep track of when a user has been last seen
yet-another-django-cart   - Django simple shopping cart, tests and south migrations included
django-relatedadminwidget - Get edit and delete links in your django admin. A utility class to let your model admins inherit from.
django-hgadmin            - Mercurial repository administaration tool
django-pagination-plus    - Utilities for pagination in Django templates
django-simplecrop         - A simple module to make easier crop images in Django admin.
django-documents          - Attach documents to django models
django-bootstrap-tags     - A django form widget and tag model to add typeahead tagging to any form.
django-querycount         - Middleware that Prints the number of DB queries to the runserver console.
django-mymigrate          - django-mymigrate is a wrapper on south that allows to quickly migrate all project apps with one command.
django-sheets             - Use Google Sheets as context variables in Django templates
django-cache-sweeper      - Lazy Django fragment cache sweeping
django-inactive_user_workflow - tools to let inactive users log in to your site with limited access after registration until they confirm their account
django-altauth            - UNKNOWN
django-iadmin             - 0.1.11.dev20120910133313
django-pybrowscap         - django-pybrowscap is django middleware with support for pybrowscap
django-multilingual-survey - Survey app that allows questions and answers to be created in several languages.
django-eca-catalogue      - A reusable django app providing a generic product catalog for eComerce projects
django-admin-filters      - Django Admin Filters
django-override-settings  - Provide a way to override Django's settings when running tests
django-gems               - Django utilities library
django-jcache             - JCache support for Django
django-coffee             - Mix bootstrap 3 with django-poll or django-user!
django-adv-imagefield     - Advanced ImageField for Django that provides widget to search Flickr and Google Images
django-admin-methods      - Quickly create admin related actions, list properties and single instance properties for Django
django-mstats             - Simple, re-usable, stateless Django app for visualizing and browsing statistics, mainly based on your existing Django models.
sss                       - Simple Scrum System is a basic Django-based Scrum-like project manager. It takes advantage of the automagic admin contrib site.
django-postalcodes        - Postal code management.
django-linklist           - Django app to render a list of links with some meta information and a screenshot.
django-ifgy-login         - A simple Django app to conduct login/logout.
django-model-mixins       - Simple helper to extend django models using mixins
django-flanker            - Extended EmailField validation using flanker
django-logical-rules      - A rule engine for Django apps.
django-wiretap            - https://github.com/nathforge/django-wiretap
django-cratis-i18n        - I18n support
django-formaldehyde       - Django forms at warp speed.
linaro-django-pagination  - linaro-django-pagination - deprecated
django-lawnchair          - Libraries to make working with Django and Lawnchair easier
redsolutioncms.django-hex-storage - Django hex storage is add-on on the top of Django file system.
It has improvements that cover: international filenames (processed with pinyin module)
and the same file names (django adds underscore to same filename, we add HEX hash) - hence the name :)
django-mptt-tree-editor   - Provides FeinCMS's mptt admin tree editor as a separate app
django-stdimage-serializer - A Serializing object for stdImage that shows all the variations in an object
redsolutioncms.django-menu-proxy - MenuProxy allows you to build dynamic menu on site using different models.
For example, you can combine flatpages, hardlinked views and news sorted by date
in site menu. Menu will be updated dynamically, respectively, the structure of objects.
django-qshop              - E-commerce for django. Requires django-sitemenu. Beta version.
django-mailmate           - Django email tools.
django-po2xls             - Convert gettext .po files to .xls
django-common-tivix       - Common things every Django app needs!
django-vmail              - Virtual mail administration django app
django-cachepurge         - Django Middleware and utilities that send "PURGE" request to an upstream cache
django-jux                - JUnit-style XML output for Django tests
django-vkontakte-wall-statistic - Django implementation for vkontakte API Wall Statistic
django-live-server        - Implementation of the LiveServerTestCase code due out in Django 1.4
django-subcommand         - Add sub command to A Django manage command
django-quickview          - Putting the nitro in rapid web development.
django-markup-deprecated  - Original django.contrib.markup from Django 1.4.1.
django-shellng            - Improved shell for Django
django-formtags           - Customize form fields directly from templates
django-rest-hooks-delivery - Various webhook deliverers for django-rest-hooks and django-rest-hooks-ng.
django-webodt             - ODF template handler and odt to html, pdf, doc, etc converter
django-simplecrud         - CRUD framework for Django
django-readonly           - Put website in read-only mode for maintenance.
django-ratelimit2         - Cache-based rate-limiting for Django.
django-online             - Standalone Django application to know if a django user is online or not.
django-panorama           - Show panoramic photos in django
django-rocket             - UNKNOWN
django-minifiedstorage    - Simple minified storage for django static assets
django-herokuify          - Automatic Django configuration and utilities for Heroku.
django-pipeline-compass-compiler - Compiler plugin to use Django Pipeline package with Compass
django-dont-vary-on       - Library for Django to give you more control over Django's caching, and improving you cache hits and performance
django-aftermath          - Execute commands after tests are completed.
django-calm-cache         - A set of useful tools that enhance the standard Django cache experience
django-dynamicforms       - Dynamically add forms to your site through the admin interface.
django-macaddress-ng      - MAC address model and form fields for Django apps.
django-shop-stripe        - Let us use stripe for payments with django-shop.
django-appregister        - A Django app that provides the building blocks for an app registry system
django-system-monitor     - View simple system statistics in django admin panel
zinnia-spam-checker-akismet - Anti-spam protections for django-blog-zinnia with Akismet or Typepad
django-recurly            - Django integration for Recurly, a subscription billing service.
django-signals-ahoy       - signals-ahoy
django-user-map           - A simple app for creating a community user map in your django web site.
django-dictpatterns       - This makes your application be able to write simple urlpatterns with dictionary for Django
django-videos             - Add some youtube videos to your django app
django-kungfu             - A Flasky approach to distributed Django configuration
django-app-namespace-template-loader - Template loader allowing you to both extend and override a template at the same time.
django-bingo-autotopic    - Bingo Autotopic
django-xss-detection      - This package contains a django template parser that can be used to find templates that contain variables that will not be escaped.
django-mailup             - A plugin to integrate Django and Mailup
django-server-config      - Useful for deploy server installation. 
Adds management command to make configs for your project. 
Automatically recognizes media directories in 3-party applications
django-testcoverage       - Code coverage reports for Django unit testing framework
django-gis-brasil         - Django GIS Brasil is a Django app (GeoDjango) with Brazilian GIS information.
django-contentmanager     - A simple, pluggable content-manager for django.
django-lb-attachments     - A django app to manager attachments.
django-psi                - Google Pagespeed Insights for your Django project.
django-siteupdate         - Generic site update application for Django
django-filebrowser-nograpup - Media-Management with the Django Admin-Interface.
django-dataforms          - Dynamic, database-driven Django forms
django-object-log         - A method for logging user actions on models
django-webtemplates       - Load templates from an external web site.
django-embed9             - Django app that make model objects embeddable on 3rd party websites
django-yearlessdate       - Django field for storing dates without years
django-octocat            - A Django app for handling github users and repos.
django-aweber             - An Aweber based user-signup application for Django
django-wmd                - A wmd-editor for django applications
django-patterns           - A collection of commonly used Python patterns.
django-registration-paypal - django-registration backend to support paypal payments
Django-Sites-Templatetags - The missing templatetags to get the current site from django.contrib.sites.
django-qmethod            - Define methods on QuerySets without custom manager and QuerySet subclasses.
django-eros               - Standalone Django application to like any content types you want
django-mysql-fuzzycount   - Approximate query counts for MySQL and Django.
hautomation-restclient    - Module for sending home automation commands and device management requests to django-hautomation REST API
django-cms-bootstrap-templates - A set of bootstrap3 templates for use with django-cms
django-metadata           - Attach metadata to any Django models using redis
django-memcached          - django-memcached is a very simple reusable app which does one simple thing: shows you statistics about your currently running memcached instances
django-simplegallery      - django image gallery app
django-fab-templates      - Django project templates that support fabric-style deployment (vagrant+ubuntu, webfaction)
django-webdriver          - Django app to run selenium webdriver tests.
django-json-messages      - Json encode messages from the Django messages framework and dump them as JS
django-tempocal           - A django-fied, templated version of Python's built-in HTMLCalendar.
django-media              - A basic Django application to store and manage media.
Django-Sites-Lockdown     - Remove the ability to add or edit sites in Django's admin panel.
django-restricted-sessions - Restrict Django sessions to IP and/or user agent.
django-texere             - UNKNOWN
django-ticketoffice       - One-shot authentication (temporary credentials) utilities for Django.
django-orm-extensions     - Advanced improvement of django-orm with a lot of third-party plugins for use different parts of databases are
not covered by the standard orm.
django-transfer           - A django application that offloads file transfers to a downstream proxy.
django-cpserver-op        - Management commands for serving Django via CherryPy's built-in WSGI server modified for OpenProximity
django-prospect           - Managing your prospects easily
lemon-filebrowser         - Fork of Patrick Kranzlmueller's django-filebrowser app.
django-monitor            - Django app to moderate model objects
django-validated-file     - This Django app adds a new field type, ValidatedFileField, that add the capability of checking the document size and types the user may send.
django-allauth-intersis   - OAuth2.0 InterSIS access module for projects using django-allauth.
django-template-media     - Simple tools to extend the django admin site
django-smart-settings     - Helper for django settings
Django-Yummy              - Recipes application based on Django framework
django-lime               - Mixed content e-mails for Django made simple.
django-invitations        - Django invitation integration for django-allauth
django-facebook2          - Facebook Authentication for Django
django-shawty             - Shawty URL shortener server integration for Django.
orchestra-orm             - high level Python library for easily interacting with Django-Orchestra REST API using object oriented concepts
django-application-settings - Providing settings with default values in Django applications
django-bootstrap-form-horizontal - Templates for bootstrap3 style horizontal forms in Django
django-db-multitenant     - Multitenant support for Django, using one tenant per database.
django-contact-form       - Generic contact-form application for Django
django-ui-permissions     - Django module that helps manage UI elements using permissions
django-jsonify            - Django additions for JSON
django-drift              - Takes files and turns them into recrods in models. HOORAY!
django-editos             - Django app to manage and display editos
django-microsip           - A Django microsip app
django-docs               - Allows to serve Sphinx generated docs from django.
django-lineage            - Lightweight template tags for neater hierarchical navigation
django-easy-seo           - Adds generic SEO fields for objects in your site or specific urls
django-shortuuidfield     - Short UUIDField for Django.  Good for use in urls & file names.  (Base 57, 22 characters)
django-tinymcewrapper     - django-tinymcewrapper allows you to easily add tinymce widgets to other apps admin forms without modification of the other app.
django-monitio            - Unified, persistent and dynamic user messages/notifications for Django
django-auth-remember      - Django app for remember-me functionality (using a token)
django-bootstrap-assets   - jQuery plugin that auto-hides form field help blocks as pluggable Django app
django-php-bridge         - Authentication bridge between Django and PHP
django-paymecash          - It's application for pay-system Paymecash.py
django-pastebin           - A django based pastebin
django-system-globals     - A Django App to manage any system globals from a DB table.
django-googledrive-storage - Storage implementation for Django that interacts with Google Drive
django-oidc-provider      - OpenID Connect Provider implementation for Django.
django-kvmodel            - A package that helps creating django key-value models easily.
django-piehunter          - Automatic Tastypie URL builder by way of import discovery.
django-yubin              - A reusable Django app for composing and queueing emails Adds django-mailer2 + django-mailviews + others
djangofu                  - Django-related utilities
django-caching-app-plugins - UNKNOWN
python-uptimerobot        - Uptime Robot http://uptimerobot.com integration for your Python project. 
    There is a Django version (https://github.com/arteria/django-uptimerobot) available containing the Uptime Robot 
    API implementation and the infrastructure stuff used by Djangonauts.
django-vkontakte-video    - Django implementation for vkontakte API video
django-payex              - Django application for saving statuses and receiving callbacks from the PayEx API.
django-supertools         - Generic tools for django apps.
django-publisher          - Django external publishing app.
redsolutioncms.django-tinymce - Use the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor for your form textareas.
django-icanhaz            - A Django template tag for embedding ICanHaz.js templates safely.
django-p3p                - Django P3P makes it easier to set P3P HTTP headers to prevent session loss.
django-quickbooks-online  - Django Quickbooks App
djangocms-gmaps           - The easiest way to embed Google Maps for your django-cms powered site. This is a great way to display the location of your business or event.
django-host-settings      - A small Django app for managing local settings files for multiple hosts
django-babel-underscore   - Implements a underscore extractor for django-babel.
django-popup-forms        - Django pop-up forms framework.
django-clsview            - Yet another class-based view system for Django.
django-password           - A Django application to store communal passwords.
django-inlineobjects      - A reusable Django application used to insert content objects into other pieces of content.
django-email-manager      - A simple application to store a summary of system e-mails.
django-key                - Simple, straight forward API key for django-piston.
django-bylaws             - Manages bylaws for a website built on Django.
django-hgwebproxy         - Django-hgwebproxy is an app to use and manage mercurial repositories within the django admin interface
django-quickadmin         - Django application automatically registers all found models into admin area
django-retracer           - Store and restore old locations in Django.
django-easyasset          - Asset manager.
django-weed               - Weed-FS integration into Django as a storage
django-flaggit            - Generic content flagging for Django
sw-django-utils           - Soft Way company django utils.
django-inline-media       - Simple Django app that allows insertion of inline media objects in text fields, with support for rich text editor Wysihtml5.
django-mysql-manager      - django-mysql-manager is a Django based management interface for MySQL users and databases.
django-js-error-hook      - Generic handler for hooking client side javascript error.
django-proxy-users        - Authentication extension to enable proxy users in django.
django-cte-trees          - Django Adjacency-List trees using PostgreSQL Common Table Expressions (CTE).
django-sekh               - Highlight the keywords of a page if a visitor is coming form a search engine.
django-recaptcha-form     - Recaptcha for Django Forms
django-lets-go            - Django helpers, goodies, mix of snippets, etc...
Django-UserService        - User abstraction and impersonation for Django
django-orphaned           - delete all orphaned files from your models
django-rwiki              - Yet another Django Wiki App
django-userel             - Extend ForeignKey field for User. It support ``auto_now`` and ``auto_now_add``
django-piston3            - Piston for Python 3.3+ and Django 1.6+ - Compatible with Python 2.7
Django-MobilityHelpers    - Simple middleware and helper function to help handle request from mobile devices.
django-html-validator     - Yo! Check your HTML!
django-pendulum           - A simple timeclock/timecard application for use in Django-powered Web sites.
django-reporting          - Django Reporting is an application that can be integrated with the Django Admin and allows you to create dynamic reports for your models.
django-future-url         - Migration tool for django 1.4, fixes url template tag deprecation warnings.
django-opensearch         - Handle opensearch.xml
django-trending           - a generic trending app for Django
django-database-email-backend - A django EmailBackend for debugging that saves Emails in the database instead of delivering them.
django-customcontent      - A django app to allow users to add css/js/html chunks to a page based on the request.path
django-singleton          - Reusable singleton models for Django
django-gmaps              - Template tags for creating Google Maps from GeoDjango fields.
django-terminator         - One time method executor for Django models
django-modelfeedback      - Adds support for receive feedback to django models using Likert scale.
django-pure-pagination    - UNKNOWN
django-prismriver         - A light but cool Django admin theme
django-mantis-stix-importer - A module implementing import of STIX and CybOX XML files for the Mantis Cyber Threat Intelligence Mgmt. Framework.
django-quieter-formset    - Django formset that's a bit quieter
django-docopt-command     - Django-docopt-command allows you to write Django manage.py commands using the docopt library
django-helpscout          - Help Scout integration for Django
django-facebook-users     - Django implementation for Facebook Graph API Users
django-d2m                - Mapping annotated dict list into Django models
django-elasticache        - Django cache backend for Amazon ElastiCache (memcached)
django-sphinx-autodoc     - Autodoc all apps from a project to Sphinx
djangorestframework-hstore - Django Rest Framework tools for django-hstore
django-smokealarm         - Simple JavaScript error reporting.
django-shell-ipynb        - A Django management command "shell_ipynb" that uses the ipython notebook instead of ipython.
django-mini-cms           - Minimalistic django cms
gametex-django-print      - Generate PDFs from GameTeX in Django
django-rest-hooks         - A powerful mechanism for sending real time API notifications via a new subscription model.
django-oscar-eway         - eWay payment module for django-oscar (Rapid 3.0)
fluentcms-countdown       - A countdown timer for django-fluent-contents
django-compressor-requirejs - Compress requirejs-modules into bundles.
django-remote-finder      - UNKNOWN
django-onec-utils         - A collection of misc. tools for One Cardinal's work.
django-select2light       - Select2 widget 'light edition' for Django projects
django-cms-boilerplate    - Django-cms initial project template
django-eighty-days        - A django app for around the world in 80 days
django-ljsync             - A LiveJournal to Django synchronizer
django-shorturls          - A URL shortening app for Django.
django-pipedash           - A simple offline asset pipeline for Django using a static files finder
django-cal                - Django app to enable exporting of events to iCalendar files.
bootstrap-modeltranslation - Tabbable translation fields for django-admin-bootstrapped and django-modeltranslation
django-env                - Automaticly manages virtualenv for django project
django-pipeline-compass-rubygem - django-pipeline-compass-rubygem is a Compass compiler for django-pipeline using the original Compass Ruby Gem.
django-make               - Django development environment `$ make` middleware
bratabase-social-auth-backend - OAuth2 Backend for Bratabase.com to be used with Django-social-auth
django-cherry             - Run Django under the CherryPy WSGI server using django-boss.
django-rest-tzolkin       - Django-Rest API for convert: Gregorian, Long Count, Haab and Tzolkin dates
django-email-template     - Send emails based on a Django template
django-service-rating-store - Django app that allows storage and visualisation of Service Rating data posted via REST API
django-mail-dbtpl         - A simple Django app to store email template in database.
django-multilingual-model - Django Simple Multilingual Support for Models.
django-ichypd             - UNKNOWN
django-model-admin-helper - Admin helpers
django-sixpack            - A django-friendly wrapper for sixpack-py
django-livestats-collectd - A collectd import module for django-livestats
django-sublime-scroll     - Sublime Text 2 editor style scroll bars.
django-feedmapper         - A utility for mapping feeds to Django models.
django-shuffler           - Mixing DB data for faking personal data.
django-event-procedures   - An event driven code execution system backed by Django
django-provinceitaliane   - Province e Regioni Italiane for Django
django-apollo             - A simple landing page Django app with quick setup, minimal dependencies, but still managable from Django admin pages.
django-ponydebugger       - PonyDebugger support for Django
django-anysign            - Django application to manage online signature in a generic way.
django-conduit            - Easy and powerful REST APIs for Django.
django-simple-breadcrumbs - A simple Django app to use breadcrumbs-based navigation
django-uwsgi-mail         - A Django backend for e-mail delivery using uWSGI Spool to queue deliveries.
django-request-provider   - access django request object whenever you need it
django-hisstory           - Lightweight read-only django model history app.
django-any-imagefield     - A switchable ImageField for third party Django applications
django-ecstatic           - An expansion pack for django.contrib.staticfiles!
django-rethinkdb-sessions - rethinkdb backed sessions for django
django-lot                - Django Login over Token.
django-transaction-barrier - Transaction barriers for Django and Celery.
django-debug-toolbar-autoreload - Automatically reloads your browser when a template, css or javascript file was modified.
cmsplugin_yandexmap       - Plugin for django-cms. Yandex Map.
django-pip-starter        - Useful tool for quickstarting django projects. It creates virtual environment and preconfigured django project
yet-another-django-profiler - Django middleware for performance profiling directly from the browser
django-moreforms          - Contains helpful fields for Django, such as a FieldTree (a simple way to get a field chain) and date-related fields.
django-assume             - Django app that allows administrators to log in to user accounts without having to provide a password
django-inlinify           - In-lines CSS into HTML and leverages Django's caching framework.
django-medusa             - A Django static website generator.
aldryn-reversion          - Support for django-reversion on models with translatable fields and django-cms placeholder fields.
redsolutioncms.django-catalog - Django generic catalog application. Organize objects in tree structure, allows
to make links for objects.
django-zesty-metrics      - Zesty metrics collection and Statsd integration for Django.
django-firstclass         - UNKNOWN
django-xor-formfields     - Mutually Exclusive form field wigets for Django
django-simple-contact     - Contact application for Django project
djangoappengine           - App Engine backends for Django-nonrel
django-maploom            - Use MapLoom in your django projects.
django-contactme          - Django pluggable contact form app with email verification.
django-airports           - Airport model and worldwide airport data for Django
django-classsettings      - Django settings helpers
django-production-ready   - A Django app that runs simple tests to check if your app is production ready.
django-clear-memcache     - Allow to clear Memcache items for the current site (according to the cache key prefix)
or even to clear the whole configured Memcache server.
The app integrates into Django's admin interface for easy use.
django-heroku-postgresify - Automatic Django database configuration on Heroku.
django-chartbuilder       - A simple Django application for integrating Chartbuilder
django-auth_mac           - Basic Django implementation of the draft RFC ietf-oauth-v2-http-mac-01
django-mediastore         - UNKNOWN
teracy-django-html5-boilerplate - html5-boilerplate Django wrapper application
django-arrange            - Django app providing arbitrary, admin user specified, object arranging.
django-graceful-session-cleanup - A simple management command that can delete expired sessions from large session tables without killing the site.
django-bcp                - Barcode Printer for Django
django-pluggable-apps     - A pluggable system for django applications
django-webnodes           - Re-usable bussiness components, modular units on a page
django-simple-block-tag   - Block tag decorator for Django templates
django-cart               - Django simple shopping cart, tests and south migrations included
django_multiuploader_file - A fork of django-multiuploader that allow upload any file type.
django-googl              - Django shorturl via goo.gl
django-entity-event-slack - A pushable slack medium for the Django Entity Event system
django-bouncer            - Allows you (or users of your site) to invite new people to join
django-comps              - A simple application that provides an entry point for integrating front end designers into a django project
django-simple-open-graph  - Django package for simplicity embed open graph (og:) layout in templates for different objects
django-adminaudit         - Extends Django's admin logging capabilities
django-castor             - A content-addressable storage backend for Django.
django-colorfield         - A small app providing a colorpicker field for django
django-project-template-loader - An app to provide a template loader which pulls templates from [project_dir]/templates
django-easytz             - Timezone localization without any thinking or doing whatsoever.
django-reredirects        - Django Redirects, but with regex and without the sites framework.
django-courseaffils       - course affiliations
django-blog-sl            - Yet another django blog.
django-activation         - Simple activation of users.
django-tint               - Transparent image transformation system
django-jira-oauth         - OAuth authentication with JIRA from Django
django-readonly-site      - Middleware to take your Django website offline by changing settings.SITE_READ_ONLY
django-naremitimg         - A tiny Django app for performing image manipulations on the fly.
django-pjax               - A Django helper for jQuery-PJAX.
django-cas-dev-server     - Extends the Django development server to include a local CAS server.
django-ldap-group-mapper  - Django LDAP Group Mapper
django-confirmaction      - Django battery for confirm some action via email, sms, etc
django-fitbit             - Django integration for python-fitbit
django-grunted-assets     - A Django app for simplifing the use of grunt for your asset flow
django-hookbox            - Integrate hookbox with Django.
django-canvas-api-token   - Django app for generating Canvas API user oauth tokens
django-closuretree        - Efficient tree-based datastructure for Django
django-goto-url           - Wraps external links in base64 and relocate on the special View, later redirect to source URL
taggit-selectize          - django-taggit + selectize.js
django-user-tracking      - Basic visitor tracking and blacklisting for Django
django-pydash-app         - A reusable django app for monitoring your linux server.
django-oak                - Rapid prototyping for views and models in django.
django-commentator        - Commentaries system for Django
djangocms-simple-gallery  - Simple gallery plugin for the django-cms.
django-statictemplate     - This project aims at providing a compromise between dynamic error pages for Django (that use template tags etc and therefore potentially error too) and having to write static error pages by hand.
django-bigpipe            - django-bigpipe are a jquery-bigpipe extension to django web framework.
django-muckraking         - A collection of random Django utilities
django-require-license    - License header for django-require projects.
django-ldapdb             - An LDAP database backend for Django
django-disqus2            - Export comments and integrate DISQUS into your Django website
django-database-storage   - UNKNOWN
django-admintheme         - Django Admin Theme is a drop-in CSS replacement for the Django Admin app.
Django-Chuck              - Your powerful project punch button
django-sass-processor     - SASS processor to compile SCSS files into *.css, while rendering, or offline.
django-sitesutils         - Utils for Django's sites framework
django-generic-confirmation - Deferred forms for the Django webframework
django-cratis-base        - Django-cratis is a way to group together django applications, so they form reusable features.
django-chatrooms          - A django app providing reverse-ajax chat rooms
django-roughpages         - A enhanced permission system which enable logical permissionsystems to complex permissions
django-tastypie-oauth     - Providing OAuth services for Tastypie APIs
django-dbindexer          - Expressive NoSQL for Django
django-s3backup           - A django app to backup database dumps to an S3 bucket
django-shop-catalog       - Catalog app for django SHOP
django-randomslug         - reusable Django application providing the custom RandomSlugField model field
django-siteflags          - Reusable application for Django allowing users to flag/bookmark site objects
django-micro-cms          - A micro-CMS for django. A bit like flatpages++.
django-jquery-widgets     - jQuery-powered widgets and fields for Django
django-pgcrypto           - Python and Django utilities for encrypted fields using pgcrypto.
django-bootstrap-navtags  - Navigation templatetags for django with twitter bootstrap.
django-crud               - CRUD application for Django
django-admin-additions    - Admin additions.
django-phrase             - Connect your Django apps to PhraseApp, the powerful in-context-translation solution.
django-facebook-realtime  - django app for adding/removing/listing facebook realtime subscriptions and retrieving facebook realtime updates
mysociety-django-sluggable - Slug your multiple models and manage redirections
django-inviting           - Registration through invitations
django-fakeimg            - A django port of fakeimg.pl
django-shareddb           - Shared database connections for multi-threaded Django test setups.
django-canclon            - Template name resolution for Django class-based views
django-fossil             - Fossil is a library to store fossilized tracks of objects from Django's ORM
django-oml                - An app that allows you moderate content
django-drapes             - Some decorators and classes to make working with django projects easier.
django-canjs              - CanJS integration library for Django
django-cached_authentication_middleware - A drop in replacement for django's built in AuthenticationMiddleware that utilizes caching.
django-thumborize         - Minimal interface for thumbor imaging service
django-private-files      - Protected files in django
django-pagination-py3     - django-pagination-py3
django-mongoengine-foreignkey - An implementation of a foreign key field for mongoengine that references a Django model object.
django-assets-toolkit     - A development toolkit for compiling sass and coffee script files.
django-cachetree          - cache configurable trees of related model instances in Django
django-csv                - Some CSV Utilities for your django projects
django-desktop-notifications - Django / NodeJS / Chrome / websocket ultra fast desktop notifications
django-section            - Django app for determining site section by request.
django-settings-list      - Django app that lists the settings values for a running project using a custom view accessible only by superusers.
django-mongodb-cash-backend - The only Django MongoDB Cache backend you need.
django-cms-fancybox       - A fancybox extension for Django CMS
django-hashcash           - Adds HashCash.IO "proof-of-work" control to django login form.
django-djregs             - Handle user registration and email verification with Django
django-unisender          - Django admin unisender integration
django-memcached-hashring - A Django cache backend for Memcached with consistent hashing.
django-account-manager    - Experimental implementation of Account Management and Session Identification of Mozilla Labs
ls-django-treeadmin       - Tree UI for mptt-managed models, extracted from FeinCMS
django-rq-email-backend   - Provides Django email integration for RQ (Redis Queue)
fatbox-django-utils       - A collection of Django utilities, built by FatBox
django-organice-theme     - The mother theme of all themes for django-organice.
Django-dj                 - A short command which replaces calls to Django's manage.py scripts
django-universaltag       - Universal tagging library for Django
django-fixture-media      - Simple tool to manage media files for fixtures.
django-qrauth             - Nice QR codes that allow the users to instantly sign in to the website on their mobile devices
django-sunset             - Handle Django settings in a bit more organized fashion
django-gcframe            - Django middleware and decorators for working with Google Chrome Frame.
django-mapistration       - Map integration with registration form
django-dashboard-app      - A reusable Django app for displaying a dashboard with a fluid grid of widgets.
django-inspectdb          - Better inspectdb.
django-puppy-cache        - Django cache backend that helps prevent dog-piling.
django-proxy              - A simple HTTP proxy service as a Django app
django-plainpasswordhasher - Dummy (plain text) password hashing for Django.
django-neutralityFR       - Middleware Django anti-netneutrality to give an example to some people.
django-redissentry        - Django app based on RedisSentry (redissentry-core) protecting against password attacks
django-socialnetwork      - Provides functionality to login and share with social networks to Django.
django-embed              - A simple Django app to generate embed code from youtube, twitter and slideshare.
django-completion         - autocompletion for django apps
django-extended-choices   - Little helper application to improve django choices(for fields)
django-mongo-sessions     - mongodb as Django sessions backend
django-email-login-fc     - A Django application that enables you to have your users use their email address instead of their username
django-file-sharing       - file sharing application
django-djobberbase        - A clone of the jobberBase job board platform written using the Django framework.
django-OneTimePassword    - A simple Django app with authentication backend for OneTimePassword
django-updateable         - Automatic updates for portions of templates with {% updateable %} tag
django-shareable          - Templatetags for 'tweet this' and 'share on facebook'
django-filebrowser-no-grappelli - Media-Management no Grappelli
django-cache-purge-hooks  - Drop-in cache (e.g. varnish) purging hooks for django
django-demail             - Delegating email backend.
django-simple-redis-admin - A django admin application to manage redis cache keys.
django-stackhelper        - A Django application to help you configure other components of your deployment stack
django-pgcryptoauth       - Django hasher for pgcrypto encoded passwords.
django-users-login        - Extension to manage users in django application.
django-admin-user-stats   - django-admin-tools dashboard modules with user registration stats
django-cms-facetsearch    - Searching using language facets for django-cms pages and plugins.
django-slick              - Slick responsive theme for the Django admin interface.
humfrey                   - A Django-based RESTful linked data frontend for SPARQL endpoints.
django-markitup-widget    - django-markitup-widget is Django's textarea like widget for using markItUp! on textarea
django-modeladmin-reorder - Custom ordering for the apps and models in the admin app.
django-addview            - Adding views in Django as easy as pie.
django-admin-multiselect  - Alternative multiple select widget that works with mobile devices.
django-orm-magic          - An extension for IPython that help to define django's models in your interactive session.
django-shitty-forum       - Forum in Django. Don't use it, it sucks.
django-model-render       - Django models extension that allows define default model templates
django-adminfilters       - Extra filters for django admin site
django-active-login-required - Django view decorator that ensures a user is both active and authenticated
Django-Avocado            - Delicious delayed and cached database-logging for django.
django-dirbrowser         - Django app For browsing a directory tree.
django-tinymce-images     - Plugin to tinymce, Image browser in media folder. With connector to django
django-rest-test-data     - Django app that exposes an API that lets you put the database in any (legal) desired state.
django-storymarket        - Sync Django models to Storymarket.
django-mailchimp          - Mailchimp wrapper for Django
django-clear-cache        - A simple Django management command which clears your cache.
django-write-around-cache - Override Django's template cache at will
django-cookie-law         - Helps your Django project comply with EU cookie law regulations
django-pylibmc-sasl       - Django cache backend using pylibmc-sasl
django-bootstrap-markdown-editor - An useful editor wrapped up in bootstrap for your forms
django-clean              - Clean out files in a django app using regular expressions.
django-access-tokens      - A Django app for for generating secure scoped access tokens.
django-e1337cms           - Simple and Lightweight but Powerful and Open Source CMS only for e1337 people.
django-stw                - This application provides templatetags for simplying using Shrink The Web PagePix
django-extra-sensitive-variables - Globally censor a set of default variable names in your Django error reports
django-phitbit            - An alternative integration of the Fitbit API for Django.
django-amn                - Django asset dependency management.
django-metro              - Basic metro models for Django 1.7+,     plus the parser that fills models with actual data     (lines numbers, lines titles, lines colors, names     of the lines, station names) from various data     sources (primary - Wikipedia).
django-futupayments       - UNKNOWN
django-daydreamer         - A Django class-based view utility library
django-fs-email-helper    - The Django-related reusable app provides the ability to send multipart emails and store them in a database.
django-citations          - A simple Django app to include citations and reference lists in your templates.
django-primary-slug       - django-primary-slug provides a custom SlugField for Django projects.
django-friendly-tag-loader - Want to optionally use a template tag library? Use this!
django-cached-s3-storage  - Django storage backend to be used with S3.
django-cache-management   - Cache management for Django.
django-mongo-auth         - Django authentication based on an extensible MongoEngine user class.
django-italian-utils      - Libreria di utility per semplificare la creazione di applicazioni italiane.
django-coretext           - DOM-based text editor
django-abstract-templates - Basic structure for building reusable templates in Django.
django-candv-choices      - Use complex constants built with 'candv' library instead of standard 'choices' fields for 'Django' models.
django-jinja2loader       - Jinja2 template loader for Django 1.2 and above.
django-nonprofit          - Django app for managing and publishing basic information related to a non-profit organization.
django-mantis-core        - A wrapper around the Django Dingos app for the Mantis Cyber Threat Intelligence Mgmt. Framework.
django-fusionbox-blog     - Reusable blog application for Django
django-ajax-loading-overlay - Uses JS to add/remove a loading overlay during Ajax calls
django-wordpress-auth     - Django integration with WordPress authentication and roles / capabilities system.
django-fujita             - A web based console for Django's development server built using Tornado
django-director           - UNKNOWN
django-anger              - tools and hacks for using Django _in anger_
django-authopenid         - Openid authentification application for Django
django-admin-permissions  - Very simple extension that adds a permissions check on the field in admin
django-useful             - Reusable Django snippets
django-author             - Add special User ForeignKey fields which update automatically
django-crumbs-mixin       - Put short description here...
django-meetup-auth        - django-meetup-auth is an extension to django-social-auth which adds a backend for Meetup.com.
django-queryinspect       - Django Query Inspector
django-globals            - Very simple application, that allow to define a thread specific global variables.
django-zonecache          - Small library to add support for cache zones to Django cache
django-poormanscron       - Poor Man's Cron is Django app which makes use of spambots, search engine indexing robots and alike to run scheduled tasks in approximately regular intervals.
django-sendgrid-events    - a django app for handling sendgrid batch events
django-adminbrowse        - Add related object links and other useful info to the Django admin interface
django-msgpack-serializer - A MsgPack serializer for Django.
django-easy-thumbnails-colorprofile - A color profile converter for easy_thumbnails
django-generic-follow     - Generic follow system for Django
django-cms-simple-events  - A django-cms application for managing an events calendar.
django-smoke-admin        - django-smoke-admin tests that all admin pages for all registered models responds correctly (HTTP 200).
django-bcrypt             - Make Django use bcrypt for hashing passwords.
django-safeform           - CSRF protection for Django forms
zinnia-threaded-comments  - Threaded comments for django-blog-zinnia
django-heythere           - Convient notifications for users.
django-theherk-updates    - Django app for tracking and displaying updates.
django-sql-inspector      - Analyze and measure the SQL calls, used by your Django application
django-npm                - A django staticfiles finder that uses npm
django-socketio-alt       - Django + Gevent + SocketIO = Awesome client/server interactions
django-adminskin          - UNKNOWN
django-sanction           - A Django front end for the sanction OAuth2 client library
django-tasks              - Python Django Tasks.
django-trails             - Django app for audit logging.
zinnia-wysiwyg-ckeditor   - CKEditor for editing entries in django-blog-zinnia
django-polls              - A simple polls app for django
django-responsive-design-helper - Helper for testing responsive designs in Django
django-state-field        - Django custom field for changing states
coop-agenda               - Companion app for django-coop, a fork of swingtime
django-configuration      - Configuration admin/models for Django.
django-crispy-bootstrap   - UNKNOWN
django-simple-friends     - Like django-friends, but simpler
django-reversetag         - A new, improved (and renamed) implementation of Django's 'url' template tag.
django-nullablecharfield  - A simple Django app that allow the use of Nullable char field.
django-objects-defender   - Easy solution to make undeleteble objects.
django-pdf                - A Django app for managing and processing PDF documents.
django-separated          - Class-based view and mixins for handling CSV with Django.
django-generic-bookmarks  - Bookmarks, favourites, likes functionality for Django projects
django-admin-exporter     - Simple admin actions to download/export selected items in CSV, JSON, XML, etc.
django-chunkator          - Chunk large querysetsinto small chunks, and iterate over them without killing your RAM.
django-munin              - Munin adaptor for Django
django-jqueryautocomplete - Very basic and un-tested proof of concept jQuery auto-complete app based off of Corey Hart's jQuery plugin.
django-treeadmin-fork-alt-storage - Tree UI for mptt-managed models, extracted from FeinCMS. This is a fork with support for alternative storage engines
django-fieldmaker         - Dynamic form management in django
django-mailqueue-backend  - Simple Mail Queuing Backend for Django.
django-teamcity           - send test result to TeamCity and provide Selenium support
django-confit             - Django settings loaders and validators, with local flavour.
django-contactform        - Django Contact Form Application
django-chunks2            - Keyed blocks of content for use in your Django templates
django-riak-sessions      - Riak session backend for django
django-setman             - Django settings manager. Another.
django-google-tag-manager - Easily include your Google Tag Manager tag in your django site
django-scarface           - Send push notifications to mobile devices using Amazon SNS.
django-saml-service-provider - UNKNOWN
django-superuser          - Middleware that gives you super powers.
django-depiction          - Tooling for profiling Django applications, inspired by David Cramer
django-keoh-userprofile   - A simple Django app with extended User model
django-pgrunner           - Create and autorun a PostgreSQL development database for your Django project
django-kicker             - Realtime webstorage sync
django-global-permissions - Implementation of permissions not related to models
django-microblogging      - django-microblogging
django-revisionfield      - An model field that auto increments every time the model is saved
django-fancybox           - Simple fancybox modal for Django
django-chunked-uploads    - a django app for chunking uploads
django-lumberjack         - Simple logging. Stored in database, accessed in Django admin.
happy-blog                - A simple django blog app that uses django-hvad for translations.
django-yui-loader         - Server-side middleware which implements some of the functionality in the Yahoo User Interface Loader component.
django-baseline           - Convenienve functionality for Django projects.
django-numfilters         - Mathematical template filters for Django
django-form-scaffold      - Helper functions for generating templated markup of Django forms
django-boardinghouse      - Postgres schema support in django.
django-unsubscribe        - Add unsubscribe link to your emails painlessly.
django-sanitizer          - Django template filter application for sanitizing user submitted HTML
django-liveserver         - A backport of the Django 1.4 LiveServerTestCase for 1.3
django-template-shortcodes - Limited WordPress shortcode support for Django
django-rest-params        - Function decorator for Django REST Framework for specifying and constraining API parameters.
django_fotorama           - simple django-fotorama apps!
django-python3-ldap       - Django LDAP user authentication backend for Python 3.
django-userthemes         - Django user themes application
django-cratis-suit        - Django-suit integration
django-multiupload        - Dead simple drop-in multi file upload field for django forms using HTML5's multiple attribute.
django-sesame             - URL-based authentication, an application that provides one-click login via specially crafted URLs
django-twitterflux        - Retrieval and storage of recent tweets in Django.
django-bananas            - Django Bananas - Django extensions the monkey way
django-email-password-reset - Minimalist app disabling all passwords and sending password reset emails.
django-googleauth         - OAuth 2.0 authentication for Google and Google Apps accounts
django-resourcetags       - Django template tags for referencing static files
emencia-django-bazar      - A Django app to store basic informations about entities
django-tube               - YouTube video management application for Django projects
django-korektor           - Google like "Did you mean" spellcheck proof of concept for Django app.
Django-migration-manager  - A simple manager for migrations stored as plain SQL files
django-markup-tags        - Template tags (not filters) for Markdown, Textile, and ReST.
django-social-media-links - A reusable Django app that renders a set of social media links, i.e. for your website footer.
django-ics-generator      - Django app to return an .ics file when called via http://www.keith-wood.name/icalendar.html
django-gevent-deploy      - Django manage.py hook for starting gevent's WSGI server
django-naturalsortfield   - Natural sorting for Django CharFields.
django-nexmo              - A simple Django app to send text messages using the Nexmo api.
django-cache-toolbox-modified - Non-magical object caching for Django. Based on django-cache-toolbox by Playfire.com
django-static-underscore-i18n - A Django app that provides helper for generating Javascript Underscore templates to static files with i18n support.
django-speedtracer        - Profile your Django site using Google Chrome's SpeedTracer
django-redirects-file     - A simple redirects utility that uses a json file for redirects definitions
django-template-shortcuts - UNKNOWN
djangocms-responsive-wrapper - This projects integrates django-responsive2 with django-cms >= 3.0
django-smtp-alternative   - Django email backend providing sending with alternative SMTP server if primary server fails
cmsplugin-filery          - Image gallery based on django-filer
django-files              - Django attachments ContentTypes micro framework.
django-graphos            - Django app to provide a JS agnostic way to work with charts.
django-modeltools         - A collection of utilities that make dealing with Django models more fun.
django-joyride            - A Django application that eases the guided tour
django-paranoid-sessions  - make Django work harder to prevent session-stealing attacks
django-userswitch-fork    - A quick 'n' dirty Django app for switching between different users while testing
django-twilio-sms         - Twilio integration for SMS-based Django apps
django-theherk-simplemenu - Django CMS plugin make a very simple quick links menu.
sierra-django-json-mixin-form - Utility to render Form responses in a JSON usable format
django-collage            - django collages
django-locations          - A location based social network using Django & Pinax
django-redirect           - A slightly more robust version of the native django redirect
wadofstuff-django-views   - Inlines support for Django generic views.
django-admin-langswitch   - Adds easy language switch in admin
django-kidoredis          - Django redis backend
django-easysettings       - Easy app-specific settings for Django
django-sentrylogs         - A django command to run sentrylogs easily
django-jqm                - Pluggable JQuery Mobile templates for Django
django-precompressed      - precompressed is a pluggable application for Django developers who want to serve precompressed (gzipped) static files.
django-ttdb               - Creates a django test database using a postgres template database.
django-federal-reserve    - Django model for storing Federal Reserve time series.
django-google-tools       - Django app for managing Google Analytics and Site Verification codes.
django-ckeditor-staticfiles - A simple Django app containing CKEditor static files.
django-le-twitter         - Twitter authentication that sucks
django-snappy-vumi-bouncer - A Django app that bounces messages from Vumi to Snappy and back
django-cache-nuggets      - Useful utils for Django caching
django-maro               - `django-maro` is utility for django.
django-merged-inlines     - A Django Admin extension that allows you to mix and reorder multiple inline classes together
django-favicon            - Reusable django app to handle /favicon.ico for your site
django-static-site        - static site generator for django
django-websocket-request  - Support for Django's request/response lifecycle to automatically handle WebSocket messages.
django-brainstorm         - Django brainstorming site
django-ajax-messages      - UNKNOWN
django-mootools-behavior  - Utilities for https://github.com/anutron/behavior integration with django.
django-adminrestrict      - Block .
django-query-caching      - Caches the results of SQL queries transparently.
django-saladoplayer       - Django application for displaying spherical panoramas using SaladoPlayer flash viewer
django-debug              - Django application for monitoring the ORM queries
django-emailmessagetemplates - A Django app that allows users to edit email content with an easy-to-integrate developer API.
django-dbarray            - Django ORM field for Postgres array types.
django-commweb            - Django module for interfacing with the CommWeb merchant gateway.
django-dynamic-content    - A reusable Django app that allows to place dynamic content into templates.
django-bft                - Big File Transfer Application written in Django
webstack-django-sorting   - Easy sorting of tables with Django
django-simple-blog        - An easy way to start writing blog posts.
django-thumbnails         - A simple Django app to manage image/photo thumbnails. Supports remote/cloud storage systems like Amazon S3.
django-lithium-api        - A (very) limited implementation of the Lithium REST API for Django
django-moat               - django-moat
django-cherrypy           - cherrypy, running under django
django-svnlit             - Django-based subversion browser.
django-atc-demo-ui        - Demo Web UI for ATC
django-extraconfig        - An entry-point based solution to extendthe Django configuration.
django-migration-fixture  - Django app to easily turn initial_data.* fixtures into Django 1.7 data migrations.
django-botscout           - UNKNOWN
django-ios-push           - A Django Application for contacting the Apple Push Service and maintaining a list of iOS devices.
django-hashed-url         - Package for pre-authorising URLs using a hash parameter
django-atomic-dispatch    - Atomic transaction aware signals for Django 1.6+
django-profiles2          - User-profile application for Django
medularis-django-utils    - Medularis's open source utilities for use in Django projects
django-middleware-extras  - django-middleware-extras provides some extra middleware classes that are often needed by Django projects.
django-ajaxcomments       - Easily add AJAX-based comment functionality to a Django project.
django-emailredirect      - UNKNOWN
django-fence              - Simple middleware to restrict access to "private beta" sites
wadofstuff-django-serializers-op - Extended serializers for Django modified for OpenProximity
django-onesky             - OneSky inline translation library for Django
django-biblio             - django app for storing bibliographical references
django-campaign           - A basic newsletter app for the Django webframework
django-cl2csv             - Export what you see in the Django admin list view.
django-login-canary       - django-login-canary is a reusable Django application to notify users upon successful and failed logins.
django-south-compass      - Compass is a tool to guide your south migrations.
django-staticfiles-typeaheadjs - typeahead.js meets Django staticfiles
django-icybackup-jl       - A Django database/media backup tool with Amazon Glacier and local folder support
django-ztask              - Django ZTask - A simple background task scheduler for Django
django-batch-session-cleanup - Tool to clean up expired sessions gracefully
cmsplugin-markdown        - A plugin for django-cms that aims to replace the standard text plugin with it's
WYSIWYG editors. With cmsplugin-markdown you can write your content in Markdown
using EpicEditor (http://oscargodson.github.com/EpicEditor/)
django-reg                - An extensible user-registration application for Django
django-standalone         - use the Django ORM with standalone scripts
django-sharing            - Django row level object sharing app.
django-js-error-logging   - Logging Client-Side JavaScript errors for Django
django-favs-sc            - A simple reusable app for django that makes it easy to deal with faving
django-ratchet-scss       - A simple Django app to import ratchet-scss.
django-foundation-env     - Zurb Foundation Framework for Django
django-treasuremap        - django-treasuremap app, makes it easy to store and display the location on the map using different providers (Google, Yandex).
django-argonauts          - A lightweight collection of JSON helpers for Django.
django-hudson             - Plug and play continuous integration with django and hudson
django-emailtemplates     - A simple Django app to create emails based on database or filesystem templates.
django-userjs             - userjs is a Django application that produces javascript that represents a User
django-wordpress          - Django app to easily integrate Wordpress.
django-cookies            - Drop-in replacement for Django's request.COOKIES
django-south-admin        - Django app allowing for South management through Admin.
django-bosssearch         - Search with Yahoo BOSS!
django-trust              - Manage relative trust levels for users.
django-rest-resources     - UNKNOWN
django-fakeauth           - A fake authentication backend for django
django-paginated-modelformset - An attempt to add pagination to Django Model Formsets.
django-honeypot-signals   - * This app provides a simple signal handler for the App django-admin-honeypot *

If someone tries to login using the wrong admin url, django-admin-honeypot
creates a new model instance, which includes all significant information about
this attempt. After save() the signal handler sends a notification email to
settings.MANAGERS, which includes the basic model information.
django-multimedia         - UNKNOWN
django-calaccess-campaign-finance - A Django app to refine and investigate campaign finance data drawn from the California Secretary of State’s CAL-ACCESS database
django-memcached2         - django-memcached2 displays statistics about your currently running
memcached instances.  It's a fork of django-memcached that works with
the new-style CACHES setting introduced in Django 1.3.
django-stravauth          - Django accounts Strava authentication package.
django-saml2-sp           - SAML 2.0 SP for Django
django-contenttype-tag    - Easy application for get content type at template
django-unslashed          - Django Middleware that can automatically remove trailing URL slashes and 301 redirect to the non-slash-terminated URL.
django-proxy-storage      - Proxy storage for any Django storage
django-upload-path-generator - upload path generator for django model's FielField
django-hallo-markdown     - Hallo WYSIWYG Markdown widget for Django
django-templation         - The easy way to allow designers edit templates and assets.
django-registration-py3   - A Python 3 ready version of django-registration
django-file-storage       - Set file storage as an environment variable in your Django application.
django-matrix-field       - A Django app providing database and form fields for matrices (arrays of arrays).
django-math-captcha-update - Simple, secure math captcha for django forms(Django 1.6+ compatible)
django-oauth              - Support of OAuth in Django.
django-metaredirect       - META-tag and JavaScript based generic redirect views for maintaining HTTP referrers.
django-smartagent         - django-smartagent is the fastest and most complete user agent parser
django-links              - Django links application for simple bookmark handling
django-restlayer          - HTTP REST toolkit for Django
django-browserstack-tools - Unofficial Browserstack integration for Django
django-teryt              - TERYT database implementation for Django
django-parler-rest        - Multilingual support for django-rest-framework
django-pyc                - Manage .pyc files in Django project.
django-qrmixin            - Provides a QR code generating mixin for django models
django-key-auth           - Key based authentication for Django
django-doccloud           - Provides a reusable document app to add and edit files hosted by DocumentCloud
django-meta-mixin         - Social meta tags mixin for django-meta
django-br-addresses       - A simple Django app to provide a CRUD of cities and address.
django-recaptcha-mailhide - ReCAPTCHA Mailhide is an app for hiding mails from spammers. To use with Django templates.
django-pusher             - a reusable app that wraps the api for pusher.com to allow registration of namespaces and auth callbacks
django-nodetree           - Library to help creating API's that handle contents in a ordered tree data structure with Django.
django-localflavor        - Country-specific Django helpers
django-attention          - A small session-based flash notice system for Django.
enumlike                  - An enum like object for using django-form-choces.
django-productline        - an approach to feature-oriented software development(FOSD) of web application product lines based on django
ispm-django-chronograph   - UNKNOWN
django-featured-objects   - Django app for making any object featured
django-quickblocks        - UNKNOWN
django-responsive2        - Utilities for building responsive websites in Django
django-board              - A Django app for managing an organisation's board members page.
django-social-friends-finder - An extension app for django-social-auth or django-allauth that fetches your friends from different social-networks.
django-routers            - Django multiple databases, auto routers
django-authorizenet       - Django and Authorize.NET payment gateway integration
django-urlconverter       - Django URL converters
django-bootstrap3-form    - Django-bootstrap3-form allows you write Django forms that work with Twitter Bootstrap 3
django-better500s         - Library for Django that provides better error logging
django-pipeline-ngmin-mixin-compressor - ngmin mixin compressor for django-pipeline
django-google-charts      - Google Visualization API template tags and helpers for Django framework
django-buildhost          - UNKNOWN
django-contact            - System for working with contacts/identities in django.
django-class-registry     - Register any classes like Django's admin.
django-ikari              - Django middleware to allow user configurable domain anchoring to admin configured urlconfs.
django-sorl-hacks         - Some usefull hacks based on sorl-thumbnail
django-anonymous-notification - User notification management for the Django web framework
django-extra-fields       - Additional fields for Django Rest Framework 3.
django-url-methods        - Django-url-methods provide various methods to work with urls
django-never-cache-post   - Ensure that (iOS 6) never caches the result of an ajax POST again.
django-canary-endpoint    - Resource health checks for Django.
django-authy-admin        - A drop in replacement for django's default admin site that provides two-factor authentication via authy's REST API.
django-site-skins         - site-skins
django-stardate           - Another django blog app.
django-webbugger          - Basic webbugger/tracking beacon for django
django-redcap             - Utilities for porting REDCap projects to Django
django-suit-ckeditor      - CKEditor (WYSIWYG editor) integration app for Django admin. http://ckeditor.com
django-multilingual-ng    - Multilingual extension for Django - NG
django-nomnom             - Generic importing tool for the Django admin site.
django-cliauth            - Authenticate Apache2 (basic auth) using your Django DB
django-singleactiveobject - Model mixin that ensures there is only one active model instance in your database.
django-frontendadmin      - A a set of templatetags to allow an easy and unobstrusive way to edit model-data in the frontend of your page.
django-webtopay           - A pluggable Django application for integrating WebToPay Payments
django-locking            - Prevents users from doing concurrent editing in Django. Works out of the box in the admin interface, or you can integrate it with your own apps using a public API.
django-flexible-content   - Allows granular, typed, extensible control over a page's content.
django-gunicorn           - simple Django app to replace runserver with Gunicorn
django-buysafe            - Django wrapper for SunTech BuySafe (TM).
django_pyfixture          - Django-PyFixture lets you write fixtures as regular .py-files.
django-uuid-contour       - A Django app for uuid fields
django-packages-search    - A command line tool for searching within djangopackages.com
django-dotpay             - UNKNOWN
django-bnr                - BNR exchange rates for django apps.
django-wms                - Mapscript based WMS framework for GeoDjango
django-bitid              - App for django bitId authentication
django-gatekeeper         - Django object moderation
django-pencil             - Intergetion Pencil WYSIWYG into Django.
django-generic-scaffold   - Generic scaffolding for Django
django-faq                - Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) management for Django apps.
django-postit             - django-postit is a scrumboard application for django projects
django-localflavor-us     - Country-specific Django helpers for U.S.A.
django-remember_me        - A Django application that provides a login form with a Remember Me checkbox.
django-spa-crm            - Django SPA CRM
django-rocket-engine      - Django on Google AppEngine
django-sqs                - django FormFields using the Chosen javascript plugin for jQuery
django-slugfield          - Django manual slug field
django-regex-field        - Store regular expressions in Django models
django-kvtags             - Extensible key-value tagging for Django
django-viewssi            - Template tag for requesting views in templates (Django)
django-makemessages-plus  - An django extension to support making messages from coffeescript files
django-email-analytics    - Adds Google Analytics tracking to emails sent with Django.
django-tagging-ng         - Enhanced tagging application for Django, based on django-tagging
django-generic-json-views - Class based generic views that render JSON data.
django-granular-permissions - Django granular (row-level) permissions that inject themselves in a non-invasive fashion (without modifying the Django code)
django-site-access        - an app to provide utilities via middleware to control access to your django site
django-noaa               - Django app for downloading and storing historical weather data from NOAA.
django-simple-activity    - Simple, generic, activity streams from the actions on your site.
django-conditional-aggregates - Django aggregate functions which operate conditionally (i.e. generate SQL `CASE` statements)
django-view-cache-utils   - Django app that provides a method to do advanced view caching.
django-better-filter-widget - A better filter widget for foreign key relationships
django-twitter-feed       - A simple Django app to show a Twitter feed.
django-token-asena        - Generate tokens and token sets for temporary session authentication
django-test-without-migrations - Disable migrations when running your Django tests.
django-misaka             - A Django template tag for rendering Markdown (by Misaka Markdown parser).
django-super-cms          - a simple cms app for django , just for small site usage
django-erroneous          - django-erroneous makes it easy to collect and log Django application errors.
django-raise-exception-view - Django view that raises an exception so you can test your logging setup
inmagik-drf-auth          - Additional views and helpers for django-rest-framework authentication
django-FIUT               - Fine, Incredibly Useful Tools
django-dev-email          - Send all mail to a desired address during development
django-coinbase           - a Django app for receiving payment notifications from Coinbase
django-generic-feeds      - A simple way for objects to subscribe to other objects for a "feed-like"
functionality in a Django project
django-goodies            - A collection of useful stuff for Django projects.
django-siteuser           - A Django APP for Universal Maintain Accounts
django-nine               - Compatibility library for Django.
django-paymill            - django-paymill is a django app for easily integrating Paymill as a payment gateway for django projects.
django-navtree            - Django application for adding hierarchical navigation to projects
django-selectel-storage   - This application allows you easily save media and static files into selectel cloud storage
django-chartjs            - Django Chart.js and Hightchart ajax views
django-dirtyfield         - Track changed data in Django Models
django-notifyme           - A notification framework for django
django-ansi2html-filter   - Apply ansi2html transformation in Django templates
django-sekizai-processors - Processors to (also offline) compile SASS/SCSS files when used with django-sekizai
django-auth-hack          - Hacking Django's contrib auth app to support longer usernames
django-tumblelog          - A simple and extensible tumblelog engine for Django
django-formsetfield       - Formsets inside forms
django-theming            - Django application, implement theming concept, flexible and configurable. Allow theming for host url.
django-utils              - Utilities for Django
django-intellectmoney     - Приложение для работы с intellectmoney.ru
django-atc-profile-storage - ATC Profile storage app
django-filetransfers      - Helper for writing reusable Django apps that handle uploads and downloads
django-cratis-admin       - Integrates django admin
django-transplant         - Automated merges of User accounts.
django-manuscript         - Django application for managing rare book scanning/OCR projects
django-groups             - Django group support (extracted from Pinax)
django-crequest           - Middleware to make current request always available.
django-sample-data        - Collections of useful actions to use with django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin
django_configurations_seddonym - A pack of helpful django-configurations settings for my projects.
django-simple-links       - Simple bookmarking application for Django projects
django-dishes             - We need menus of delicious food that people can order and have delivered.
django-configurable-inclusion-tag - A smart template inclusion tag
django-gearman-proxy      - Proxy backends/workers for asynchronous email and sms sending using gearman as message queue.
django-kb                 - Simple knowledge base made with django
django-relativefilepathfield - A Django FilePathField which stores a relative value to the file.
django-decorators         - A bunch of django extra decorators.
tivix-django-invitation-simplified - Simple Django app to allow user registration by invitation.
django-admin-app-names-singleton - Django admin enhancer
django-bower-app          - Library to manage bower.json dependancies with ease
django-image-diet         - Remove unnecessary bytes from images
django-klisha             - A standards-compliant and responsive photoblog web application, written in Python and Django
django-fulmine            - Django OAuth 2.0 (RFC 6749) pluggable implementation
django-contact-plus       - Core of cmsplugin_contact_plus extracted as a standalone Django app
django-athumb             - A simple, S3-backed thumbnailer field.
django-banish             - django middleware to ban users, prevent too many concurrent connections
django-mobileadmin        - The Django admin interface for mobile devices.
django-adminhelp          - A help application for Django admin
django-stashboard         - Fork of Stashboard (GAE) modified for pure-django.
django-email-blacklist    - Python class for use with Django to detect Disposable Emails.
django-freshly            - A Django application that enables your server to remotely trigger assets reload by the client(s)
django-object-links       - Easy Link and Menu management for Django sites
django-servee-gallery     - Document Plugin for django-servee
js-django-bootstrap31     - A simple Container to get Twitter Bootstrap into your project.
django-exportable-admin   - An app to allow Django admin changelists to be exported to CSV (Django > 1.3)
django-dynamodb2-sessions - Sessions backend dedicated for Django uses Amazon DynamoDB v.2
django-docviewer          - documentcloud for django
django-swiftbrowser       - A simple Django app to access Openstack Swift
django-versioncheck       - A small django app which tries to be annoying if your django version is outdated.
django-chronograph        - Django chronograph application.
django-crystal-big        - Everaldo's Crystal icons (big sizes) bundled for direct consumption from Django applications
django-public-holidays    - Reusable public holidays for django projects
django-template-utils     - Just a collection of useful template tags and filters gathered in a single app.
django-jobs               - A job board for Python
django-admin-log          - Application that logs errors generated in a web system into a model. The model is displayed in the administrator.
django-geetar             - A swiss army knife for your Django project, including a smattering of helpful code
django-recaptcha-field    - Easy-to-use, highly extensible and well documented reCAPTCHA plugin for Django forms
django-dbmessages         - Request-independent messaging for Django on top of contrib.messages
django-registration-fc    - Fork of an extensible user-registration application for Django
django-explain-commands   - Django app for explaining where commands are coming from.
django-ogone              - Python/Django client to the ogone payment system. Aids in setting up secure payment functionality.
django-compress           - django-compress provides an automated system for compressing CSS and JavaScript files
django-migrations-plus    - Provides a method to run raw SQL in migrations with multiple databases
pinax-theme-bootstrap-account - a theme for Pinax/django-user-accounts based on Twitter's Bootstrap
django-liar               - A simple django app that invalidates url resolving of apps.
django-laterpay           - LaterPay Django tools
django-brutebuster        - Pluggable Django application providing password bruteforce protection
django-x_file_accel_redirects - Django app to easy configuration of multiple X-File-Accel locations
django-cas-provider       - A "provider" for the Central Authentication Service (http://jasig.org/cas)
django-pyfixtures         - dumpdata generates python source code files as the fixtures
django-treemenu           - Another reusable app for organize tree menus on django site
django-materialized-views - UNKNOWN
djChoices                 - Alternative to django-model-util's Choices
django-dynamite           - Dynamic models framework
django-project-settings   - Store django settings into Database
rest_condition            - Complex permissions flow for django-rest-framework
django-cronfield          - Simple CRON field with nice javascript-enabled User Interface and Cron format validation.
django-photologue-praekelt - Powerful image management for the Django web framework. Praekelt fork.
django-tastypie-crust     - Goodies for Tastypie.
django-freckle-budgets    - A reusable Django app that allows to plan year budgets and track them via letsfreckle.
django-keen               - Simple wrapper for django around the official keen.io client
django-multifilefield     - Django model and form fields for storring html5 forms multiupload data
django-autoroutes         - Module to automate routes for django projects
django-masked-forms       - django masked forms
django-ipgeo              - API to ipgeobase.ru database
django-locationstree      - Simple Django App for location tree
django-debug-toolbar-extra - Django application that allows add funcionality to the django-debug-toolbar
django-cryptocoin         - A Django app to organize accepting bitcoin, litecoin, novacoin and other cryptocoins.
django-mobile-withstatic  - Detect mobile browsers and serve different template flavours to them.
django-i18n-helper        - A internationalization helper that highlights translated strings
django-access-manager     - An abstract access manager for Django.
django-static-root-finder - A static files finder to find files in the STATIC_ROOT directory.
django-pronouns           - Generic pronoun handling for Django applications
django-native-datatables  - Add high-performance data-driven tables to your models, with full control template-side
django-flatpages-plus     - A more robust FlatPage app for Django.
django-toolbelt           - A simple collection of common Django utilities.
django-mantis-iodef-importer - A iodef importer for the  Mantis Cyber Threat Intelligence Mgmt. Framework.
django-filemanager-tjh    - A django filemanager app
django-any                - Unobtrusive test models  creation for django.
django-virtualssi         - Simulate Apache virtual server-side includes.
django-bitcoin            - Bitcoin application integration for Django web framework
django-oembed-works       - django-oembed-works is a Django app that provides support for the oEmbed format.
django-sse-wrapper        - A simple wrapper of the sse python implementation for django
django-langswitch         - django app, that can be used on multilingual sites
django-vcstorage          - A Django app that provides file storage backends for Mercurial, Git and Bazaar by using anyvc.
django-commands           - A django app that provides a plugin type model for integrating the front and backend.
django-extra-exceptions   - Extra exception handling to mirror django.http.http404
cmsplugin-fb-agenda       - django-cms plugin: display the agenda of a facebook user
django-queries            - Generic query interface for django models
django-google-credentials - Django app storing Google API OAuth credentials.
django-holonet            - This package is used to control holonet from a django project.
django-smartcc            - A django Middleware that will help to set cache-control header on the views.
django-primate            - A modular django user
django-slimmer            - Html compression as middleware and view decorators
django-shopify-auth       - An simple package for adding Shopify authentication to Django apps.
django-sermepa            - A django app to emit and listen Redsys/sermepa payments
django-choice-object      - A choice object for Django forms and models
django-composite-form     - Helper class to handle form composition
django-gmapi              - A Google Maps API implementation for Django
django-repomgmt           - APT repo management, buildd, etc.
django-everlasting-sessions - Django middleware that prevents user sessions from expiration.
django-google-dork        - A django app to manage Google dorks, run them and cache results.
django-inlaws             - Shows related objects in the Django admin.
django-smileys            - Easily replace things like :) and B-) with smilies on your Django-powered site.
django-remplacer          - Easy search and replace in database fields via Django model introspection.
django-nginx-ssi          - Django SSI library for use with Nginx
django-pipejam            - Dependency management on top of Django Pipeline.
django-principals         - A Django model field for defining a principal instance.
django-unique-slugify     - Automatically create a unique slug for a model.
mysociety-django-popolo   - A Django-based implementation of the Popolo data specifications.
django-mangopay           - Django package that helps in your Mangopay integration
django-sundial            - Django application providing database, form fields and middleware for timezone support.
django-prototype          - Simple application to build interactive HTML based on the Django templating system.
django-jsignature         - Use jSignature jQuery plugin in your django projects
django-iframetoolbox      - Django set of tools to work inside iframe
django-distance           - Django application to allow looking up objects by distance.
django-kong               - A server description and deployment testing tool for King Kong sized sites
django-phantom-pdf        - A simple django app for creating pdf files.
django-yutils             - Collection of utilities for Django
django-mptt-treechangelist - MPTT Tree Change List Django
django-flatpages-tinymce  - HTML editor on django.contrib.flatpages
django-perseus            - Builds a static version of your Django website
django-email-test         - An app for sending test emails via the admin site to make sure your email server is working.
django-simplecontent      - A simple way to test static content and templates and writing them to disk when you're finished
django-feeds              - RSS/Atom feed scraper and entry speaker.
django-saltapi            - This Django app serves as the REST API for Salt.
django-thumbnail          - Thumbnailing in Django
django-expense            - A simple personal/family expense tracker application for Django.
django-unchained          - UNKNOWN
django-dbconf             - Simple helper to save settings in a database and efficient access to this data through cache.
django-mailchimp-v1.3     - Mailchimp wrapper for Django, using Mailchimp API 1.3
django-vz-wiki            - A Django powered wiki app
django-dispose            - Disposes of media files that are no longer referenced in the database.
django-metaimage          - Wrapper around django-photologue dealing w/ remote images, and server-side-generated images.
django-split-settings     - Organize Django settings into multiple files and directories. Easily override and modify settings. Use wildcards and optional settings files.
django-ldap-sync          - A Django application for synchronizing LDAP users and groups
django-sorter             - A helper app for sorting objects in Django templates.
django-like-system        - Django based like system. Inspired by django.contrib.comments.
django-registration-html-email - An extensible user-registration application for Django, with html emails (django-registration simple fork)
django-crystal-small      - Everaldo's Crystal icons (small sizes) bundled for direct consumption from Django applications
django-tip                - Inspector for Django Templates
django-label-tag-attr     - Add css classes and html tag attributes to django form's label.
pytest-django-lite        - The bare minimum to integrate py.test with Django.
django-libsass            - A django-compressor filter to compile SASS files using libsass
django-change-email       - A Django application to enable users to change their e-mail address.
django-voting             - Generic voting application for Django
django-latency            - Destroy the performance of your site (for testing reasons!) with django-latency!
django-field-cryptography - An encrypted field for Django.
django-granular-access    - Flexible permission system for Django.
django-nosqladmin         - An introspective interface for Django and Document Based NoSQL databases
django-telemetry          - Event-based reporting system for django - with queryset graphs
django-greekapp           - New testament greek app for django.
django-filters-mixin      - Put short description here...
django-ajax-filtered-fields - Django fields for many to many and foreign key ajax filtered relations
django-jsonschema         - django-jsonschema converts Django Forms into JSON Schema compatibile representations
django-light-draft        - Preview changes without saving the data into db.
django-taggit-serializer  - The Django Taggit serializer for tDjango REST Framework
django-purls              - django-purls
django-richtextfield      - A Django model field and widget that renders a customizable WYSIWYG/rich text editor
django-mailhide           - This is a django api for recaptcha mailhide.
django-cache-tools        - Tools to make caching easier in Django
django-quiet-runserver    - Quieter runserver for Django
django-concurrent-server  - Provides a multi-threaded (concurrent) development sever for Django.
django-blogg              - Blog app for Django
django-localcrawler       - django-localcrawler
django-profile            - Django user profile app.
django-backup             - A backup script for the Django admin
django-dburlresolvers     - Django-based URL resolving mechanism, which store the URL patterns in database
django-galicia            - Django helpers for Galicia (Spain).
django-responsive-images  - An Django app for resizing images and generating src and srcset values via template tags.
django-eventy             - A really simple event manager with no recurring abilities for django.
django-templatetag-sugar  - A library to make Django's template tags sweet.
django-iron-sessions      - iron.io cache as Django sessions backend
django-myrecaptcha        - A smart Django application to add reCAPTCHA to your comment forms
django-octopus            - A simple AJAX pull framework for django, now with fullfeatured demo
django-hitcounter         - Django hitcounter tracks the number of hits/views for chosen objects
zinnia-theme-foundation   - A theme with Zurb Foundation for django-blog-zinnia.
django-nested-forms       - UNKNOWN
django-fogbugz-gadget     - A small Django app which allows your users to submit cases to FogBugz directly from your site.
django-mailtestfield      - Drop-in replacement for Django's forms.EmailField. Uses http://mailtest.in to validate email addresses. Caches results.
django-cloudmailin        - Client for CloudMailin incoming email service
django-redshift           - Amazon Redshift Dialect for django
django-splitdate          - A widget for django form date fields that displays three inputs (day, month, year).
django-token              - Simple token based authentication for Django
linaro-django-jsonfield   - Django's missing JSON field similar to XMLField
django-test-coverage      - A simple way to get your Django application's test coverage.
django-helptext           - A django application for editing django model field help text in the django admin
django-organice-theme-fullpage - A responsive full-page theme for django-organice.
django-cities-teryt       - Polish region and city data for Django.
django-contact-form-fc    - Django Contact Form using class based views.
django-dbgettext          - Translate Django models by extracting data for gettext
django-versionfield3      - A DB Independent Custom Django Field for storing Version numbers for fast indexing
cmsplugin_news3           - News plugin and application for Django-CMS 3.x
django-feedstorage        - An application designed for storing Feeds entries and notifying subscribers only when there are new entries.
django-ibge               - Django application to provide information from Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
django-theherk-download   - Django CMS plugin to post a download link
django-undermythumb       - The Django thumbnail generation package with a heart of stone.
django-modify-history     - Automatically create history database when perticular model is saved.
django-echelon            - Middleware to make user information always available and to automatically log changes
django-social-login       - A Django APP for Social account login via OAuth2 Service
django-swiftstorage       - Django swiftstorage for Swift API
django-heroku-sendgridify - Automatic email configuration for the Django/Heroku/SendGrid stack
django-template-pages     - Flat pages based on template directory structure for django.
django-heap               - Simple Heap analytics integration
django-hash-filter        - Provides a simple filter to produce hashed (hex digest) values in templates.
django-extended-messages  - Extended version of django.contrib.messages
django-xlink              - Django cross link searches particular sites for links back to your site and stores them
django-absoluteuri        - Absolute URI functions and template tags for Django
django-uwsgi-admin2       - uWSGI monitoring page in django admin and debug_toolbar panel.
django-omnibus            - Django/JavaScript WebSocket Connections
django-celery-transactions2 - Django transaction support for Celery tasks.
django-kickstart          - Tool for kickstarting django projects.
django-oscar-mpesa        - Oscar integration for M-Pesa's IPN service.
django-ping               - Django Monitoring and Availability Utility
django-antivirus-field    - Django FileField with ClamAV protection
django-jsonfilter         - Django json datadump object filtering
django-languageselect     - Simple language select as custom template tag
django-ignoretests2       - Ignore tests of given django apps
django-lightsearch        - A modest searching application for Django
django-hs-cache           - HandlerSocket cache backend for Django
django-gmapi-new          - A Google Maps API implementation for Django
django-fbauth-templatetag - Django app that comes with a simple template tag to place a Facebook log-in button in your template
django-export-xls         - A simple Django app to export data to an excel file.
django-form-extensions    - Useful fields and widgets for Django forms.
django-exmodel            - Makes your Django models extendable.
django-aloha-editor       - A set of project independent reusable features.
mysociety-django-bleach   - Easily use bleach with Django models and templates
django-notices            - A message notification system for Django.
django-simple-faq         - Simple FAQ app for django
django-cached-functions   - Prevent expensive computations by storing low level calues in the django cache
django-dated-values       - A reusable Django app that allows adding dated decimal values to any Django model
django-cte-trees-python3  - Django Adjacency-List trees using PostgreSQL Common Table Expressions (CTE).
django-aggregates         - Aggregate, String and Conditional SQL functions for Django ORM.
django-simple-error       - Simple error page management
Django-Actuary            - Django auditing application.
django-appypod            - Render OpenDocument files from templates, using Appy POD
django-cerberus           - Django app that locks out users after too many failed login attempts.
django-xstatic            - Django helpers to use XStatic packages in Django projects
django-widgets            - A library to support writing reusable UI widgets for Django
django-tiendateca         - Online Store Software for Django
django-akamai             - A Django app for performing Akamai CCUAPI purge requests
django-saas-user          - Multi-client Authentication/Authorization for Django
django-cratis-cms         - Integrates django-cms into cratis application
django-flash-message      - a simple message util for django
django-localsrv           - Django app for serving static content from different sources (files, strings, urls, etc.) at custom paths, using custom HTTP headers. Intended as a more flexible option than Python's SimpleHTTPServer
django-wunderground       - An extension for Django CMS and a template tag that displays the current local weather pulled from  wunderground.com
leaner                    - This project was inspired by "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries "
    "and django-lean. The goal is to provide an easy way for Django apps to "
    "test new ideas and features in a non-disruptive way.
django-simple-api-key     - A simple Django app to provide users api keys.
django-albertson          - Integration library for Django and Albertson.
django-oscar-unicredit    - A plugin to pay with unicredit bank
django-shortcodes         - WordPress shortcode support for Django
django-easy-contact       - A simple contact form application.
django-urlmodel           - Rich URLs for Django models.
django-debug-toolbar-django-info - django-info panel for django-debug-toolbar
django-sites-groups       - Organize sites from the Django sites framework into groups.
django-sillysignin        - A username-only authentication app.  Also, unknown users get created automatically.  You probably don't want this in production.
django-share-me-share-me  - Model and front end library for choosing and integrating social media share widgets.
django-kidotest           - Code snippets which help writing automated tests for Django.
django-contrib-comments-auth - This adds authentication to django.contrib.comments.
django-s3fileup           - Django app that exposes a file upload API to S3, direct from the client
django-authtkt            - django-authtkt is used to share auth between more than one django site (a kind of SSO auth)
django-readonlywidget     - A ReadOnly Widget for Django
django-inventory          - Free Open Source Inventory and Fixed Assets Control System.
django-s3-folder-storage  - Quick extension of django-storages' S3BotoStorage to allow separate folders for uploaded and static media within an S3 bucket.
django-beefycachecontrol  - Beefier Cache-Control HTTP headers created by @never_cache decorator in Django.
django-jsonapi-org        - JSON API implementation for use with django
phialapi                  - Simple django-rest implementation to store files in a plethora of storage engines
django-emailqueue         - Django app for sending queued emails using cron
django-cas-sso            - Django Cas SSO Client (inherited from django-cas)
django-libtech-emailuser  - Use emailaddress as username in Django +1.5
django-dynamic-db-router  - Simply route complex django queries to multiple databases.
django-testimony          - A Django app that will create a pluggable django-cms testimony form and content plugin within your project..
django-compass2           - Simple compilation of Compass projects for Django.
django-debug-toolbar-user-panel-fc - Panel for the Django Debug toolbar to quickly switch between users.
django-ldapbackend        - LDAP Backend for Django (1.0 or higher)
django-localflavor-lt     - Country-specific Django helpers for Lithuania.
django-sqlcipher          - SQLCipher support for Django
django-redis-mailer       - A django mail queue
django-gibson-sessions    - Gibson session backend for Django
django-privatesite        - Django custom admins
django-subdomain          - app to provide subdomain functionality in django project
django-pypal              - Django app for PyPal
django-moneyfield         - Django Money Model Field
django-cms-chunks         - Edit chunks of your non CMS pages using django-cms
django-ajaxerrors         - Django middleware for unhandled AJAX errors
cmsplugin-pagedown        - A plugin for django-cms that includes the StackOverflow pagedown editor
django-syncpermissions    - Sync permissions for specified apps, or all apps if none specified
django-orgco              - django-orgco implements a template tag to use orgco easily in django templates
django-quill              - Easily use Quill.js in your django admin.
django-registration-redux - An extensible user-registration application for Django
django-auction            - Based on django-shop, Django Auction aims to allow easy development of auction apps.
django-quotidian          - Adds snippets of text to your Django templates.
django-qmanager           - Create managers for Django models based on pre-defined queries.
django-config-url         - A simple mechanism for loading external configuration from a URL.
django-grappelli-filters  - Additional filters for Djagno Grappelli admin
django-flashcard          - A flashcard application to practice virtual two-sided cards
PeeweePaginator           - Django-like Pagination Classes For Peewee
django-simplesearch       - A basic search application for Django.
django-oscar-paymentexpress - PaymentExpress payment module for django-oscar
django-disguise           - This django application allows superuser to "disguise" into any user
django-resizer            - A Django app for fetching resized and/or cropped images through a url.
django-sslutils           - SSL helpers for Django
django-ajax-crawler       - Handle page with dynamic data.
django-hinting-cache      - Cache wrapper that turns many gets into fewer get_many's
django-ckeditor-fc        - Django admin CKEditor integration.
django-GNU-Terry-Pratchett - You know they'll never really die while the Trunk is alive
django-adminextraviews    - Mixin for adding class-based views to ModelAdmin
django-triodia            - A Django app to check taxonomic species names against web based data services such as GBIF.
drf-fsm-transitions       - Automatically hook your Django-FSM transitions up to Django REST Framework
django-intranet           - Intranet made easy
django-i18next            - Additions to Django's i18n module.
django-search-statistic   - Provide search statistic for Django framework.
django-cssjspacker        - django application for js and css compression
django-localflavor-nz     - Country-specific Django helpers for New Zealand.
django-cms-saq            - Self-assessment questionnaires with Django CMS.
django-banzai             - Django API wrapper for mailing delivery service: http://get-n-post.ru/
django-roadmap            - A simple app to display a project roadmap with milestones and events.
django-theherk-module     - Django CMS plugin to post a simple module for use in a sidebar.
django-lemonldap          - LemonLDAP: django authentication system to be used with LemonLDAP::NG
django-admirarchy         - Django Admin addon to navigate through hierarchies
django-subdomains-handler - Lightweight django subdomains handler
django-boxes              - a reusable Django content-boxes application
django-nomad-blog         - A minimalist Django blogging system.
django-filebrowser-no-grappelli-emencia - Media-Management no Grappelli
django-baseboard          - Dashboard view across various Basecamp projects, powered by Django
nose-django-querycount    - Nose plugin for counting queries in Django tests
django-fastcart           - Django shopping cart application
django-urlmapper          - Print registered urls in a readable format.
django-nomad-activity-feed - A simple Django app attach an activity feed to any Django model.
django-documentation      - Provides a way to integrate a protected sphinx based
    documentation within your django app.
django-stored-settings    - Module allowing dynamically to create and further on to edit via django-admin settings
django-restrictip         - An ip blocker by regexp and ip range for Django apps.
django-kmatch             - Django utilities for the kmatch library
django-wysiwyg-forms      - A What You See Is What You Get form editor for Django.
django-siteauth           - Middleware to allow to deny access to particular URLs
django-datagrid           - A django based Datagrid
django-openid             - 
django-inmemorystorage    - A non-persistent in-memory data storage backend for Django.
django-simple-gravatar    - Django Gravatar is a lightweight Django application that allows you to insert a Gravatar image in your templates.
django-expire             - Django authentication-based session expiration
widget-party              - A collection of widgets to add functionality to django-dashing.
planeta                   - Planeta is a RSS/Atom feeds aggregator based on django-agregador
django-mes-fichiers       - Manager for files and albums with tinymce integration
django-cas-client         - Django Cas Client
gu-django-tinymce         - A Django application that contains a widget to render a form field as a TinyMCE editor. Adopted for gu-djanog-filebrowser-no-grapelli
cmsplugin-fb-graph        - several django-cms plugins using facebook graph api.
django-rules              - Flexible per-object authorization backend for Django
django-generic-permissions - A generic permission framework for Django
django-restraint          - A dynamic object-level permission system for Django
django-decorator-include  - Include Django URL patterns with decorators.
django-ittybitty          - Shortened URLs for your Django-powered site!
django-homegate           - django-homegate provides IDX3.01 API support for your Django project by closing the gap between python-homegate (https://github.com/arteria/python-homegate) and your real estate Django app.
django-restlib            - Django REST API
django-lockout            - cache-based Django app that locks out users after too many failed login attempts.
django-db-signals         - Django database signals (pre/post commit/rollback).
django-bootstrapped       - A reusable Django application to quickly integrate the Bootstrap toolkit from Twitter.
django-cms-pictures       - Django CMS Pictures Plugins
django-popularity-mixin   - Put short description here...
django-forkit             - Utility functions for forking, resetting and diffing model objects
django-clearable-widget   - Custom widget to add a (x) clear button to your input fields
django-email-changer      - A Django App to let users securely change the email associated with their account.
django-nose2              - Test runner for django that runs tests with nose2
django-mailify            - Enhance the builtin Django mail functionality to include task queueing or deferment.
pytest-django-haystack    - Cleanup your Haystack indexes between tests
django-importer           - Data importers for Django models
django-data-importer      - Generic, easy to use, file reader and importer with validations like Django forms.
django-exportdata         - Export model data (with selected fields) to csv file
django-postgres-dbdefaults - Maintain database defaults in sql migrations.
django-hitcount-headless  - Django hit counter application that tracks the number of hits/views for chosen objects
django-notifyme-onsite    - An on site delivery backend for django-notifyme
django-jsmin              - JavaScript library minification for Django.
django-analyze-sessions   - Tools to analyze Django DB sessions
django-fbrt               - This package uses websockets and facebook API to let you create real-time application (e.g. a facebook-authenticated game). It is based on Fandjango and gevent/websockets using django-gevent-websocket. Readme is still pending. Sorry.
django-basic-stats        - django-basic-stats is a simple traffic statistics application. It show latest referrer, google queried terms or overall hits count. It also provides optional logging and statistics for mobile devices.
django-date-range-view    - provides a simple date range parsing django view
django-validate-on-save   - Automatically call full_clean() on models during save() to prevent invalid data being saved.
django-misfit             - Django integration for python-misfit
django-anylink            - Generic links for Django models.
django-simple-utilities   - Simple utilities which help create django application.
django-classymail         - E-mails in Django. Classy.
django-pariah             - A Django app for creating web comics
django-debug-toolbar-template-profiler - Displays template rendering time on the timeline
django-layar              - helper for publishing data to Layar augmented reality browser from Django
django-openonmobile       - Open current URL on a mobile with a QR code
django-gevent-websocket   - Easy WebSocket server for django using gevent-websocket
django-confy              - Django project configuration helpers
django-specifications     - Additional, dynamic fields for all Django models.
django-simple-webservice  - Django app for simple create  json-rpc like webservices
django-units              - A Django app to convert units between different systems
django-save-the-change    - Automatically save only changed model data.
django-pluggable-filebrowser - Pluggable Django Media-Management.
django-qurl               - A set of tools to append, remove or replace query string parameters from a url (originally created by Sophilabs)
django-affect             - Request flagging engine inspired by django-waffle
django-stopwatch          - Django Stopwatch
django-cache-zoom         - Automatic caching and invalidation for Django models through the ORM.
django-dajax-ng           - Easy to use library to create asynchronous presentation logic with django and dajaxice-ng
django-modelhistory       - django-modelhistory reusable application for loggin models changes.
django-mothertongue       - A light-weight django model translation application designed to simplify the process of creating multi-lingual websites and serving appropriate content.
django-email-notification - django-email-notification allows backoffice users to send short email notifications to django registered users or users you only know the email about what is new or changed from django's admin or a dedicated view. And then track their clicks.
django-flatpages-x        - Some Basic extensions for django-contrib-flatpages
django-nose-lint          - Fails test that are slow, make network calls, use the django test client, etc.
django-todo               - A multi-user, multi-group task management and assignment system for Django.
django-klaus              - Git web viewer app for django.
django-suit-redactor      - Imperavi Redactor (WYSIWYG editor) integration app for Django admin. http://imperavi.com/redactor/
django-lazyloader         - Lazy-Loading module for Django
django-stackato           - Django Stackato Extensions -- non-interactive changepassword
django-lastfmauth         - Django app to let your website visitors register/login using LastFM authentication webservice.
django-djembe             - A Django email backend that encrypts outgoing mail with S/MIME.
django-right-to-left      - A Django template loader that looks for an alternative right to left version of a template file if the activated language is a right to left language such as Arabic or Hebrew.
django-bootstrap-dynamic-formsets - JavaScript-enhanced dynamic formsets using Bootstrap
django-avsubmit           - Django application for submitting and tracking malicious code samples to AV companies
django-extended-forms-validation - Django form extended validation linked to jquery.validate.js
django-portland-oregon-addresses - Geocode as many addreses in Portland, OR as you would like.
django-requestlogging     - Adds information about requests to logging records.
django-pureftpd-admin     - This is the web base administration interface for pureftpd server
django-mysql-aesfield     - Django Model Field that supports AES encryption in MySQL
django-predicate          - A predicate class constructed like Django Q objects, used to test whether a new or modified model would match a query
django-richcomments       - Django app extending the builtin comments framework for AJAX style commenting.
django-laconicurls        - A generic url shortner for content in a Django ORM
django-filtered-mail      - Django Email Backend which only sends to whitelisted recipients
Django-base               - Django-base project setup
django-protocolify        - Template tag to change the protocol of URLs in links.
django-versioned-static-url - A template tag for generating a URL for a static file, with a version string which will be effectively unique based on the contents of the file.
django-directed-acyclic-graph - UNKNOWN
django-ssl-redirect       - A middleware that secures URLS.
django-newsletter-signup  - A reusable Django app, that handles newsletter subscriptions
django-currency           - simple currency handling for djagngo
django-redirecturls       - URL redirection
django-apihangar          - through-the-web creation of templated sql->json APIs for querying data
django-doorman            - Flexible permission backend
django-perfect404         - Simple but perfect 404 page for django projects.
cmsplugin-plaintext       - Adds a plaintext plugin for django-cms.
django-robust-i18n-urls   - Robust internationalized urls implementation for Django.
django-bop                - Basic Object-level Permissions in django (1.2+)
django-userprofile        - Django user profile app.
django-cookie-consent     - Django cookie consent application
django-sites-tools        - A Django app that provides tools for the contrib sites app.
django-processedfilefield - Post-processing for Django FileFields.
django-log-register       - A simple Django app to register log and save them.
django-asutheme           - Base templates for Django that adhere to ASU Web Standards.
django-auth-json          - replace the login url parameter of django auth decorator with json
django-private-views      - Site-wide login protection.
django-notification-op    - User notification management for the Django web framework modified for OpenProximity
django-location-picker    - A location picker field for the Django admin
django-versions           - A django application to enable versioning of data stored in Django models.
django-numerics           - numerics dashboard endpoint provider for django.
django-admin-changelist-stats - Show stats and aggregation summaries in the Django admin changelist page.
django-iso3166            - This is a application for Django projects providing list of world countries based on ISO3166.
django-reset              - Forward-port of Django's reset management command. It was removed with Django 1.5.
django-multi-email-field  - Provides a model field and a form field to manage list of e-mails
django-lock               - A protection method for Django views or complete sites.
django-bigfoot            - A Django library for defining HTML building blocks (e.g., forms, form fields, tables) that can be easily rendered into HTML.
django-aps-process        - The Process module for django-apsara
django-gencal             - django-gencal is a resuable Django application for rendering calendars.
django-cookie-sessions    - A secure cookie-based session engine for Django.
django-local-settings     - A system for dealing with local settings in Django projects
django-simple-news        - News application for Django project
django-facebox            - Simple facebox modal for Django
django-modelhint          - add annotations at django models fields
django-localdates         - An addition to django that allows better presentation of date strings in a local way.
django-autotranslate      - A simple Django app to autotranslate po files using google translate
django-formhelper         - Django FormHelper is a collection of templates and templatetags to ease the pain in building out web forms
django-prbac              - Parameterized Role-Based Access Control for Django
django-ses-backend        - A Django email backend for Amazon's Simple Email Service
wadofstuff-django-serializers - Extended serializers for Django.
django-datum              - UNKNOWN
django-chameleon          - A Django app that will create a pluggable django-cms theme app within your project.
django-launch-page        - django-launch-page

A launch page for a Django project to collect e-mail addresses and more.
django-charsleft-widget   - Custom widget that limits the number of characters that can be entered in a textarea field
djangocms-text-redactor   - A django-cms plugin that displays text and uses the redactor editor for editing.
django-twittersync-oauth  - OAuth Plugin for django-twittersync
django-ckeditor-filebrowser-filer - A django-filer based CKEditor filebrowser
django-multiurl           - Allow multiple views to match the same URL.
django-smarttest          - Code snippets which help writing automated tests for Django.
django-postleware         - A simple django middleware that ensures POSTs aren't cached by clients.
django-monsieur           - .
django-yama               - A menu application for Django
lfc-skel                  - Paster templates for django-lfc
django-currency-history   - A reusable Django app that tracks currency rates.
django-detention          - Application to manage client-banning
django-traxauth           - django-traxauth is a Django app that provides support for user account registration and profile management.
django-spaminspector      - django-spaminspector is a generic spam inspector of Django via Akismet
django-foundation-icons   - Zurb Foundation Icons (http://zurb.com/playground/foundation-icon-fonts-3) static files packaged in a Django app.
django-shop-ajax          - Ajax utilities for django SHOP
django-gdm                - Genealogy Data Models for Django
django-repositories       - Version Control system management
django-multilingual-initiatives - An app for showing localized versions of initiatives. E.g. as plugin in a blog
django-conntrackt         - A simple application for tracking connection requirements between different entities in a network.
django-affiliate          - Affiliate system for django
django-postcodepy-proxy   - simple Django app to make your backend serve as a proxy for postcode.nl REST-API
django-spirit-user-profile - Integrate Spirit user profile to your existing project.
django-debug-informer     - A simple application that helps displays various debug information about the Django project
marcio0-django-piston     - Piston is a Django mini-framework creating APIs.
django-tekextensions      - A set of re-usable widgets and commands for django
django-datetime-utc       - Django UTC datetime model field - timestamp without time zone
django-jcrop              - ('Django app providing cropping functionnality with jcrop',)
django-account-balances   - Track account credits in Django
django-bootstrap-crud     - CRUD support for Django-Bootstrap projects
django-gtfs               - Django application to load/dump and more generally handle GTFS transit data specification
django-ucamlookup         - A Django module for the University of Cambridge Lookup service
django-heroku-mongoify    - Friendly MongoDB for Django on Heroku
Django-Drupal-Password-Hasher - Useful password hasher for django sites with drupal components
el-django-compress        - django-compress provides an automated system for compressing CSS and JavaScript files, fixed strange doc file
django-dynamic-dns        - Machines on dynamic IPs can call this service at regular intervals (e.g. via cron) and when the server notices an address change it makes the relevant API call to update the DNS provider. Alternatively a simple DNS server is included which can be run instead of using an external DNS provider.
django-testmail           - Send a test mail for Django.
django-materializecss-form - A simple Django form template tag to work with Materializecss
django-defaultsite        - django-defaultsiteSets the Site object in django to something better then example.com.
django-windows-tools      - Helper Management commands to host Django applications on Windows Servers.
django-emailsupport       - Simple email support over django admin
django-emailthis          - a simple email-to-a-friend application that generates an email
form, handles its submission, persists the submission data to a
database, and sends a templated email.  Both anonymous and registered
users can send email.
django-atc-api            - REST API for ATC
django-financial-transactions - A Django app to import and categorise financial transactions.
django-uuid-pk            - Django UUIDField with full primary-key protocol support
django-term-field         - Django term field(with from-to multi value).
django-dropbox            - A Django App that contains a Django Storage which uses Dropbox.
django-gollum             - Better Django Form HTML/CSS customization. For Python 2 or Python 3.
django-hashlink           - Store and retrieve URL hash (fragment) based webpage state in MongoDB through Django.
django-admin-visualsearch - Visualsearch.js for Django admin
django-easy-contact-setup - Admin set up for django-easy-contact
django-bits               - Basic utilities and helpers for django projects
django-legal              - A Django app to require user acceptance of terms of service.
djangocms-usersettings2   - This package integrates django-usersettings2 with django-cms>=3.0, This allows a site editor to add/modify all usersettings in the frontend editing mode of django CMS and provide your users with a streamlined editing experience.
django-add-get-parameters - Template tag to add get parameter to the current url.
django-kippo              - Django App for kippo SSH Honeypot
django-jqchat             - An extensible instant messenger thingy for Django
django-gplus-comments     - Integrate Google+ comments into your Django website
django-inlinecss          - A Django app useful for inlining CSS (primarily for e-mails)
django-atomic-signals     - Signals for atomic transaction blocks in Django 1.6+
django-servee-tinymce     - Inline Wysiwyg editing making use of a subclassed Django Admin
django-rut                - A simple Django template filter to format/unformat Chilean RUT
django-sopa               - A django app for all your censoring needs.
django-base64field        - A motherfucking django model field to bring base64 encoded key to models.
django-parting            - Tools to help manage large database tables
wadofstuff-django-forms   - Extended Django forms.
django-carson             - Easily store and display tweets from a set of users or tweets about a given topic
django-milcam             - Military Camera project
django-favorites          - favorites app for django
django-basic-email        - Django Basic Email application
django-contacts           - A Django address book application.
django-sendgrid-webhook   - A small django app around sendgrid and its webhooks
django-shapes             - Upload and export shapefiles using GeoDjango.
django-cepwebservice      - WebService de CEP para Django.
django-flag               - flagging of inapproriate/spam content
djangorestframework-extensions - Extensions to django-rest-framework, which is a lightweight REST framework for Django.
zinnia-wysiwyg-markitup   - MarkItUp for editing entries in django-blog-zinnia
zinnia-wysiwyg-wymeditor  - WYMEditor for editing entries in django-blog-zinnia
django-hs-sessions        - HandlerSocket session backend for django
django-tweet-saved        - post an update to twitter if a model changed in django
django-beautifulsoup-test - TestCase class for using BeautifulSoup with Django tests
django-debug-toolbar-multilang - Language panel for django-debug-toolbar
django-historicalrecords  - Marty Alchin's HistoricalRecords from the ProDjango book.
django-tables             - Render QuerySets as tabular data in Django.
django-crocodile          - A simple CSS and Javascript aggregator for Django
django-site-settings      - Django app that stores site settings.
django-attributes         - A reusable applicaton to add arbitrary attributes to a model. Idea yoinked from Satchmo
django-uuidstore          - Site-wide UUIDs for Django projects
django-jquery-autosuggest - jQuery autosuggest (http://code.drewwilson.com/entry/autosuggest-jquery-plugin) packaged in a django app to speed up new applications and deployment.
django-ccfiletypes        - Django templatefilters for displaying info about files.
django-support            - Support filters/tags/etc. for django.
django-familytree         - Familytree application for django
django-raven-metlog       - Django+Raven+Meltog integration
django-rest-hooks-ng      - A powerful mechanism for sending real time API notifications via a new subscription model.
django-engineplate        - A Django-engineplate App for easy life
django-faker              - Django-faker uses python-faker to generate test data for Django models and templates.
django-cpserver           - Django runserver-like commands to run CherryPy web server
django-marketplace        - marketplace management for the Django web framework.
fab-django-deploy         - UNKNOWN
django-mollom             - A Django wrapper app for the PyMollom module.
django-youtube            - Youtube API wrapper app for Django. It helps to upload, display, delete, update videos from Youtube
django-birthday           - Helper field and manager for working with birthdays
django-hashbrown          - Yet another dead simple feature switching library for Django.
redsolutioncms.django-generic-ratings - This is our fork of original `Django-generic-ratings <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-generic-ratings/>`_ project. 

In our fork we added star widget from `this site <http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/star-rating/>`_ and fixed some errors. Anyway, follow main project for updates.

Django ratings tools supporting ajax, generic content type scores, multiple ratings for each content object.
django-finial             - Template, Static, and URL Overrides per User.
django-model-urls         - DRY way to manage url parameters associated with a model instance based on Jingo.
django-ordered-listview   - This library is aimed to simplify creation of user sorted lists.
django-email-log          - Django email backend that logs all emails
django-imagekit-cropper   - Allow users to manually specify image variant crops
django-ajax-chat          - A simple Django ajax chat.
django-organice-theme-rssk - A responsive theme with a classic look for django-organice.
django-searchify          - Search integration for Django with a focus on indexing
django-secdownload-storage - Django storage backend that can be used to serve files via lighttpd's mod_secdownload module. This 
storage backend is an extension to the reqular FileSystemStorage that will generate proper signed 
download urls.
django-servee             - Inline Wysiwyg editing making use of a subclassed Django Admin
django-url-history        - Store the last few URLs visited in the session to aid debugging
django-crypto             - Simple 2-way crypto functions for use with Django.
django-basic-tumblelog    - A basic tumblelog application you can add to your Django website.
django-facebook-connect   - Add facebook connect authentication to your Django website.
django-schedule-field     - Schedule field for Django Form
django-fack               - A simple FAQ application for Django sites.
django-rest-api           - Django REST API
django-auditable          - audit records for django models
cmsplugin-filer-gallery   - Django CMS plugin for django-filer-gallery
django-history            - History for Django ORM data changes
django-socialshareprivacy - A Django application for the heise.de socialshareprivacy jQuery plugin.
django-qunit2             - QUnit Javascript testing integration for Django.
django-cartfreakapi       - Django CartFreak API Handler
django-admin-customizer   - Django admin customizing interface
django-templatefield      - Django model field for saving/retrieving templates for rendering.
django-failover           - automatic failover for Django
django-signedforms        - A signed Django form
django-registration-bootstrap - Bootstrap implementation for Django registration.
django-translatable       - Django app providing simple translatable models system
django-acl                - ACL (Action Control List) permission handling.
django-relinking          - Provide relinking features.
django-quintet            - A collection of helpers for Django projects.
django-suggestions        - A Django form widget that implements the HTML5 form list element
django-dynamic-finder     - A Django version of the Rails Dynamic Finder, using Django Managers.
django-sphinxql           - 
django-mobler             - User-Agent-based mobile device detection for Django
django-cacheds3storage    - S3 cached storage
django-celery-dbscheduler - Old django celery integration project.
django-quicktag           - Easily create templatetags that takes args and kwargs
django-perimeter          - Site-wide perimeter access control for Django projects.
django-pglocks            - django_pglocks provides useful context managers for advisory locks for PostgreSQL.
django-mailgun-validation - Django fields for validating email using the Mailgun API
django-formfieldset       - Fieldset Rendering For Non-Admin Forms
django-loading            - Load your django apps by app name rather than module path.
django-expirefield        - ExpireField for django models that will remove fields at regular intervals
django-talkback           - A pluggable app for adding an AJAX feedback form to Django-powered websites.
cmsplugin-redirect        - A reusable Django app to add custom redirect actions to Django-CMS.
django-dynamic-settings   - Small module that allows you to generate dynamic settings that can be edited inside the Django admin dashboard
django-rosetta-grappelli  - Compatibility templates for django rosetta when using django-grappelli
django-data-mirror        - Allows caching remote API data in local Django models.
django-zipkin             - django-zipkin is a Django middleware and api for recording and sending messages to Zipkin
django-hooks              - A plugin system for django.
django-webmaster          - A very basic tool to keep track of your domain names and servers.
django-cked-fc            - CKEditor and elFinder integration for Django Framework.
django-misery             - A simple ban system for Django, that does nasty stuff to trolls wandering on your website.
django-static-upstream    - Django package to handle (serve, reference, compile) static files
django-rest-framework-multi-slug-field - A field for representing a relationship via multiple fields on the target
django-tiniest-cms        - django-tiniest-cms is a seriously minimalist Django CMS
django-infosessions       - A simple Django app to capture session information
django-hashers-passlib    - Django hashers using passlib
django-powerdns           - PowerDNS administration module for Django
django-address            - A django application for describing addresses.
django-blog               - A simple blog app
django-valet-keys         - Django app for managing valet keys for robots
django-package-skeleton   - Skeleton package of Django App Package
django-ptree-mturk        - UNKNOWN
django-navbar             - Reusable django application managing navigation menues with permissions, auto selection and crumbs.
django-yandex-maps        - Django app for work with Yandex Maps service.
django-envaya             - Tiny envaya utility
django-db-logger          - Django logging in database
django-pinba              - django pinba
django-mpowering          - UNKNOWN
django-rickroll           - Rickrolling Django middleware to annoy potential hackers
django-curator            - Automatic Business Graphs for Django
django-ldap-groups-bsc    - A Django app for authenticating and authorizing against LDAP
django-bento              - django-bento helps you adding editable text and image content areas on your site.
django-maven              - Capture exceptions in django management commands into Sentry by Raven
django-c5filemanager      - Django connector for Core Five Filemanager.
django-generic-links      - Simple and generic application for Django projects to attach and handle links for any object
django-timestamp-paginator - Timestamp Paginator for Django.
django-payzen             - Django app to manage payments with Payzen ETP
django-template-test      - A basic django template used for testing.
django-silhouette         - Elegant Form Templating for Django
django-quickedit          - Quick editing of fields in the django admin
django-easy-watermark     - Quick and efficient way to apply watermarks to images in Django.
django-estate             - Package with models for new -and realestate. Base for many other estate packages.
django-rstify             - A set of templatetags and filters to use restructured text inside django templates.
django-restroom           - Super lightweight REST API framework for Django
zinnia-twitter            - Twitter plugin for django-blog-zinnia
django-test-utils         - A package to help testing in Django
django-seo-admin          - App for apply SEO on your websites with Django.
django-radius             - Django authentication backend for RADIUS
django-cms-social-networks - Django CMS Social Networks Plugins
django-multilingualfield  - A south-compatible suite of django fields that make it easy to manage multiple translations of text-based content (including files/images).
django-tls                - Stores the current request in Thread Local Storage using Werkzeug
django-socketio-events    - Django package for socket.io via nodejs
django-snippet            - Drop-in snippets for django project
django-app-tester         - A tool that runs the Django test suite for a given application without requiring a fully-configured project
django-icecast-balancer   - A simple HTTP based load balancer for Icecast streaming servers.
django-demo               - Helper app to build a demo page for your django app
django-session-user       - Stores the user's information in the session, reucing database queries by a lot.
django-stored-queryset    - pickleable Django QuerySet
django-bootstrap-mockups  - Web style guide based on bootstrap
django-generic-notifications - Generic notification system for Django, with multiple input types and output backends
django-wapiti             - Django API layer
django-easy-pjax          - Easy PJAX for Django.
django-xappy              - Bridges the Xappy/Xapian search engine library with the Django web framework.
djangorestframework-composed-permissions - Composed permissions for django-rest-framework
django-encrypted-settings - Thin wrapper around Python keyczar bindings which allows you to manage and use encrypted settings in your Django app.
django-xml                - Provides an abstraction to lxml's XPath and XSLT functionality in a manner resembling django database models
django-navhelper          - Django template tags designed to help the navigation rendering
django-tastypie-jqgrid    - Easily create full-featured data grids implementing CRUD with jqGrid as client-side library and django-tastypie.
django-stage              - Manage django stage settings.
django-cepfacil           - A Django app that provides a wrapper to CEP Fácil web service.
django-humans             - Django Humans
django-game               - A game called "Fighter".
django-smart              - A smartadmin skin for the Django Admin-Interface.
django-timeseries         - A Django application for storing, querying and manipulating timeseries objects
django-sbblog             - Simple django blog app
django-collectivity       - 
django-gravatar           - Gravatar Support in a Django Reusable Application
django-postageapp         - Postageapp.com email backend for Django 1.2+
django-iipimage           - Django app to provide integration with IIPImage server
django-elfinder           - Django connector for elFinder 2
django-doodle             - A flexible LMS
django-xsendfile          - A Django application to serve files using xsendfile
django-maskurl            - To mask django url paths, instead of built in template tag
django-spreedly           - django-spreedly integrates support for the spreedly subscription service
django-http-status        - A library of useful HTTP response codes for Django.
django-gearman            - A convenience wrapper for Gearman clients and workers in Django/Python
django-ifnav-templatetag  - ifnav template tag for django
django-gnupg-mails        - A Django reusable app providing the ability to send PGP/MIME signed multipart emails.
django-bisnode            - Django package that helps in your Bisnode integration
django-postfix            - A django app to manage postfix mailboxes
widgy-blog                - Reusable blog app for Django-Widgy
django-restapi-op         - Django REST API modified for OpenProximity
Django-HardWorker         - Simplified background worker for django.
django-maps               - 
django-session-attachments - Django app to handle attachments (temporary uploads) grouped by sessions and bundles. Even for anonymous users
django-likeable           - Simple Django app to facilitate "liking" of any content type.
django-bogofilter         - Bayesian spam filtering for django_comments using bogofilter
django-utilities          - Django's set of utilities. Includes admin ImageField with preview, override for username,
Localized date filter, ConsoleException middleware and broken link highlight template.
django-formsettesthelpers - Django test helpers for generating formset data.
django-iphone-push        - Add iPhone Push notifications to a Django Project quickly and easily
django-info               - Django application to display useful information about a Django project.
django-editor             - Allows pluggable WYSIWYG editors in django admin without hard dependencies
django-authentication     - 
django-smileys-plus       - Easily add, use and manage smileys on your Django-powered site.
django-vendors            - Vendor management for the Django framework.
simple-django-twitter-auth - Simple Django app to allow users to login with Twitter
cmsplugin-blog-authors    - Allows to add django-people objects to a cmsplugin-blog Entry.
django-quiz               - 
django-advert             - A small module that will allow developers to create advertisement models.
django-fieldlevel-permissions - A subclass of ModelAdmin that provides hooks for setting field-level permissions based on object or request properties.
django-invite             - Django application for registration and authentication
django-usda-mongo         - Import and map the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference (SR22) to Django models using MongoDB with mongoengine
django-bulletin           - 
django-easyconfig         - Module to make it easy to configure external Django apps.
django-constance-updated  - Django live settings with pluggable backends, including Redis.
cmsplugin-django-outlets  - Provides django-cms integration for django-outlets
django-test-pep8          - PEP8 Tests to Django projects
django-random-filestorage - Django storage class that assigns random filenames to all stored files.
django-easy               - A small Django app to provide shortcuts
django-concurrenflict     - 
django-shop-netaxept      - This is a payment module for django-shop using Netaxept
django-spotnet            - A full-featured application for Django to handle spotnet posts.
django-noticebox          - Django-noticebox is a reusable Django application which provides functionality for sending notices to site users. The notices can be displayed when user signs in, sent by email or both.
django-initkit            - A personalized django startproject command
django-sortedsettings     - Sort the django settings module's entries alphabetically
django-smart-autoregister - Automatically register models in the admin interface in a smart way.
django-registration-pebble - Pebble experimental release of django-registration
django-mav                - 
django-cms_wg             - Django CMS, project-based
django-cached-user        - Auditable model classes for Django
django-envsettings        - One-stop shop for configuring 12-factor Django apps
django-moneyclip          - Django library that allows for effortless caching and invalidation of models and functions based on signals.  Depedent on Redis
django-cbv-helper         - Collect class based views for Django
django-conceptq           - Tiny query wrapper for composable, cross-relation complex queries.
django-pymemcache         - Django cache backend based on Pinterest's pymemcache client.
django-multisessionform   - Allows users to complete a ModelForm over multiple sessions"
django-mga-schemata       - This project adds the PostgreSQL schema support to Django. The schema, which can be seen as a namespace in which any database object exists, allows to isolate the database objects even when they have the same names. You can have same set of tables, indices, sequences etc. many times under the single database.
django-sliver             - Lightweight REST API built on top of Django generic views
django-staticpages        - UNKNOWN
django-log-timings-parser - Parses your web server access logs, resolves your URLs against your django project, and tells you what URLs take a long time
django-news-sitemaps      - Generates sitemaps compatible with the Google News schema
django-sirtrevor-file     - A file block for django-sirtrevor
django-chang              - Simple Django utility library including a Jinja2 connection
django-dynamicsites-lite  - Host multiple sites from a single django project
django-infinite-pagination - Infinite pagination for Django.
django-allowedsites       - dynamic ALLOWED_HOSTS
django-noun-project       - Support for the Noun Project inside Django
django-pollngo            - A Django based polling application
django-errorstack         - Easy Django integration with the ErrorStack.com service
django-admin-models-editor - Create models from the admin interface
django-debug-toolbar-sqlalchemy - SQLAlchemy query information panel for Django Debug Toolbar
django-migreme            - Django Migre.me app
django-remix              - automatic-content selection via URLs
django-templateloaderwithpriorities - A Django Template Loader with priorities
django-rawinclude         - Small module for django that gives the ease of loading templates in raw.
django-qunit              - QUnit Javascript testing integration for Django.
django-mptt-acl           - UNKNOWN
djabberdjaw               - A Jabber bot with a Django-backend for user management
django-tawea              - Add Facebook chat (Tawea) to a template with a simple tag.
django-mashup             - Combine multiple views, templates, and/or ajax loaded urls into a single view.
django-argparse-command   - Django Commands using ArgumentParser
django-basics             - 
django-osmp               - OSMP(Qiwi) Interface support for Django.
django-clever404          - A django app to intercept 404 pages, and allow retroactive redirects
django-feedmap            - Use a register command to generate RSS and Atom feeds as well as a corresponding Sitemaps. Integrates easily with ShareThis
django-questionnaire      - A django application for creating reusable web questionnaires
django-geoprisma          - GeoPrisma is a web mapping application
django-donottrack         - Django utilities for honoring the Do Not Track HTTP header.
django-cognizance         - Cognizance isn't that great yet.  Don't use it.
django-revisions          - Implements a revision trail for model instances in Django.
django-wechat             - a django package with wechat api support
django-garcimore          - A magic trick to make Django disappear
django-softlayer          - Django storage for SoftLayer Cloud Storage
django-arrayfields        - A collection of array fields for Django and PostgreSQL
django-fail               - Make your app fail!
django-celery-email-with-retry - Django email backend for celery.
django-icons-backtopixel  - backtopixel icons pack for django.contrib.staticfiles
django-forms-smoq         - Forms-SmoQ django is a simple application that contains useful forms for use in django.
django-modernizr-static   - Modernizr packaged in a handy django app to speed up new applications and reduce duplicaiton.
django-dumpdata-field     - custom dumpdata and loaddata commands that allow to export given fields of a model
django-excel              - A django library to read, manipulate and write data in different excel formats: csv, ods, xls, xlsx and xlsm.
cmsplugin-comments        - A django-cms plugin for adding comments
django-markdown-utils     - A reusable Django app with some useful markdown utilities
django-breadcrumb-trail   - Drop dead simple breadcrumb trails for Django
django-mediasite          - A simple Django app to list Web-based Articles.
django-ssl-client-auth    - Django SSL Client Authentication
django-materialize-css    - Provides a Django app whose static folder contains Materialize CSS assets
admin-tools-zinnia        - Admin tools for django-blog-zinnia
django-timezones2         - Timezone utilities for Django
django-seatbelt           - Simple sandbox that isolates production applications from things users stick in /usr/local/
django-uecookie9          - Django app that shows notification about cookies to UE citizens.
ls-django-easytests       - Modified test utils from django-cms as a own module
django-transcodeandstream - Transcode videos and stream with Django
pytest-django-sqlcount    - py.test plugin for reporting the number of SQLs executed per django testcase.
django-search             - A django reusable app that adds a simple search to your project using a single tag
django-inline-orderable   - An easy way of making inlines orderable using drag-and-drop.
django-js-utils-nextgen   - Django URL Exposure to Javascript
django-phantom-theme      - Django Phantom Theme is an admin theme for Django Framework. It allows for registering custom database options and provides a clean and modern web interface. The application is designed to be responsive and adopt to mobile and tablet devices. To achieve this we have used the twitter bootstrap 3.x framework grid.
django-thumbs             - Django-Thumbs is the easiest way to create thumbnails for your images with Django. Works with any StorageBackend.
django-cohorts            - Reusable app to easily create Cohort Metric reporting tables
django-classfaves         - A different approach to favorites in Django
django-autocomplete-light-bsc - Fresh autocompletes for Django
django-admin-csv          - Adds a "download csv" option to your ModelAdmin.
django-google-dfp         - Template tags for Google DFP.
django-admin-flexselect   - Dynamic select fields for the Django Admin that just works.
django-basic-models-behaviors - Tiny app to provide basic behaviors for django models.
django-tastypie-swagger-ng - An adapter to use swagger-ui with django-tastypie
django-socialauth         - Allows logging via Facebook, Yahoo, Gmail, Twitter and Openid
cerebro                   - A django-app that allows a people geolocalisation service
django-bootstrap-span     - Django bootstrap span adds class=spanN support in forms input elements
django-wattup             - A very simple contact form application for django
django-central-message    - Wrapper for extends-messages to send to multiple users (all for now) from the admin page..
django-cron-monitor       - Cron monitor script and dashboard
django-collector          - Collect email addresses to tell people when a start-up has launched.
django-temporal-models    - Implementation of supporting temporality in Django models
django-lexicon            - Abstract classes for defining a lexicon
django-groupcache         - Reusable Django App for Generational Caching of Views
django-easyextjs4         - Django extension for ExtJS 4 and Sencha Touch
django-extrasettings      - Admin-configurable Django settings
django-static-management  - An easy way of managing static (CSS and JS) assets in Django projects, including build scripts.
django-fasttest           - A variant on django.test.TestCase optimized for postgres
django-comments-moderation - Moderation plugin for django-fluent-comments
django-lutefisk           - Django Lutefisk is a Django user account management app with an API.
django-kewl               - Set of Django kewl utilities & helpers & highly used/needed stuff.
django-googlecharts       - Django template tags to generate charts using the Google chart API.
django-jadelesscoffee     - Django middleware class that executes the Node.js JadeLessCoffee compiler on a `src` folder in the TEMPLATE_DIRS directory.
django-tsearch2           - Postgresql's full text search support for Django
django-style-guide        - A Django app that provides helpers for serving static files.
django-passreset          - Easily add password reset workflows to your django project.
oscar-sagepay             - SagePay payment module for django-oscar
django-magnum             - An on-demand PyPI cache. Can also serve non-PyPI packages from a local directory.
django-summit             - This is the Summit Scheduling Tool
django-dumpdb             - A better, faster, stronger alternative for manage.py dumpdata
django-vingd              - Django App for Vingd integration
django-blogyall           - django-blogyall is the reusable blog application developed for www.davisd.com
django-matome             - Django commands for reporting code statistics (Classes, KLOCs, etc) from your django project.Reporting Ruby on Rails' rake stats like stats.
django-worldwide          - A simple location app for Django that covers cities, regions, countries and more.
django-scaler             - Degrade gracefully by automatically replacing heavy pages with static pages while a server is taking strain.
django-custom-admin       - 
django-cc-wallet          - Example of django-cc wallet for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
django-colors-formatter   - Zero-config logging formatter that uses the built-in DJANGO_COLORS setting
django-url-namespaces     - Declarative class-based datastructures, for simple and flexible URLConfs in Django.
django-cache-panel        - A more detailed cache panel for the Django Debug Toolbar
django-kit                - A set of useful helpers for my needs. Like django-annoying
django-icase              - A few tools for helping with case-insensitvity in Django URLs.
django-zpayment           - ZPayment Merchant Interface support for Django.
django-include-strip-tag  - A 'include_strip' templatetag for django to strip trailing and leading spaces/newlines
django-pieguard           - django-pieguard is a simple authorization class for tastypie that uses django-guardian to handle object permissions.
django-profiles           - User-profile application for Django
django-pydenticon         - Django application providing generated identicons to the web.
django-modeldict-rc       - Stores a model as a dictionary
django-simple-menu2       - Simple, yet powerful, code-based menus for Django applications
django-activities         - Activites app for django
django-push2              - Django push engine for web application
django-media-utils        - Django utilities for managing static assets
django-twitter-bootstrap-form - Twitter Bootstrap Form
django-model-validators   - Validators for Django models.
django-contrib-comments   - The code formerly known as django.contrib.comments.
django-elasticfilter      - Create forms that run Elasticsearch queries
django-marionette         - A simple RPC library for Django
django-server-manager     - Django Server Manager
django-library            - A django app for keeping score on what books you have and where they are
django-contacts-import    - contact importing for Django
django-idmapper           - An identify mapper for the Django ORM
django-unusual            - Allows django apps to raise HttpResponse objects as exceptions.
django-roma               - https://github.com/nathforge/django-roma
django-synchroniser       - django-synchroniser automagically synchronises Bitbucket Mecurial base projects to GitHub (Git based) projects
django-psycopg2-pool      - A db backend for Django using the gevent psycopg2-pool
django-permissivecsrf     - More permissive CSRF check for Django when moving between HTTP and HTTPS
django-app-test-runner    - Run Django app tests standalone
django-inviteme           - Django invite-me form App with email verification
django-shop-gestpay       - A Banca Sella Gestpay payment backend
django-celery_clearcache  - Clear cached stale sessions with celery task
unholster.django-lookup   - Easy SlugField management
phonehub                  - django-phonehub is a django app for simple and fast Aastra phones xml creation
django-url-filter         - Generic Django filter system with easy URL interface. Useful for APIs such as http://django-rest-framework.org/.
django-nomadlytics        - Django app to track stats to any analytics SaaS using libsaas and celery.
django-markitup-field     - Custom Django field for easy use of markup in text fields
django-fspages            - Django application for serving page templates from the file system
django-profile-panel      - UNKNOWN
django-simple-s3storage   - A simple django storage backend for Amazon S3 built ontop of Boto.
django-memorize           - Memorize your Django project's items with spaced repetition theory
django-critter            - UNKNOWN
django-htauth             - htpasswd authentication backend for django
django-paginate           - django paginate - use with "django-pol"l or other modules
django-apps               - Django application which provides an information about installed applications.
django-bootstrap-less     - Bootstrap packaged in a handy django app to speed up new applications and reduce duplicaiton.
django-staticfiles-lessjs - Less.js meets Django staticfiles
django-deploy-setup       - Deployment tools for django projects
django-packageutils       - Utility collection of Django package
django-casper             - CasperJS test integration for Django
django-google-urchin      - Provides a Django template tag to insert the Google Analytics tracking code.
django-emailauth          - User email authentication application for Django
django-servee-uploadify   - Uploadify static files for servee
django-template-korean    - Django template filter for Korean via korean module
django-strategy-field     - Django custom field to implement the pattern strategy
django-slider             - UNKNOWN
django-coreutils          - 
django-attrs              - Django model attributes
django-runuwsgi           - Application for Django, to run uwsgi.
django-openid-whitelist   - OpenID Whitelist application for Django
django-notifyme-by-email  - A notification framework for django
django-girls              - Set of packages that allows to deploy into heroku (without local PosgreSQL database)
django-navigator          - Django navigation
Django-WeRoBot            - Writing WeChat Robot by WeRoBot in Django.
django-cors-cache         - slick ORM cache and invalidation for Django
django-monitoring         - A reusable Django app to monitor all aspects of your webapp
django-dynamic-sprites    - A way to generate sprites based on objects created by the application user.
django-compresshtml       - HTML compressor for django
django-mcbv               - Modular Class Based Views (Django)
django-humanity           - Form for math-based human verification
django-polls-sample       - A simple Django app to conduct Web-based polls.
django-shorty             - Django-shorty is a django app for fast and easy creation of personal URL shortener service, like bit.ly or tinyURL.
django-s3-storages-utils  - django-s3-storages-utils - Utilities for setting up s3 for use with django-storages
django-toolbox            - A collection of utilities for django applications.
django-db-tools           - A read only mode tool for your database
django-shared             - Additional Django functionality
django-shares             - Sharing for django
django-tmdb               - A small TMDB (themoviedatabase) API v3 wrapper for Django.
django-snippets           - Provides a templatetag for Django acting as an {% include %}, but the template content comes from database.
django-hide-herokuapp     - Direct search engines not to index *.herokuapp.com URLs.
django-redis-status-fork  - A django application that displays the load and some other statistics about your redis cache instances in the admin.
Django-Matcher            - Matching search between objects
django-mariposa           - django-mariposa
django-anima              - 
django-addendum           - Simple template-based content swapping for CMS-less sites
django-dtpanel-htmltidy   - Custom panel form Django Debug Toolbar which display HTML Validation errors and warnings
django-voyager            - 
django-ajax-forms         - Client side JavaScript validation for any Django form.
django-custom-accounts    - A custom accounts application for Django
django-lamson             - Easy integration of lamson in django projects
django-release            - UNKNOWN
survey                    - Django-based survey application.
django-appmedia           - Handling django app media
django-dummyimage         - Dynamic Dummy Image Generator For Django!
django-crm                - Customer relation management system
django-gerencianet        - Uma aplicação django para comunicar com o gateway de pagamento Gerencianet
django-template-email     - A useful tool for building email messages using django templates
django-menus-py3          - Menu helpers for django projects
django-gravatar-tags      - Easy to use Gravatar template tags for Django
django-timelinejs2        - Connecting Timeline.js v2.18 to Django
django-zillow-neighborhoods - Django app for importing and querying Zillow's neighborhood data
django-sort               - Sort arbitrary querysets in templates.
django-polyglot           - A simple Django package for model translations
django-db-parti2          - Fully automatic database table partitioning for Django
django-pluto              - Pluto aims to provide an architecture to manually import 
                     articles from other feeds and provide them as a new feed 
                     or for integration into other parts of a Django project.
django-htmlsanitizer      - @TODO
django-wordpress-rss      - A Django template tag for integrating Wordpress articles.
django-sneak-peek         - Django template tag to hide pre-release features in a template
django-aloha              - django app to easily integrate editing with Aloha WYSIWIG editor in django apps.
django-elements           - Enhanced Markdown editing for Django projects.
django-impersonation      - An app to add a 'Log in as this user' button in the Djangouser admin page.
django-singlerecord       - Abstraction for models with only one record for Django
django-asterisk           - Phone call queuing and management for the Django web framework using an Asterisk server
django-pony               - A pony for your django project.
django-cratis-common      - Integrates django admin
django-tags               - django-tags is a reusable Django application for simple tags.
django-custom_delete_selected - Customization of delete_selected ModelAdmin action for post and pre operations.
django-kml                - 
django-gate2shop          - Gate2Shop gateway for accept payments on your website.
django-traversal          - UNKNOWN
django-digested           - Allows you to set up notification emails for your users, sent out either immediately or in regular batches
django-icons-tango        - tango icons pack for django.contrib.staticfiles
django-sns                - management app for Amazon's SNS notification  for the Django web framework
django-piston_0_2_3_patch_init - Piston omits __init__.py in its pkg, so pip installs dont work unless you add a patch like this.
monocle_contacts          - Sample app for django-monocle project generated by scaffolder
django-puzzledev-uploadcleaner - Upload file cleaner for Django
django-allejo             - Management and creation for custom tournaments and rankings for many sports.
django-asset-server-url   - Provides the URL for an asset server, as a template context variable.
django-headcrumbs         - Smart and easy-to-use breadcrumbs for Django
django-slowdown           - A simple middleware to slow the django response.
django-under-maintenance  - Setting you site Under Maintenance.
django-careful-forms      - Security minded forms extension for django
django-analytics          - Django app facilitating tracking of arbitrary simple metrics.
django-foundation         - Django Integration with foundation front-end.
django-sparkle-1.5        - Django-sparkle is a Django application to make it easy to publish updates for your mac application using sparkle (intended for Django >= 1.5)
django-switch-user        - Django Switch User allows you to assume the identity of another user.
django-api-playground     - API Playground for RESTful APIs
django-arakoon-cache      - Arakoon cache backend for Django.
django-schedule           - A calendaring app for Django.
django-admin-ckeditor     - Ckeditor integration with Django admin.
django-projects           - django-projects is a Django web application for displaying documentation of a git project.
django-active-path        - Django template tags for determining if a url is the active path.
cmsplugin-link-extended   - Extends the link plugin of django-cms.
django-djikiki            - A django wiki
django-build              - django-build provides a management command 'build2s3' which tar and gzips the source code and stores it in s3.
feincms-forms-builder     - Integrate django-forms-builder into FeinCMS.
django-bootstrap3-images  - Django model field and widget for storing, retrieving and displaying bootstrap3 glyphicon-images
django-labjs              - Django labjs templatetags.
django-commontags         - Common django template tags and filters
django-cpe                - Django implementation of CPE dictionary.
django-sparklines         - Simple tag abstraction for jquery sparklines
django-moreviews          - Django class-based views that complement the built-in ones.
django-mesh               - A Django blog.
django-mobile-client      - UNKNOWN
django-gearman-jbox       - A convenience wrapper for Gearman clients and workers in Django/Python
django-pymssql            - Django database backend for Microsoft SQL Server that works on non-Windows systems.
django-representations    - Django templatetag for representing models
django-metatags           - A simple, pluggable app for attaching meta tags to objects with their own views.
django-readwrite          - Read/write database splitting for Django, based on the HTTP request method.
django-admin-external-auth - Use your Django project's existing authentication views in the admin interface.
django-cuddlybuddly-storage-s3 - Updated Amazon S3 storage from django-storages. Adds more fixes than I can remember, a metadata cache system and some extra utilities for dealing with MEDIA_URL and HTTPS, CloudFront and for creating signed URLs.
django-searchapi          - Api over a number of search engines.
django-scheduled_blocks   - A quick and dirty app to schedule content in django templates
django-tumblr-auth        - django-tumblr-auth is an extension to django-social-auth which adds a backend for Tumblr.com.
django-autolinks          - App for storing links and automatic link extraction from markdown texts.
django-imagefit           - Render an optimized version of your original image on display. Ability to resize and crop.
django-soap-server        - A set of tools to more easily make django a viable SOAP server
django-twitter-relations-history - Django implementation for storing twitter user relations history
django-simple-registration - An extensible user-registration application for Django
django-online-counter     - Django online visitor counter
django-schedule-frinat    - A calendaring app for Django (frinat edition).
m3-debuggie               - Инструментарий для сбора отладочной информации о Django-системе
django-userpreferences    - Django application that allows you to easily store
    preferences for your users to choose from. Sending emails but want to let
    the user choose the frequency ? Do it by adding a preferences.py file in
    your email app.
django-spambayes          - A collection of utility apps for using SpamBayes filtering within Django projects.
django-require-cumulus    - Manage static files in Django with r.js, serve from Rackspace Cloud files
django-kittenstorage      - Django Storage Engine which returns images of kittens if files could not be found.
django-xforwardedfor-middleware - Django X-Forwarded-For Middleware
django-radagast           - The other wizard
django-polarize           - Generic ratings app for Django
django-crispy-forms-fancy-formsets - UNKNOWN
django-slingshot          - Object Document Mapper for ElasticSearch. You know, for Django.
django-preview            - Managing preview subscription in Django
django-snowshoestamp      - A Django app for integrating with snowshoestamp
django-bookmarks          - A reusable Django app for bookmark management.
django-sunlightcongress   - A Django interface to the Sunlight Foundation Congress API
django-fancy-apps         - Django Fancy Apps
django-rpc                - Django RPC for jQuery
django-cache-utils2       - Django caching decorator + invalidate function
django-docdata            - Python/Django client to the Docdata payment system.
django-cookie-message     - UNKNOWN
django-ajax-redirection   - Useful wrappers/middleware for django
django-yacbv              - Replacement for Django's ClassBasedView.
django-teams              - a Django app for teams of users
django-chinook            - A django app with models for chinook sample database and fixtures.
django-calaccess-lobbying-activity - A simple Django app browse California lobbying activity data from Cal-Access.
django-zms-news           - Django news with CKEditor integrated.
django-trap               - A fake Django admin login screen to notify admins of attempted unauthorized access.
django-sub-query          - Django app which uses SQL sub-queries to solve some ORM limitations
django-openportfolio      - A django app to import gnucash data for budgeting and reporting
django-openzoom           - Django application for displaying very high resolution images
django-db-snapshot        - Reusable Django app for fully automatic database snapshots
django-mailchimp-forms    - Mailchimp registration framework for Django
django-sqlpaginator-unknown - django app that does pagination and ordering using raw
sql on a Model. It has the same API as the django.core.pagination.Paginator
django-krate              - Django application to rate objects
django-backlinks          - A generic linkbacks app for Django
django-deferred-filelogger - A logging handler for Django that defers evaluation of the filepath
django-redirect-middleware - Remake of standart Django redirect middleware
django-flattr             - Django flattr tags.
django-cnote              - Django cnotes provides a simple cookie based user notification system.
django-webid-auth         - A django app to enable WebID authentication.
django-mysql-pool         - Django application.
listy-django-cache        - A deterministic caching mechanism for Django
django-sticky-messages    - A simple Django app to display "sticky" messages that expire after a given time period.
django-subcommander       - Write Django management commands that have subcommands.
django-rms                - Django Rule Management System app
django-dynamicwidgets     - UNKNOWN
django-templatequery      - UNKNOWN
django-maintenance        - Schedules planned downtime and shuts down your Django site
django-imapauth           - Imap authentification backend for Django
django-absoluteurl        - Absolute Url is an app for creating absolute urls in Django templates.
django-extracontent       - A django abstract model and form for handling extra content in a model.
django-supergeneric       - django-supergeneric is a small utility library that provides generic aggregator for five most used generic views for any model
django-s3-storage         - Django Amazon S3 file storage.
django-critical           - Inlines critical path CSS and defers loading full CSS asynchronously.
django-smtp-ssl           - SMTP SSL email backend for Django
django-viewtools          - Tools for calling URLs for debugging
django-subs               - This is the app to hold email subscriptions. Usually it is subscriptions for comments.
django-settings-context-processor - Makes specified django settings visible in template rendering context.
django-caddstat           - Bringing statistics to your CADD projects
django-ubivox-email       - Django e-mail backend for the Ubivox e-mail API.
django-pipeline-browserify - django-pipeline compiler for browserify, requires browserify to be installed.
Django-RIP                - 
django-blocms             - Name reserved for future submission of a CMS using blocks
django-sqlfixtables       - Management command for fixing tables after model changes
django-shop-bulkform      - A bulk order form for a django-shop site.
django-voter              - Application for Django framework that contains generic rating\vote system. Requires modifications in the model, that will be used for voting, to optimize number of database queries.
django-delayedblocks      - Django Delayed Blocks
django-aws                - Django AWS backends
django-reportato          - Very simple CSV reports with Django
django-auth-gapps         - Authentication with Google Apps Provisioning api
django-object-faq         - A reusable Django app that allows to attach Q&As to any Django model instance
django-checksum           - Django checksum app
django-conch              - Expose the Django shell as an SSH server.
django-formtools          - A set of high-level abstractions for Django forms
django-dublincore         - A simple Django app to attach Dublin Core metadata to arbitrary Django objects
django-clippy             - Flash based template tag for Django to allow copying the clipboard
django-dynasite           - Tools to dynamically manage multiple Django Web sites in a single app the way you need to.
django-appskel            - App for building reusable app skeletons with testsr
django-human-datetime     - Uses the parsedatetime package to parse human readable date/time expressions into Django fields
django-spyglass           - Distributed web content monitoring engine for Django
django-socialize          - A Django app to create social networks with social authentication.
django-maintenance-in-progress - Intercept possible 500 errors when site maintenance is in progress and display a friendly page.
django-urlkeyword         - Validate that your slugs do not match a keyword in your url
django-acollabauth        - Automatically create superusers via Active Collab accounts for Django
django-cassandra-sessions - This is a session backend for Django that stores sessions in Cassandra, using the pycassa library.
django-cbvpatterns        - A better patterns() for classbased views
django-bagou              - Django Websocket for Django
django-timezones-op       - A Django reusable app to deal with timezone localization for users modified for OP
django-null-values        - Automatically convert empty strings to NULL if null=True
django-yubikey            - UNKNOWN
django-contentblock       - A simple app that allows using Multilingual contentblock using Placeholders from django-cms
django-event-auditor      - Auditing of business events in Django.
django-filepages          - Route urls to file system templates in Django.
django-sparkle-external   - Django-sparkle is a Django application to make it easy to publish updates for your mac application using sparkle (intended for Django >= 1.5)
django-inline             - The Django backend for jeditable (http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/jeditable)
django-whippedcream       - Utilities that make tastypie taste better.
django-moip               - A pluggable Django application for integrating MoIP HTML (for now)
django-widgeter           - Widgeter: A simple engine for backend widgets
cmsplugin-googlegroups-widgets - Google Groups widgets for django-cms 2.2
django-throttling         - Basic throttling app for Django
django-cms-taggit         - Integration of django-taggit and additional meta data with Django CMS.
django-flatpages-filer    - Some Basic extensions for django-contrib-flatpages
django-socialtools        - A small collection of tools for consuming social feeds
django-subscription-manager - Subscription framework for adding user-centric subscriptions and related signals to a Django project
django-registration-withemail - This is a simple user-registration application for Django, designed to make allowing user signups as painless as possible.
django-link-auth          - Django's authentication backend to login by temporary URLs.
django-kvisits            - Visit counter for model objects and urls
django-feedburner         - Handles redirection of django feeds to feedburner urls.
django-redis-status       - A django application that displays some statistics about your redis instance in the admin.
django-fusionbox          - Useful stuff for django
django-extrawidgets       - A project exploring the client-side of Django website development
django-heatmap            - UNKNOWN
django-multiforloop-patched - UNKNOWN
django-ip2language        - A django module to derive a language code based on visitor IP
django-blocks             - Django Blocks will provide an easier way to build Web apps more quickly and with almost no code.
django-ucamprojectlight   - A Django module to use the template system of the University of Cambridge: Project light
django-akismet-comments   - Django moderator for checking django.contrib.comments spam against akismet service.
django-emaillog-backend   - Django email backend that writes messages to logger instead of sending them by SMTP.
django-email-usernames    - Piggy back on django-registration and add email-based usernames.
django-facebook-applications - Django implementation for Facebook Graph API Applications
django-moneta             - Django app for Moneta eTerminal API.
cmsplugin-frequently      - django-cms plugin and apphook for the django-frequently app.
django-panacea            - Django caching middleware for NGINX httpredis module. Based on django-cacheops
django-limit-users        - Installable Django application to limit the number of enabled user registrations
django-angular-template-i18n-lint - Lint tool to find non-trans/blocktrans/|translate text in django/angular templates
django-vkontakte-comments - Django implementation for vkontakte API comments
django-cufon              - Cufon made easy in Django
django-db-utils           - Utilities for Django Databases
django-render-load        - Django template tags render_object and load_object grouped together.
django-staticfiles-masonry - Less.js meets Django staticfiles
django-icons-splashyicons - splashyicons icons pack for django.contrib.staticfiles
django-staticfiles-precompilers - Lets Django's static template tag take care of precompilation
django-nginx-remote-user-middleware - A drop-in middleware for Django which passes through REMOTE_USER variables set by reverse proxies
django-jqmobile           - A Django Application for creating JQuery Mobile websites
django-fs-livesettings    - The Django-related reusable app provides the ability to store settings in a database and configure settings via an admin interface.
django-jsonmodel          - Convert Django model structure into a JSON representation for client-side applications
django-testutils          - 
django-cnotes             - Django cnotes provides a simple cookie based user notification system.
django-toast-messages     - jQuery-powered sexy floating messages
django-polls-simple       - Web-based polls using a simple,easy-to-use Django app.
django-locator            - An easy to integrate store locator plugin for Django.
django-contextlayers      - Slather your templates with contextual data.
django-estate-cms         - Estate plugins and apphooks for django cms
django-extended-flatpages - Django flatpages CKEditor integration and SEO values.
django-social             - Tools to ease integration with social media
django-beta               - django-beta is a reusable Django application for handling pre-beta signups.
django-oidc-auth          - OpenID Connect client for Django applications
django-pipeline-rapydscript - Use rapydScript with django-pipeline
django-gtileoverlay       - Create GTileOverlay images in Django for the Google Maps API
django-mongodb-cache      - Mongodb cache backend for Django framework
django-cms-base           - An extensible CMS based on Django, including dynamic page fields in JSON datasets, multilingual localisation and publishing workflow.
django-render-as-template - A template tag for Django that takes a string and renders as it if it was a template.
django-sabridge           - Provides SQLAlchemy access to Django models.
django-response-timeout   - Django global response timeout middleware
django-seohelper          - Manager the meta information of your pages in Django
django-staticfilesplus    - UNKNOWN
django-crispy-forms-ng    - Best way to have Django DRY forms of the next generation.
django-guestbook          - A simple guestbook application for Django, based largely on the contributed comments application.
django-puzzledev-jom      - Automatically extracts and keep synchronized Javascript objects from Django models
django-resources          - CSS and Javascript management for Django.
django-compositepk        - Provides a base model with rudimentary composite PK abilities.
django-compass            - Simple compilation of Compass projects for Django.
django-easy-avatar        - A super easy AJAX loading avatar for profile management.
django-metafeed           - Django feed aggregator, to merge few feeds into the one.
django-ajaxify            - Rendering helpers for AJAX enabled views
django-authy              - A Django app for integrating with authy
django-mobile-views       - Some mixins to serve mobile templates when mobile detected.
django-contrib-requestprovider - access django request object whenever you need it
django-answrs             - A generic Djnago app to create a question and answer site
django-cms-contactform    - A simple contact us plugin for django-cms.
django-bit-category       - Django category app which uses tree-like structure using bitwise primary key.
django-test-exclude       - Easy application excludes for django projects
django-easy-news          - News application. Allow to publish news on site. You can show news archive, calendar block, or latest news block in template.  Admin editor compatible with django-tinyMCE.
django-aurora             - Django decorators and some other utilities.
django-persistent-file-widget - A django form file widget that persists between erroneous form submissions!
django-vault              - A secure password store
Django-PeerReview         - Simple reusable app for management of peer review of arbitrary django models.
django-nplib              - Hopefully useful django decorators, middleware and misc utility functions
django-shop-bitpagos      - BitPagos Bitcoin Payment Backend for Django Shop
django-adworks            - A simple Django application to manage ad banner design and approval processes.
django-flickr-gallery     - Django Gallery with flickr integration
django-cratis-filer       - Integrates django-cms into cratis application
django-database-files     - A storage system for Django that stores uploaded files in the database.
django-AutoDateTimeFields - django date time fields that do not break like auto_now and auto_now_add do
cmsplugin_jcarousellite   - Slider plugin for django-cms
django-boreas             - Django management commands for boreas
django-rbkmoney           - Приложение для интеграции системы приема платежей RBKMoney в проекты на основе Django.
django-apptemplates       - Django template loader that allows you to load template from a specific application
django-bland              - A terribly basic file based CMS for django
django-aliases            - Some useful tools for "aliasing" objects in django.
django-modelish           - A simple markup and processor to make initial models.py less tedious
django-quran              - Quranic models and helpers for use in Django projects
django-ru-fields          - specific russian fields
django-marconi            - A suite of tools for running a community radio website on Django
django-thinc-webservice   - Adds i18n and delta support for models to django-rest-framework
django-payonline          - A Django application for integration with PayOnline System
django-boolean-sum        - UNKNOWN
django-viewform           - Template driven form rendering for django.
django-oembedplugin       - A django-cms plugin for embedding content from other sites. It uses the embed.ly api to generate oembed objects for over 160 sites.
django-connected          - Connect your Django powered sites to social networks and other online services. After connecting social accounts, you can add content to your site from your social profiles, and send content from your site to your social profiles.
django-templateaddons2    - A set of tools for use with templates of the Django framework: additional template tags, context processors and utilities for template tag development.
django-metamodel          - Add arbitrary data to your django users. This app adds `user.meta` which acts like a dictionary and stores whatever the hell you want. But you could add `.meta` to any of your models.
django-templatecomponents - django-templatecomponents
django-dictionaries       - A lightweight Django app to manage project-wide settigs in form of dictionaries.
django-companies          - A simple Django app to manage companies hierarchy.
django-sshlogin           - 
django-upyun-storage      - django storage for upyun.com
django-orm-unchained      - Django integration manager for field renaming
django-test-runner        - 
django-cms-clippings      - Include editable content in applications integrated with django-cms sites.
django-data-tools         - UNKNOWN
descriptive_id            - django-descriptive-id is an abstract model that you can use as a mixin to give your models a human-readable, unique identifier.
django-adaptive           - Manages to load templates according to the type of device to        a specific directory prefix.
django-simple-currencies  - Currency, exchange rate and conversions support for django projects
django-livevalidation     - Live validation for Django forms. It validates as you type. Uses scripts from livevalidation.com
django-session-csrf-cookie - Django middleware that works with session-csrf and sends a CSRF token cookie.
django-vkontakte-merchant - Vkontakte Merchant API django app
django-modernizr          - Django port of Marshall Yount's rack-modernizr (https://github.com/marshally/rack-modernizr/)
django-definition-tag     - Allows easy creation of template tags that define a context variable
django-social-auth-appsfuel - Appsfuel backend for django-social-auth
django-urlactive-lite     - An example django template tag library for adding an "active" class to navigation links.
django-geocolombia        - Geocolombia is a simple Django app to deal with cities and states in Colombia.
django-support-form       - Simple support/contact form for your Django app
django-infinite-memcached - A Django memcached backend to handle 'infinite' timeouts
django-urlalternatives    - Django URL alternatives provides a way for dispatching one URL pattern to the first alternative view (callback function) in a list that returns success.
django-columns            - Django template filter for splitting a list into columns.
suit_mailfactory          - django-mailfactory support for django-suit
django-choiceinput        - Display preset strings as select tag right beside TextInput widget in Django
django-glaze              - Adding extra functionality to Django
django-db-queue           - Simple database-backed job queue system
django-metro-tiny         - Metro stations and lines models for Django
django-redisdb            - Django redis backend
django-production-management - A collection of django apps for managing your productions
django-cache-object       - This django module gives similar functionality like in django.db.models.loading
django-activity-stream-autoactor - Automatic provision of actors for django-activity-stream
django-html               - Template tags for smarter outputting of HTML in Django
django-formadmin          - A Django app that provides the building blocks for an app registry system
django-localflavor-br     - Country-specific Django helpers for Brazil.
django-mailmodel          - Reusable app for sharing objects by email
django-error-pages        - Use any HTTP error status with Django.
django-dynamo             - Dynamo let users and admins create and mantain their Django DYNAmic MOdels dynamically at runtime.
django-pyroven            - A Django authentication backend for Ucam-WebAuth / Raven
django-yafinder           - A collection of tools that make it easy to create index pages (archives) suitable for the frontend of a Django project.
patchman                  - Patchman is a django-based patch status monitoring tool for linux systems.
django-startproject       - Create a Django project layout based on Lincoln Loop best practices.
django-staticfiles-timelinejs_static - Timeline.js meets Django staticfiles
django-mail-tester        - Django management command to send email
django-pypi               - VAR_DESCRIPTION
django-shop-credomatic    - Credomatic payment backend
django-nested-formsets    - Simple nested formsets in a ModelForm
Django-Select2-Py3        - Select2 option fields for Django for Python3
djangocms-panel           - Bootstrap panel plugin for Django-CMS
django-reusableapps       - Reusable Django apps with setuptools
django-erlyvideo          - Erlyvideo
django-xpower             - Adds the X-Powered-By header to your Django site
django-stub               - A simple command line tool to streamline django project setups.
django-angular-library    - Angular packaged in an handy django app to speed up new applications and deployment.
django-stdfile            - Django application that improves management of FileFields
django-invitable          - Reusable invitations app for Django
django-homebanking        - Django appp to analyse and present data from homebanking system
django-tinsel             - A python module for decorating function-based Django views
django-QuranApp           - A simple Django app to conduct display quran.
django_paperclip          - Simple approach to being able to insert images and files into a TinyMCE editor using the django-tinymce plugin. Essentially stores the images in a ImageUpload model, the files in a FileUpload model, and uses some Javascript to insert into TinyMCE.
django-admin-decorators   - Extra decorators for django admin
django-adjax              - Django AJAX RPC.
django-openstack          - A Django interface for OpenStack.
django-shotgun            - A Django application for testing entire sites.
django-user_agent_detector - Detect and handle desktop vs mobile user agents with django-annoying
django-filer-gallery      - A gallery using django-filer
ibidem-django-util        - Ibidem Django utilities
django-infranil           - almost flat pages
django-simanumer          - Put short description here...
django-azure-storage      - Django storage backends for Windows Azure blob storage.
django-uwsgi-admin        - The Django admin application of uWSGI.
redsolutioncms.django-model-url - Django model url keeps track your objects' urls and inserts dynamic links in content.
Do not worry, that page has changed address. All the old links will continue to work.
django-icons-twitterjoy   - twitterjoy icons pack for django.contrib.staticfiles
django-mobileesp          - 
django-mxit               - Simple helpers for writing Mxit apps with Django
django-djam               - UNKNOWN
django-compressor-autoprefixer - Django Compressor CSS filter for autoprefixer
django-googlemap-widget   - Googlemap field, widget, model for Django
Django-EditArea           - A Django application that contains a widget to render a form field as an EditArea editor.
django-heroku-simon       - 
django-verbatim           - Django template block tag which renders template syntax characters within the block as normal text.
django-randomfilenamestorage - A Django storage backend that gives random names to files.
django-wordsmith          - Translation framework for adding flexible localisation capablities to a Django project
django-content_editable   - UNKNOWN
django-survey             - A simple extensible survey application for django sites forked from http://code.google.com/p/django-survey/
django-cache-stockpile    - A simple django ORM caching layer.
django-smoked             - Smoke tests framework for Django Web Framework
django-floppymodelforms   - A hack to force Django's ModelForm to use floppyforms' fields.
django-switter            - Switter is a drop-in Django app that gets tweets for you, keeps them cached for a short while and makes it easy to display them on your site. Switter provides a django-cms plugin.
django-nadb               - Not Another Django Blog app!
django-quick-photos       - Latest Photos from Instagram for Django
django-vault-client       - Client for a django-vault
django-googlytics         - Add google analytics snippet to your django templates.
django-cyborg             - 
django-dress-blog         - Django blogging app with stories, quotes, diary, comments and tags.
django-request-id         - Augment each request with unique id for logging purposes
django-intellipages       - This app provides one tiny but useful template filter for page navigation
django-js-utils-ng        - Django URL Exposure to Javascript
django-rauthall           - Yet another Django Auth App
django-paginator          - A template tag that works with Django's Paginator class
django-handlebars         - Handlebars for Django
django-facebook_gallery   - Facebook Gallery for Django
cmsplugin_gallery_filer   - DjangoCMS image gallery plugin with drag&drop reordering in admin, support for thumbnails and jQueryTOOLS overlay. Fork to use django-filer
django-jqtouch            - A Django Application for creating jQTouch websites
django-sockjs-tornado     - Makes it easy to run a SockJS server in Django through Tornado
django-mongo-cache        - Cache backend for django, using MongoDB and gevent connection pool
django-eml-email-backend  - Django email backend that saves emails to .eml files. Such files can be opened directly in Outlook or Mail.app.
django-belts              - A learning dojo, the red-hot core of beltbadgers.com
django-sluggee            - Russian slugifier for Django
django-faleconosco        - Aplicacao responsavel pela secao Fale Conosco de sites, portais, blogs, etc.
django-favorite           - A simple reusable app for django that makes it easy to have a favorite button for any model.
django-hitcount           - Django hit counter application that tracks the number of hits/views for chosen objects
django-queued-storage-fork - Allows for files to be uploaded locally and then transferred to a remote location. This is a fork because the original is not online.
django-bbcode             - BBCode support in Django
django-profiling          - Django Profiling
django-nsa                - An easy way for the NSA to see what's going on in our Django projects.
django-vouch              - extension to django.contrib.auth as an identity manager with wide range of auth
                   mechanism support.
django-background-tasker  - A simple django extension for running background tasks using zeromq
django-processedimagefield - Post-processing for Django ImageFields.
django-simple-admin-export - UNKNOWN
django-serverpush         - 
django-xlivesettings      - xlivesettings
django-easy-api           - Create an API for you Django project with only a single line of code!
django-admin-extend       - Provides functionality for extendingModelAdmin classes that have alreadybeen registered by other apps
django-hoptoad            - django-hoptoad is some simple Middleware for letting Django-driven websites report their errors to Hoptoad.
django-db-defaults        - Persist Djago model field default values to DataBase
django-lit                - UNKNOWN
django-briefcase          - Yet another document management app for Django.
django-contenteditable    - Django support for HTML contenteditable
django-ad-rotator         - A reusable Django app for managing and displaying banner ads.
django-webhooks2          - Simple webhooks for Django
django-telegram           - A messaging framework that supports email, irc, notify my android and others
django-twitter            - An inobstrusive way to login with Twitter into your Django application.
django-baker              - Management command that generates views, forms, urls, admin, and templates for models
django-request-data       - Django handling of data submitted in a HttpRequest
Django-Password-Protect   - Middleware to add BasicAuth password protection to a site
django-staging            - Django staging solution, for maintaining differents servers synchronized. Uses mercurial as backend
django-external-feed      - Show content from an XML feed on your own site.
django-livejs2            - Integrate live.js into django site
django-uikit-editor       - uikit_editor provides integration for UiKit htmleditor with Django
django-editable           - Your project description goes here
django-mailer-throttled   - Addon for django-mailer that allows to send throttled emails
django-mediamanager       - A central repository for Django apps to register any static media that needs to be included.
django-videothumbs        - DjangoVideoThumbs
django-dynsettings        - Django Dynamic Settings
django-webfinger          - UNKNOWN
django-compound-field     - A compound field for Django
django-blogs              - Django blogs - module that provide blogs to your django application.
- One user blog
- Multi blogging system
- Blog per user
- Safe html in posts
- System to manage permissions to read\write\moderate blogs
django-riemann            - Send logging data to Riemann
django-payme              - Yet another merchant payment app for Django
django-bootstrap9         - 
django-bootstrap8         - 
django-bootstrap5         - 
django-bootstrap4         - 
django-bootstrap7         - 
django-recaptcha-mozilla  - Mozilla fork of django recaptcha form field/widget app.
django-report             - Pluggable model report for Django.
django-fedora             - A Django web UI for Fedora 3.1 (http://www.fedora-commons.org)
tastypie-generic          - Generics Toolkit for Django-Tastypie
django-pickling           - Efficient pickling for django models.
django-customfields       - Couple of custom model fields for django: CachedManyToManyField and InheritedField
django-project-goblin     - Manage list of projects
django-isegory            - A simple Django app to declare the provenance of a dataset.
django-kvideos            - Django application to add videos to models
django-dilla              - General-purpose testing tool that populates your Django models with random data.
django-usernameless       - Custom user without username for Django-1.5
django-connect            - Django app to let users connect (and in some cases login) with 3rd party sites (mostly social networks)
django-zendesk            - Django application for handling HTTP target callbacks from Zendesk.
django-events             - django-events
django-robokassa-payments - Приложение для интеграции платежной системы ROBOKASSA в проекты на Django.
django-sct                - SCT (Sphene Community Tools) is a collection of Django applications for communities. It currently consists of a Forum and Wiki application which are applicable for communities, support forums, blogs, etc.
django-tastypie-helpers   - Handy Tasypie Helpers. Eg for nested URIs
django-staff-toolbar      - Show staff-only controls at website frontents
django-staticfiles-moment - Moment.js meets Django staticfiles
m3-asynctask              - Расширение django-celery для хранения информации о задачах
django-xmail-ritual       - The xmail library is a mail dispatching library for Django 1.7. Mails are sent asynchronously by a management command
django-filebrowser-django13 - Media-Management with the Django Admin-Interface. Package for using without django-grapelli in Django 1.3
django-cms-mailchimp      - A simple mailchimp sign-up plugin for django-cms
django-resume-griffin     - Manage your employment history.
django-readernaut         - Django application which provides a template tag interface to the pyreadernaut package.
django-oopviews           - django-oopviews provides a simple way to write Django-views in an object-oriented manner.
memcachier-django-ascii   - Django cache backend supporting MemCachier service
django-funky-user         - Django custom user model, registration and tools
django-locking-south      - Prevent South from running concurrently
django-icons-famfamfam    - Django staticfiles with famfamfam silk and flag icon sets
django-cart-improved      - Django simple shopping cart, tests and south migrations included
django-export2            - django-export can export results from the admin choosing with fields and relations to include. You can save your queries and share it with other users
django-rsscloud           - Simple app to make rsscloud-enabled your Django app feed.
django-preflight-checks   - UNKNOWN
akiokio-django-geoposition - Django model field that can hold a geoposition, and corresponding admin widget.
django-mimemail           - Helper library for sending mime-mails with inline pictures.
django-audioadmin         - A reusable Django app for uploading/previewing audio files plus a simple id3 tag reader (Title/Artist/Album)
django-renderform         - Helpers for rendering Django forms in a flexible way.
django-regex-redirects    - Django redirects, with regular expressions
django-latex              - Django application to generate latex/pdf files.
django-starter-box        - Django starter box
tango-voting              - Generic voting application for Django, based on django-voting by Jonathan Buchanan
django-localize           - Localize your django URLs
django-offline            - A simple Django app to swith your Django project between offline/online mode and display a 503 error page, while your django site is offline (under maintenance)
django-genericrelationview - django admin interface for GenericForeignKey fields
django-shop-multiplecurrencies - Multiple currencies for Django Shop
django-mathfield          - A Django model field for writing and displaying LaTeX
django-mandrill           - Mandrill integration for Django
django-social-poster      - Signals for posting messages on Facebook and Twitter.
django-citadel            - A Django app that provides an encrypted Model and ModelField
django-versionfield2      - A DB Independent Custom Django Field for storing Version numbers for fast indexing
django-syncr              - Synchronize Django with the web
django-denorm             - Denormalization magic for Django
django-twisted            - Django ORM + Twisted - Blocking
django-pageguide          - An Django integration with pageguide, an interactive, responsive, and smart guide for web page elements using jQuery and CSS3
django-utensils           - Useful Django snippets.
django-uta                - Unobtrusive Template Adapter
django-i18nurl            - Django i18n URL
django-beanstalkd         - A convenience wrapper for beanstalkd clients and workers in Django using the beanstalkc library for Python
django-jinja2             - A drop in conditional template loader to use jinja2 if the filename / path meets custom criteria
django-uSocketIO          - A simple Django, uWSGI, and Socket.IO integration.
django-logging            - A Django wrapper to Python's logging module
django-modular-languages  - Simple script to manage multiple language catalogs in a django project.
django-gmapify            - Add a Google Map to a template with a simple tag.
django-hash-password      - Generate hashed passwords.
django-user-connections   - Notifications app for django
django-cms-events         - A simple event scheduling app for django-cms
django-videoembed         - Easy embedding videos with Django
django-shop-ceca          - A pluggable Django application for integrating ceca tpv Payments
django-ses3               - A Django email backend for Amazon's Simple Email Service
django-render-as          - Template rendering indirector based on object class
django-scrup              - A django-based web receiver for Scrup which stores screencaptures on S3.
django-shop-braintree     - A Braintree payment backend for django-shop
django-staticserve        - 
django-conman             - A modular CMS for django, sponsored by Incuna
django-toolkit            - Django toolkit
django-debugging          - Debugging utilities for Django.
django-teagarden          - Database planning, visualization and code generation
django-flexible-content-ckeditor - Rich text (WYSIWYG) support for django-flexible-content
django-cacheops-with-stats - A slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation for Django.
django-failedloginblocker - UNKNOWN
django-sisyphus           - Sisyphus task processing queue django app.
image_manager             - django-image-manager is a no none sense image hanlding system.
django-uc                 - Django package that helps in your UC integration
django-contest            - 
django-templated-emails   - 
django-method-override    - Django Middleware for HTTP Method Override Form Params & Header
djoosh                    - A super simple Django-whoosh search engine
django-partitions         - an app for partitions querysets based on indexed Q expressions in settings
django-slack-oauth        - Handles OAuth and stores slack token
django-tables2-wsgi-fix   - Table/data-grid framework for Django
zinnia-url-shortener-bitly - Bit.ly URL shortener backend for django-blog-zinnia
django-last-used          - Keep track of last used objects on a django app
django-viewtester         - A django views-tester
django-akamai-storage     - Django storage engine that connects to Akamai NetStorage.
django-hresume            - A resume application for django, presented using the hresume microformat
django-autoadmin          - Automatic admin users for Django projects.
django-memcachedkeys      - Sanitize your keys, please.
django-site-broadcasts    - A small Django app that displays temporary, short broadcasts across a site.
django-termsandconditions - django-termsandconditions enables customers to accept terms and conditions before using a site.
django-underscore         - Underscore packaged in a handy django app to speed up new applications and reduce duplicaiton.
django-scbv               - Simple (and sane) class-based views for Django
django-datatap            - django-datatap is a fixture system enabling applications to define their own loading and dumping process while supporting file asset storage.
django-gusregon           - GUS REGON Internet Database Client
django-objectcounters     - Associate counters with Django model records.
cmsplugin-section         - django-cms plugin for creating page sections with templates
django-bigautohack        - Nice working solution to make up for the absence of BigAutoField in django (#14286).
django-consent            - A Django app for managing permissions that a user has granted the website to do. This could be used for a number of requests, from asking the user if you can post to their twitter, or send them newsletter updates.
django-livinglots-generictags - A set of helpers for creating Django template tags for models with generic relations.
django-fbrealtime         - Django app for receiving realtime facebook updates
django-shop-paypal        - An paypal payment backend wrapping django-paypal
django-hudson-25          - Plug and play continuous integration with django and hudson
django-wymeditor          - A Django application that contains a widget to render a form field with a WYMEditor interface.
django-tastypie-migrate-fix - A flexible & capable API layer for Django.
django-tagconstants       - Define constants in your settings, and make them available in your templates.
django-sherlock           - A pluggable app for notifications
django-treeform           - -
django-bootstrap-email    - Using Twitter Bootstrap in e-mail templates for Django projects
django-sql-log            - Write Start/Stop events in your SQL logs.
django-addressbook        - A django app that allows users to create contact groups and contacts, as well as views for displaying a contact in hcard format, downloading a vcard for the contact, a gravatar, and a QR code.
django-simpleapps         - Basic Django applications
django-dnt                - Make Django requests aware of the DNT header.
django-chet               - django-chet, honoring the most photogenic Jazz musician ever with nice photos.
django-kvm                - 
django-testproject-gito   - Django project for making life easy
cmsplugin-plaintext-djangocms3 - Adds a plaintext plugin for django-cms. Forked from https://bitbucket.org/xenofox/cmsplugin-plaintext to add django-cms3 support
django-realtime           - an iShout.js client for Django
django-common-templatetags - Common templatetags missing for application
django-url-utils          - Django template tags for manipulating URLs
django-eintopf            - Collection of small tools and enhancements for Django
django-care               - Tools which help finding performance issues in Django projects
django-dumbwaiter         - Asynchronous function execution with cached results
django-favman             - Let users bookmark their favorite objects
django-s3-collectstatic   - UNKNOWN
suit_guardian             - django-guardian support for django-suit
django-dagcategory        - A simple library for creating tree like categories
django-scspostgis         - A PostGIS db backend that works with standard_conforming_strings.
django-weasyprint         - Django weasyprint app
django-mydns-manager      - django-mydns-manager provides a web based administration interface for MyDNS.
django-ripwrap            - A wrapper for ReSTinPeace, for Django applications.
django-dacks              - Django hacks for faster coding.
django-admin-notifications - A simple app to allow apps to register notifications that can be displayed in the admin via a template tag.
cmsplugin-fbgallery       - facebook gallery plugin for django-cms
django-project            - Modular & scalable Django project template
django-languages          - Provides a language field for Django models.
django-tz-unknown         - Django timezones localization app based on global cache (similar to django.utils.translation)
django-finegrained-permissions - Add permissions per field instead of per model
django-magneto            - A content and template management application for Django.
django-saddle             - Settings on steroids and some shortcuts for Django
django-blogitty           - Yet another blogging app for Django
django-pudb               - PuDB integration for Django.
django-edamame            - One idea of Class-based view module.
django-csvexport          - Simple csv to model parsing for Django.
django-transaction-signals-do-not-use - Transaction signals for Django. Don't use this!
django-cookiesession      - A secure way to hold Django session data in cookies
django-upload-to          - provides an easy way to name user media (uploaded files) based on properties of the model that stores them
django-futures            - Django asynchronous views and Tornado integration made easy.
django-scanredirect       - Django app thats adds URL rules to redirect scripts looking for webapps exploits to their own IP
django-conditions         - A Django app that allows creation of conditional logic in admin.
django-templates-macros   - Add macros to your django templates
django-adminstat          - Simple app, provides django's LogEntry objects admin. It can be used to collect inforabout staff users actions on site
django-cid                - Correlation IDs in Django for debugging requests
django-periodically       - Periodic task management for your Django projects.
django-staticfiles-jquery-ui - jquery-ui packaged for django-staticfiles
django-blockedemails      - A Django reusable app that provides a form field, models and validators for blocking email addresses
django-dependency         - Django app to help manage external dependencies
django-chunks             - Keyed blocks of content for use in your Django templates
django-sstatic            - Simple static files versioning for django.
django-usernotes          - UNKNOWN
django-places             - Place or Location management app for django
django-skin               - Add template skins to django.
django-edict              - A django application for keeping your fans up to date.
django-composition        - `django-composition` provides the abstract way to denormalize data from your models in simple declarative way through special generic model field called `CompositionField`
django-invitation         - Built on top of django-registration, it restricts registration to a given number of invited person per active user (strategy introduced by GMail to involve 2.0 users).
django-model-template     - An extensible top-down model templating framework
django-sec                - Parse XBRL filings from the SEC's EDGAR in Python
cmsplugin-fbalbumlight    - facebook album plugin for django-cms with lightbox
django-chargify           - This is a generic SDK for hooking up with the Chargify API
django-composite-field    - CompositeField implementation for Django
django-andon              - 
django-extra-form-fields  - Additional form fields for Django applications
django-cache-magic        - Django Cache Magic
django-assets-pipeline    - Complete assets pipeline for Django projects
django-heiglerplus        - A package with some usual apps to "usual" projects
django-spoolgore          - A django EMAIL_BACKEND for enqueuing mail in the Spoolgore daemon.
django-simple-spam-blocker - Simple spam blocker for Django
django-requirejs          - Allows you to organize imports of your js scripts.
django-mysql-pymysql      - Django MySQL backend for PyMySQL adapter
django-edumetadata        - django-edumetadata
django-oav                - 
django-commontranslations - prevents repeating translations across apps and projects
django-dashboard          - Real-time visualization for Django.
django-startup            - A project startup template. Bootstrap Themed, User management, Landing Page and other common features.
django-webperf            - A collection of stuff to improve django web performance.
django-codesnips          - Django code snippets
pytest-django-casperjs    - Integrate CasperJS with your django tests as a pytest fixture.
django_hostproof_auth     - Secure Host-Proof authentication backend for Django-powered sites
django-dogstorage         - Django Storage Engine which returns images of dogs if files could not be found.
django-app-plugins        - reusable django application for writting pluggable reusable django applications
django-ccstraps           - A rotating strap application for Django
django-front-edit         - Front end editing for Django.
django-filmmap            - An API to find movies that are playing in the San Francisco area.
django-bankdownloads      - Django-app for managing and processing bank transaction downloads
django-debug-error-logging - Enable error logging in Django when DEBUG = True
django-wtf                - Django wtf utils
django-sorting            - Like ericflo's django pagination, but this one does the sorting! used with ericflo's pagination, displaying tabular paginated and sortable data is very easy
django-coldbrew           - Django Template Tags to compile CoffeeScript inline or from a file.
uppsell                   - A Flask-based e-commerce API and a django-backed admin for managing them.
django-autohide-help      - jQuery plugin that auto-hides form field help blocks as pluggable Django app
django-routing            - UNKNOWN
django-orderedmodel       - Orderable models for Django
django-beanstalk          - Django administration for beanstalk daemons
django-pg-fts             - Implementation of PostgreSQL Full Text Search for django 1.7
django-rest-coupedout     - UNKNOWN
cmsplugin-file            - File plugin for django-cms, fixes issues with native file plugin with External Media Storage (e.g. S3)
django-celery-mon         - App for monitoring Celery workers
django-dynamicpages       - Application which allows dynamically change urls.
html2hamlpy               - Convert Django-flavored HTML to HamlPy
django-cprofile-middleware - Easily add cProfile profiling to django views.
django-dcors              - Django middleware for adding CORS HTTP headers.
django-icons-icojoy-pointers - icojoy pointers icons pack for django.contrib.staticfiles
django-jigsawview         - An extended alternative to Django generic class based views.
django-userlog            - Logs users' recent browsing history.
lhj-django-shorturls      - A short URL handler for Django apps.
django-super-cache        - a page cache plugin, enable you to cache your single page to file or redis.
django-json-settings      - A Django application to let you provide local settings in json format
django-urls-map           - A simple Django app to embed a management command that will display the url map of your project
django-runner             - Run arbitrary script within Django environment
django-themes             - A powerful application that can be used to develop themes to completely reskin your django apps.
django-squeeze            - Squeeze JS/CSS files on the fly, for django
tocka-Django              - Fork with some graceful changes to django-admin
django-galleries          - Simple Django galleries.
django-tree-tag           - A simple module for recursion in Django templates
django-datapurge          - A simple Django app to easily handle cleanup of old data (sessions, nonces, etc.)
django-private-messages   - Private messages
django-pedant             - Make django templates fail fast on errors
django-restviews          - REST-based Django CrUD-Views
django-forceadminlanguage - Force Django Admin to show in one selected language.
django-newswall           - My version of a Tumblelog, because I can.
django-dictionary-search  - A simple, yet full-featured Django dictionary API
django-sortable-fc        - An app to add drag-and-drop to admin to reorder instances of models.
django-push-notify        - Django app for sending ios push notifications
django-concerns           - Django app for reporting privacy concerns
django-billing            - 
django-piwik              - A simple app to add the Piwik JS tracking code to your template.
django-excel-response     - A subclass of HttpResponse which will transform a QuerySet,
or sequence of sequences, into either an Excel spreadsheet or
CSV file formatted for Excel, depending on the amount of data.

django-ordered-m2m        - Adds ordering to Django's many-to-many relations.
django-userpure           - Basic user proerties and user ability for django 1.5.
django-multi-tenant       - UNKNOWN
django-groups-manager     - Django groups manager through django-mptt.
django-tagging-translated - Registers the Tag model for simple-translation and extends the Tag admin.
django-pg-agefilter       - Helpers to leverage postgres's age filter from django
django-timeline           - a Django timeline (activity stream) using redis
django-user-roles         - Simple role-based user permissions for Django.
django-sha2               - Enable strong password hashes (bcrypt+hmac or SHA-2) in Django by default.
django-select2-rocks      - A Django application to provide AJAX autocomplete with Select2.
django-machina            - A Django forum engine for building powerful and pretty community driven websites.
django-emailpgp           - Django module to support PGP encrypted and signed e-mails with attachments.
django-monit              - A simple Django-based Monit collector
django-cache-throttle     - Cache-based rate-limiting for Django.
django-aps-production     - A Django app to log and plan production processes
django-tabs               - Manages tabs in Django templates
django-auth-base-template - Switchable logged in/logged out base templates for Django
django-qiwi               - Приложение для работы с qiwi.ru.
django-admin-favorite     - 
django-bootstrap3-datetimepicker-timepicker - Bootstrap3 compatible datetimepicker and timepicker for Django projects.
django-tokenfield         - A token based form field+widget for Django
django-templateaddons     - A set of tools for use with templates of the Django framework: additional template tags, context processors and utilities for template tag development.
django-enum               - A utility for writing Django choice enumerations.
django-mediaelementjs     - MediaElement.js packaged in an handy django app to speed deployment.
django-redirect-plus      - Django's built-in redirect app with some extras.
django-gitstorage         - Django storage and views to browse a Git repository
django-kvstore            - An extensible key-value store backend for Django applications.
django-mailwhimp          - django-mailwhimp integrates mailchimp into Django
django-mobile-platform    - Detect mobile browsers and serve different template flavours to them.
django-static-media       - Test
django-mercury            - Django support to Mercury Editor
django-checklists         - 
django-mongoengine        - 
django-unjoinify          - A helper for efficiently retrieving deeply-nested data sets
django-djurk              - A Django app for accessing Mechanical Turk
django-modelsubscription  - Generic model mixin for user or email subscription to objects
django-copyright          - Copyright django app
django-performance-tools  - Tools for collecting performance data from Django apps
django-newsroom           - Newsroom management for the Django web framework.
django-feedback           - A pluggable user feedback app
django-tiendata           - Django-based online store
django-pure-pagination-fork - UNKNOWN
django-registration-names - A way to control allowed and prohibited user names for registration with django-registration.
django-tsvector           - tsvector field Django.
django-banner-simple      - Simple banner system
django-reporter           - Custom email-based reports for any Django project.
django-xe-currencies      - Django-based currency exchange app synced with XE datafeed API.
django-crowd              - Attlasian CROWD authentication backend for Django
django-ajax-feedback      - A pluggable user feedback app
django-uuid-upload-path   - Generate short UUIDs and use them as paths for uploaded media files in Django.
django-deprecated-fbv     - Deprecated Django function based views from Django 1.4 in a neat little package.
django-ember-index        - A Django app to serve an Ember index files.
django-countries-field    - CountriesField in Django
django-easy-profiles      - django-easy-profiles
django-bookmarker         - Social bookmark linsk
django-testtools          - A helper for writting Django's tests
django-account-modified   - Django application for registration and authentication, modified
django-creek              - A simple flow controller for Django
django-inplaceedit-version1 - Django application that allows you to inline edition of some data from the database
django-multires           - Django-multires is a plug-and-play Django app for managing multiple image resolutions in a db-driven approach.
django-hashedfilenamestorage - A Django storage backend that names files by hash value.
django-503                - An app to show 503 error page, while your django site is on maintenance.
django-pagseguro          - A pluggable Django application for integrating PagSeguro payment system
django-profiling-dashboard-fc - Django profiling dashboard for debugging CPU, memory and other resources usage in live servers
django-backtalk           - A very simple comment app, forked from django.contrib.comments.
django-zxcvbn-password    - A front-end and back-end password validation field using ZXCVBN.
django-bootstrap3-iconfield - Renderers to show icons in the input fields for the django-bootstrap3 project from dyve: https://github.com/dyve/django-bootstrap3.
django-hijackemail        - Reroute outgoing mail (for use in dev/testing/staging environments)
django-append-url-to-sql  - Appends the request URL to SQL statements in Django.
django-fast-fixtures      - Replace dumpdata and loaddata with migration aware fixture commands.
django-beautifulpredicates - Library to provide a predicate dispatch for Django's generic views.
django-deploy             - Django deployment utility
django-cities-tiny        - Another simple alternative to django-cities
tastypie-client           - Client for Django-Tastypie based REST services
django-qrlink             - Django middleware/decorator to insert a QR Code image link
django-fluent-faq         - A FAQ engine for Django Fluent CMS
django-saml2-idp          - ('SAML 2.0 IdP for Django',)
django-trash              - DB trash, app for django
django-navi               - 
django-validatorchain     - Helper for making form validators skippable
django-jquery-qtip        - jQuery qTip (http://qtip2.com) packaged in a django app to speed up new applications and deployment.
django-biometrics         - Associate biometric markers with users
django-tinymce-staticfiles - TinyMCE Static Files for Django
django-nlp                - asdf
django-newsletters        - Template for reusable django applications.
django-tastypie-with-file-upload-and-model-form-validation - A flexible & capable API layer for Django.
django-trello-broker      - Django app that integrats BitBucket POST hook calls and your Trello boards.
django-rsync              - Simple deployment script using rsync for django projects
django-yandex-direct      - Simple wrapper for the Yandex.Direct API
django-redactor           - Django application for http://imperavi.ru/redactor/
django-ptree-extra-views  - Extra class-based views for Django
django-jquery-tipsy       - jQuery tipsy plugin packaged in a django app to speed up new applications and deployment.
django-unique-submission  - Django unique submission preventing duplicate post data
django-enclave            - 
django-recurrences        - Recurrence app for django
django-vhost              - Generates virtual host configuration files for apache and nginx
django-jwt-auth           - JSON Web Token based authentication for Django
django-simple-mixins      - Mixins to use for Djangos Class Based Views.
django-web-secure         - The middleware that makes ponies fly with a great sense of security.
django-admin-xtra-widgets - more widgets for the django admin
django-projectname        - django projectname
django-multisafepay       - MultiSafepay Payments Gateway integration for Django
django-premailer          - Django template tag that turns CSS blocks into style attributes using premailer.
django-render-partial     - Django render_partial tag allows inserting rendered views into templates
django-advanced-redirects - Advanced redirect management for Django applications.
django-flot               - Flot packaged in a handy django app to speed up new applications and reduce duplicaiton.
django-bootstrap6         - 
django-mysqlndb-backend   - 
django-mediafiles         - Django media files manager
django-littlebro          - Django LittleBro: Asynchronous event tracking using MongoDB and Celery.
django-timelimit          - A Django template tag used to enforce render time limits within templates.
django-central-station    - Project tracking
django-excellere          - 
django-cuelogic-comments  - A simple Django app for manage comments.
django_nonrel_runner      - test runner for django-nonrel
django-warehouse          - Simple warehouse management system for Django 1.7+
django-hitcount-mixed-object - holds hit count of mixed objects represented at relation model using NoSQL db
django-url-redirect       - Simple redirect middleware for Django
django-viewtracker        - Object view tracker for Django
django-last-modified      - Django middleware to help manage your caching setup
django-freebase           - Freebasing in Django.
django-googleanalytics    - Google Analytics templatetag for Django
django-popularity-ranks   - Popularity and view counts management for Django objects.
django-pipeline-forgiving - An extension of the django-pipeline storage backend which forgives missing files
django-ratelimit9         - App that dynamically adds reCAPTCHA field to forms when user exceeds the rate limit
django-mailto             - Django app to send, manage and queue multilingual mails with template support.
django-taggit-autocomplete - Autocompletion for django-taggit
django-icons-icojoy       - icojoy icons pack for django.contrib.staticfiles
django-cherrydev          - CherryPy Web server for Django development.
django-url-tracker        - A little app that trackes URL changes in a database table to provide HTTP 301 & 410 on request.
django-queryset-iterator  - Iterate over large Data-sets in Django efficiently.
django-test-redislite     - Django test suite extended to use redislite to provide redis fixtures
django-ldap-email-auth    - Active Directory LDAP email authentication settings for Django projects
django-surfing            - This reusable Django app introduces site tree, menu and breadcrumbs navigation elements
django-test-helpers       - UNKNOWN
django-simplegravatar     - A simpler Django template tag to add Gravatar support to your Django projects.
django-icons-onebit       - onebit icons pack for django.contrib.staticfiles
dj-user                   - Provides batteries-included backends for django.contrib.auth and django-registration.
django-formalizr          - Django AJAX Class Based Views
Django-TimelineJS         - Pluggable app for Django to edit and display TimelineJS timelines
django-autocomplete       - an autocomplete widget and form field for django.
django-count-image-captcha - Captcha with image count challenge for Django 1.7+
jsrequirements            - Import once all required js files from Django project templates at the end of generated html document for optimization purpose.
    Compatible with django-compressor.
django-tracking-jl        - Basic visitor tracking and blacklisting for Django
django-postgres           - First-class Postgres feature support for the Django ORM.
django-carrousel          - A django application that allows adding carrousel with slides on your web site.
django-vocabulary         - A Django app for providing controlled vocabularies for autocomplete widgets
django-tokyo-sessions     - This is a session backend for Django that stores sessions in a Tokyo Cabinet database, which communicates via Tokyo Tyrant using the PyTyrant library.  Tokyo Cabinet is a key-value store similar to BDB.
se-django-empty           - An empty test package for testing.
django-weblog             - A Django weblog app with hierarchic categories.
django-xmlmapping         - Library to map XML data to a Django data model and persist the data in the data base.
django-datatable          - 
django-sslredirector      - A simple django application that manages http/https statuses of different views.
django-snippetology       - A text snippet manager for Django
django-memento            - Simple reusable django app for logging events within a django project
django-flatqueries        - Flatpage-like SQL queries for Django.
django-openbudget         - A django app to import gnucash data for budgeting and reporting
django-shortwave          - Django app for managing Shortwave command files.
django-simple-sms         - Easily send text messages from your Django project.
django-d3                 - Django package for d3
django-disenchained       - django-disenchained: free Django from the shackles of inefficient queries!
django-output-validator   - App to catch HTML errors (or other errors) in outgoing Django pages.
django-captcha-admin      - Provides a recaptcha field in django's default admin login page.
django-easy-pdf           - Django PDF views, the easy way
django-gzipping-cache     - A wrapper for django caches that gzips cached values
django-urli18n            - A reusable Django app to display the current activated language in the URL
django-forum              - Django forum app
django-tasksoftheday      - A simple Django app for task tracking.
django-appsettings        - A unified settings system for pluggable django apps
Flask-DbShell             - Django-like dbshell
django-default-dont-cache - Opt-in caching for Django's per-site cache
django-file-keeper        - file storage for management command in django
django-auto-urls          - Django app that try to load template by it's file name passed in url.
django-icalendar          - django-icalendar store events and serve iCalendar files following the standard in RFC 2445.
django-stats-report       - Generate statistics about view usage
django-winds              - A tool to collect and serve wind prediction data.
django-extended-admin-ru  - Полностью переведенный на русский язык административный интерфейс Django
django-monon              - Django fields for use with pymonon
django-easy-response      - Return HTTP responses in a easier way
django-fbauth             - Simple facebook auth for Django.
django-cached-modelforms  - ModelChoiceField implementation that can accept lists of objects, not just querysets
django-site-notifications - Enable a message on every page load.
django-stripe             - A user subscription Django app that integrates with Stripe (http://stripe.com/)
django-funserver          - FUNserver for Django
django-closable_admin_filter - A simple Django app to add hide/show ability to the filter in Django admin.
django-easydata           - A Django app to publish your project data using ontologies.
django-test-helper        - Utilites for Django tests.
zato-redis-paginator      - Django-like pagination for Redis
django-hstsmiddleware     - Implement HSTS to force the use of HTTPS.
django-session-cleanup    - A periodic task for removing expired Django sessions from the django_session table
django-odesk-auth         - A simple Django app for basic “Log in via oDesk” functionality.
permission-backend-nonrel - Django-nonrel authentication backend to support permissions and groups
django-dogdish            - A trivia collection framework for Django
django-pygments           - A django app that provides a template tag and 2 filters for                 doing syntax highlighting with Pygments
django-file-repository    - Simple file repository with public/private files, tags and categories.
django-koui               - Packaging up of koui for django projects
django-smart-slug         - a smart slug field for your models
django-stored-filters     - Django model filters, stored in json
django-mr_reports         - A Django app to make simple, opinionated reports.
django-html5-colorfield   - Provides an HTML5 color django model field
django-vagrantize         - Run Django dev server from VM
django-stagingcontext     - staging environment context processor
django-cms-sorl-pictures  - Django CMS Sorl Pictures Plugins
django-github-hook        - Django-powered GitHub (& Bitbucket) web hooks
django-eggnog             - Displays available egg updates from PyPi
django-oracle-drcp        - A Django database backend for Oracle with DRCP
django-wmd-editor         - UNKNOWN
django-ipgeobase          - Приложение для работы с базой ipgeobase.ru.
django-cachetask          - Asynchronous cache using Celery
django-template-mail      - A Django application to send email using django's templating system
django-sitefilter         - Django app adding a global filter limiting admin content to selected site.
django-js-utils           - Utility library to help development of RIA on top of a Django backend
django-tribe-client       - Reusable Django app to connect servers with the Tribe web service at Dartmouth College
django-star               - Django plugin for adding a star to Django model object universally.
django-math-captcha       - Simple, secure math captcha for django forms
django-batch-requests     - Create batch APIs for Django.
django-intensedebate      - Simple integration of the IntenseDebate comment widget for Django projects.
django-umanage            - Django notifications app for django
django-snapshot           - Django backup and restore tool. Handle upload files and database
django-split-json-widget  - Provides a widget that renders JSON data as separate, editable inputs.
django-redis-admin        - Django admin for redis
django-redmine-auth-backend - A Django authentication backend for use with the Redmine
django-locks              - Database and filesystem locks for Django
django-field-attributes   - Django form field attribute substitute and widget class checker
django-trawler            - Django App for running phishing campaigns (for staff security awareness training).
django-adminlte           - AdminLTE Bootstrap Theme packaged for Django
django-tastypie-with-uploads-dummycache-error500 - Patched version of Django Tastypie -- check README.rst.
django-kidocare           - Tools which help finding performance issues in Django projects
django-versionedcache     - django versioned cache
django-viter              - Invite users to your Django apps
django-rss2rest           - RSS scraper with immediate RESTful access to feed items
django-suit-sortable      - Drag-and-drop ordering for objects and inlines in Django admin using django-suit.
django-gencon             - 
django-sifac              - A SAP API for SIFAC
django-zipview            - A simple Django base view to zip and stream several files.
django-easyoptions        - Easily create extra Meta option classes on forms
django-session-stashable  - Django model mixin that makes it easy to manage a list of objects associated with the current session.
django-adminfeatures      - UNKNOWN
django-cerebro            - A django-app for put ldap information on a map
django-cratis-admin-suit  - Integrates django-suit theme to django-admin
django-fluidinfo          - Provides a familiar interface for using Fluidinfo within Django projects
django-treebeard-dag      - Directed acyclic graphs in Django.
django-extended-attachments - A generic Django application to attach Files (Attachments) to any model
django-domande            - django app to ask questions
django-random-queryset    - The extension gives you ability to pull random records using Django’s ORM.
django-mithril            - IP Whitelisting for Django
django-devotionals        - An application for managing daily devotionals.
django-file-picker        - Pluggable file picker
django-revcanonical       - An implementation of rev=canonical url shortening for Django.
django-floppy-gumby       - Gumby Framework forms for Django using floppy forms. A floppy and gumby project.
django-loggit             - Keep records of domain actions
django-cache-by-user      - UNKNOWN
django-jsgettext          - Improved and complement gettext support for javascript for Django
django-meio-shorturl      - Short URL handling in Django apps.
ella-filer-galleries      - Link Ella galleries to the django-filer folders.
django-fuelsdk            - Django wrapper for the ExactTarget FuelSDK.
django-smscoin            - Django application to use sms processing system http://smscoin.com/
django-catalogue          - A cataloguing app for Django.
django-baks               - 
django-rbac               - Role-based Access Control (RBAC) implementation for management of permissions in Django.
django-angularjs          - Angularjs packaged in a handy django app to speed up new applications and reduce duplicaiton.
django-soil               - A simple django library to help you schedule long running tasks for retrieval later when they're done using celery
django-colour-field       - JS Colour Field and Picker for django
django-swagger            - A Django extension to Extension to manage users in django application.
cmsplugin-filer-html5video - HTML5 video plugin for django CMS and django-filer, using VideoJS
django-prescribed-burn-system - django-prescribed-burn-system (pbs) is a system for managing prescribed burning in Western Australia. It is currently deployed in production within the Department of Parks and Wildlife.
django-crawler            - A crawler using the Django Test Client
django-barricade          - Simulate a slow connection
django-admin-field        - Django ModelAdmin field syntax simplifier.
ddt-envelope              - Simple helper for inspecting non-html views with django-debug-toolbar
django-xls2po             - django-xls2po is a django management command to convert django-po2xls generated .xls files to .po files
django-cacheback-pozytywnie - Caching library for Django that uses Celery to refresh cache items asynchronously
django-split-testing      - 
django-googleplus         - A plugable registration backend for googleplus. Closely modeled after django-registration
django-profiler-middleware - A profiler middleware for Django
django-basic-apps         - Django Basic Apps
django-runcommands        - runcommands: execute system commands from views
django-bisnavi            - DJANGO Background Image Slideshow + NAVIgation
django-dictmessages       - django.contrib.messages wrapper allowing pre-rendering of message dictionaries
django-setuptest-recipe   - Recipe to prevent django-setuptest from polluting module being tested with downloaded eggs
django-jquery-lightbox    - Django package for Lightbox: a small javascript library used to overlay images on top of the current page.
django-urltags            - django-urltags contains several template tags and filters for messing with URLs
django-articleappkit      - django-articleappkit
django-latch              - Django latch module.
django-core               - A core set of tools for django applications.
django-cors               - Django utilities for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
django-load               - Module loader for Ajango apps.
django-contentadmin       - Templatetags that let you modify text and images directly in the django admin
django-fs-smsc            - Django integration with SMS Centre
django-realtime-ticket    - authorize django users in realtime(asynchronous) backends using expiring tickets in Redis
django-chile-payments     - Chilean payment brokers for Django
django-chosen             - django FormFields using the Chosen javascript plugin for jQuery
django-usersettings       - An pluggable application for Django to manage usersettings across apps.
django-pgsql-interval-field - Support for PostgreSQL INTERVAL for Django
django-varnish            - Integration between Django and the Varnish HTTP accelerator using the management port using telnet
django-la-facebook        - Definitive facebook auth for Django
django-dummy-plug         - Dummies bone to be failed for testing django apps
django-bower-cache        - A Django app implementing a local caching proxy for Bower packages.
django-url-sso            - Generate login URL's for unstandardized SSO systems.
django-bootstrap3-wysihtml5x - Simple Django app that provides a Wysihtml5x rich-text editor widget.
django-genia              - A pluggable Django app for managing generations of data
django-management-audit   - Easily audit Django management commands
django-db_dump            - Database data dump and restore tool can be used in Django project
django-semantic-mediawiki - Use the semantic mediawiki API as django models
django-field-guard        - Add per field permissions
raven-django-newauth      - Sentry client for django application using django-newauth.
Ella-Tagging              - django-tagging wrapper for Ella CMS
django-tastypie-swagger-python3 - An adapter to use swagger-ui with django-tastypie
django-generate-fixtures  - Easy way to generate fixtures (in json)
    for django following the links of a given object
cmsplugin-template-placeholder - A django-cms plugin with a better placeholder tag.
django-template-minifier  - Python package, providing simple django template loader. It reduces HTML output in templates by stripping out whitespace characters between HTML and django template tags.
django-axes-login-actions - Perform one or more actions if someone performed a login, e.g. to the admin interface.
django-affiliations       - A simple Django app to maintain affiliations for users.
django-lifestreams        - A lifestreams application for Django
django-trufflehog         - Keep track of creation, update and deletion of models
django-markup-mixin       - Add pre-rendered markup fields to your django models with the least work.
django-bursar             - bursar
django-filters            - A filterset and filters.
django-idshost            - Django app to interface with the ids infrastructure.
django-gishelper          - Geodjango helper commands.
pyquip                    - Simple installation and django-assets for jQuip
django-wishlist           - Generic user wishlists for use with any Django model.
django-csrf               - CSRF protection pre-1.2
django-jqueryfileupload   - Django app for handle multiple file uploads via jquery-file-upload plugin.
django-badgr              - A resuable Django application used to display a Flickr badge.
django-multiple-include   - A version of ``{% include %}`` that accepts multiple template names.
django-ft-cache           - A fault-tolerant pylibmc cache backend for Django
django-multihostsettings  - Provides conditional settings according to the host name.
django-freeperms          - Django middleware for enabling anonymous permissions
django-extreme-tdd        - Testing toolkit to advocate real and fast TDD (testing first!) in Django applications, eXtremeProgramming like!
django-mongorunner        - Django testrunner for mongoengine
django-moneybookers       - UNKNOWN
django-nullmailer         - A django EMAIL_BACKEND for enqueuing mail in nullmailer spool system.
django-testrecorder       - Tool for generating tests for Django projects.
django-ultimatethumb      - Generate thumbnails of anything.
django-templates-i18n     - Translatable templates
geodjango-tigerline       - A resuable app with the boilerplate necessary for getting TIGER/LINE data into a GeoDjango project.
django-session-activity   - List all active sessions for current user
zinnia-spam-checker-mollom - Anti-spam protections for django-blog-zinnia with Mollom
django-github             - simple django integration with github's v2 api
Django-Accounts           - A batteries-included solution for Django accounts.
django-active-navigation  - Provides some simple template tags for highlighting active navigation links in Django templates.
django-fabtastic          - A Django app that uses Django manage.py extension commands with Fabric for deployment.
django-gotuskra           - UNKNOWN
django-rq-mail            - simple Python library based on rq to store emails sent by Django and process them in the background with workers
django-html5              - HTML5 support for Django projects
django-jquery-tablesorter - Django package for the tablesorter plugin.
django-googleforms        - Application which help with parsing google forms.
django-placeholder        - Simple placeholder for django projects
django-icons-mimetypes    - Mimetypes icons from the Tango project and template tag
django-eci                - European Citizen's Initiative
django-project-template   - UNKNOWN
django-pipeline-node-sass - django-pipeline compiler for node-sass.
django-gannett-polling    - Django app for collecting and displaying surveys.
django-user-extension     - Subclass the Django User model to your heart's delight.
django-boulderdb          - A Django app to host bouldering competitions.
django-staticfiles-fontawesome - Font Awesome meets Django staticfiles
djcities                  - A full database of contry/state/city/timezone for django. Based on django-cities but
with more clean codebase.
django-migration-test     - UNKNOWN
django-selenium-test-runner - Django Selenium test runner.

Incorporate functional testing into Django's manage.py test subcommand
using Selenium web testing tools.
django-bootmap            - 
django-sendsms-admin      - A database delivery backend for django-sendsms (for debugging).
django-oursql             - Django database backend for MySQL via oursql.
django-bouncy             - A way to handle bounce and abuse reports delivered by Amazon's Simple Notification Service regarding emails sent by Simple Email Service
django-storelocator       - Django Storelocator is a Django App for locating stores near a geographical location.
django-fancypages         - Make content editing in Django fancier
django-rails-model        - Rails like models: hooks, first, last selectors, etc
django-cms-wunderground   - An extension for Django CMS that displays the current local weather pulled from  wunderground.com
django-bourbon            - Bourbon (http://bourbon.io/) static files packaged in a django app to speed up new applications and deployment.
django-mercurial          - Django Mercurial Views
django-picasa             - A module of django components that give you picasa storage, picasa fileds and admin fields.
django-icecat             - Django models and tools for easy icecat importing
django-debug-toolbar-memcache - UNKNOWN
django-fbapps             - Facebook Apps for Django.
django-bootstrap-forms    - Twitter Bootstrap ready Django forms.
django-online-status      - Online status for authenticated users (online, idle, offline) and list of current users online, all to display with templatetags. No database models, everything cached. Read more: http://bitbucket.org/zalew/django-online-status/wiki/Home
django-rest               - Restful API for Django.
django-tdd                - A continuous test runner for Django
django-related-choice-field - A ModelChoiceField that restricts its content according to a foreign key contraint.
django-mobility           - Middleware and decorators for directing users to your mobile site.
django-sofort             - Django implementation of the Sofort.com API
django-cognalys           - Mobile number verification via missed call .Two factor authentication without SMS gateway
django-insertblocks       - Django Insert Blocks
django-users-api          - Django users RESTful API using Tastypie.
django-listings           - django-listings
django-openstack-auth-kerberos - Kerberos login to the OpenStack dashboard
django-media-bundler      - Django application that bundles your Javascript/CSS, and sprites your icons.
django-tracker            - A simple statistic tracker
django-taggit-bootstrap   - Django Taggit widget with autosuggest support on top of Bootstrap 3
django-store              - Placeholder for django-store
django-ezengage           - django app works with ezengage service
django-photobooth         - Webcam interface for Django projects using UserBooth (http://blog.vamapaull.com/?p=355)
django-flea-market        - Various crap not suitable for a Django app on its own.
django-nodebow            - Manage dependencies of bower components and node packages for all installed Django apps.
django-emails             - Cron email sender.
django-admin-ip-whitelist - Django middleware to allow access to /admin only for users, whose IPs are in the white list
django-alipay             - alipay api for django
django-content-licenses   - django-content-licenses is a Django app that adds support for adding licensing information to content.
django-shards             - Simple sharding for Django projects.
django-diplomat           - Language and country models for Django derived from the pycountry module.
django-startappextracontext - A small django app that provides an enhanced startapp management command. 
              An extra parameter called extra_context is supplied to allow for more flexible 
              app templates.
django-nested-inlines     - Adds nested inline support in Django admin
django-enumerify          - Simple Enum class instead of tuples
django-statistic          - Statistic for django models
django-ajax-changelist    - Django ModelAdmin extended to support editing selected fields via AJAX without leaving the changelist.
django-mobilvest          - This Django is a sms-sender backend for http://mobilvest.ru service
django-simple-amf-remoting - A simplified API for AmFast's AMF remoting functionality, designed to make Django AMF remoting simple and painless.
django-celery-admin       - A django application that lets you kick off periodic celery tasks from the admin.
django-tides              - A tide storage tool and API.
django-lazycache          - Caching for Django models.
django-simple-multitenant - Helps manage multi tenancy for django projects
django-embedded-media     - Render inline CSS and JS in Django forms media.
django-cms-fakebook       - Django CMS Facebook Plugins
django-litetest           - A lightweight Django "test" command for quick unittest runs.
django-connections        - Create, query and manage graphs of relationships between your Django models
django-oscar-approval     - Order approval module for django-oscar
django-simple-cart        - Simple cart for django based shop
django-query-exchange-fc  - Django application for handling GET query params for url creation
django-locationify        - Works like Django Taggit, but "tagging" of points to a row of data.
django-registration-extended-backend - Backend for django registration that sends email in HTML and does email normalization
django-formsets-bootstrap3 - A simple Django app for inlines formsets
django-paginationlinks    - Django Pagination Links
django-runstack           - Django app to run a full development stack.
django-user-metrics       - capture metrics for each user
django-o18n               - /<country>/<language>/ URL scheme, like Django's i18n_patterns.
django-failclose          - Application that makes Django a failclose system
django-taggee             - Tag field for Django models
django-inc                - A more usable include tag for Django
django-cms-teaser         - Adds teaser fields to a django CMS page
django-orchestra          - Web hosting control panel.
django-periodicals        - Django app to create periodical/magazine websites"
django-basecontact        - Abstract contact form classes to provide a contact form backend and mailing functionality
django-pandora            - Opening Pandora's box by making django's request object available in a thread local.
django-nps                - a Django app to help find your net promoter score
django-pageblocks         - Basic Pageblocks to go along with django-pagetree
django-mkadmin            - Modifies the stock Django-Administration interface to fit my ideas a little bit better.
django-auditable-models   - Auditable model classes for Django
django-prelaunch          - A Django app to gather email addresses of people interested in your prelaunch-stage website.
django-xfield             - A Django utility package to handle zero or more form inputs of the same name.
Django-draftable          - A high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
django-csv-ccbv           - Easy to fetch a CSV on a CCBV
django-html-field         - UNKNOWN
django-dict               - Reusable app that adds simple tagging
django-mailer             - A reusable Django app for queuing the sending of email
django-legion             - Django Legion allows one "instance" to serve multiple sites.
django-mobile-threadsafe  - Detect mobile browsers and serve different template flavours to them.
django-uwsgi              - uWSGI stuff for Django projects
django-object-feedback    - A simple django app to allow feedback on model instances.
django-superform          - So much easier handling of formsets.
django-proxylist          - Proxy-list management application for Django
django-oldie              - Redirect to page if user browse your site with IE6.
django-mailgun-provider   - A Django email backend for Mailgun
django-localflavor-ch     - Country-specific Django helpers for Switzerland.
django-cms-opencomparison - Django CMS Opencomparison Plugins
django-fancy-admin        - A simple, elegant and beautiful admin UI.
django-newrelic-extensions - New Relic extensions for Django
django-table-prefix       - experimental application for making table prefixes fortables that django creates
django-sphinx-db          - Django database backend for SphinxQL.
django-confirmation       - Generic object confirmation for Django
django-debug-toolbar-django13 - A configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response. Version fully Django 1.3 compatible
django-social-share-settings - Model and front end library for choosing and integrating social media share widgets.
django-webhooks           - django fields easy store webcam snaphot
django-simple-formwizard  - Simple session based form wizard for django applications.
django-logging-command    - A mixin to make custom Django management commands set the logger to an appropriate level
django-guardianpie        - Tastypie authorization class that handles guardian permissions.
django-simple-redis       - simplest way to connect to redis on a django application
django-nojs               - UNKNOWN
django-easy-messages      - Simple plugin to get pretty messages with the django messages app
django-onpay              - onpay
django-mobiclicks         - Tracks MobiClicks acquisitions
django-referrals          - Tracking user referrals in a Django project
django-users              - This is a applications set that provides quick and flexible way to manage users in Django projects
django-directory          - A Django application to list and download files from a directory
cmsplugin-tumblr          - A django-cms plugin that displays the last number of posts of a tumblr user
django-tables3            - Table/data-grid framework for Django
django-fileflatpages      - Django App for storing FlatPage fixtures per file.
django-ninjapaginator-ng  - Django application with multiple type of pagination integrated
django-fallback-storage   - Multiple Storage Engines
django-download-stats     - A reusable Django app to track download statistis.
django-pq                 - A task queue based on the RQ api with a postgresql backend
django-htmlfallbackmiddleware - Django middleware: for each HTTP request, if no url can handle it, searches for a suitable template (based on request uri) and renders it (similar to flatpage.middleware.FlatpageFallbackMiddleware).
django-resumable          - Django resumable uploads
django-qmixin             - A Django app for extending managers and the querysets they produce.
django-idmap              - An identity mapper for the Django ORM
django-dojo               - Add Dojo to your Django projects and run Dojo builds with manage.py commands
redsolutioncms.django-photologue - It's an application, that provides your an photologue.
django-formview           - UNKNOWN
django-synctool           - Sync data between databases.
django-live-logging       - Live django logging configuration, monitoring and displaying
django-force-logout       - Django Force Logout
django-background-image   - UNKNOWN
django-sqlviews           - Management command for creating views of multi-table models
django-bingo-tweets       - Bingo Tweets
django-cover              - Modern theme for Django admin interface.
django-servee-image       - Document Plugin for django-servee
django-color-captcha      - Simple and pretty user-friendly captcha module for Django framework.
django-i18n-sitemap       - Adds the possibility to have i18n urls in your sitemap
django-development-utils  - utility commands for developing Django projects
django-pluggable          - Testrunner for pluggable apps.
django-extramimetypes     - Hooks into Python's mimetypes module to allow extra mimetype guesses to be defined.
django-bpmobile           - A helper application for Japanese mobile phones.
django-fixture-generator  - django-fixture-generator is a reusable django application to make writing fixtures not suck.
django-heroku             - 
django-mailpers           - SMTP / Email helpers for Django apps.
django-icons-web_control  - web_control icons pack for django.contrib.staticfiles
django-todoist            - Provides basic connectivity between Django and Todoist.
django-fs-smsaero         - Django integration with SMS Aero
django-addresses          - Some forms around a few models to manage addresses
django-irs                - An image rendering service for Django.
django-staticfiles-google-code-prettify - Google Code Prettify staticfiles for django
django-multiform          - Wrap several django forms into one form-like object
django-pipes              - Django plugin to handle remote-JSON data
django-admintools-bootstrap - Bootstrap theme for django admin
django-urlmiddleware      - A Django app that allows you to use a url based definition for adding middleware to a project. This means you can add middleware based on a url pattern rather than globally
django-ipfilter           - A django application to filter ip addresses in views.
django-auxilium           - Django utility app to help in Django development
daycare                   - A django app that tracks 404s, manages redirects and integrates with django-cms
django-comments-rss       - RSS channel for django.contrib.comments. Designed for every content type.
django-class-backed-field - This project has a field which extends a charfield and will pass the string stored in the database to the constructor of the object specified
django-cross-origin       - A Django app enabling cross-origin resource sharing in views.
django-staticfiles-fitvidsjs - FitVids.js meets Django staticfiles
django-object-attachments - Allows to add django-document-library objects to a any other object.
django-cms-patched        - An Advanced Django CMS
django-environment        - A plugin for virtualenvwrapper that makes setting up and creating new Django environments easier.
django-sparkle            - Django-sparkle is a Django application to make it easy to publish updates for your mac application using sparkle
django-query-exchange     - Django application for handling GET query params for url creation
django-timesickle         - Template name resolution for Django class-based views
django-profiling-dashboard - Django profiling dashboard for debugging CPU, memory and other resources usage in live servers
django-birdland           - A simple blog app for Django
django-staticshard        - Domain sharding for Django static files.
django-sidedish           - A Django app for managing content boxes(dishes)
django-tables2-simplefilter - Simple filters for django-tables2
django-loupe              - A simple collaborative image/screenshot review app for Django applications
django-repose             - Form-based RESTful interface for Django sites.
django-material           - Material design for django forms and admin
django-pserver            - Django runserver replacement that reuses its listening socket on reload
django-email-templates    - Convenient helper to send multipart/alternative or regular email based on templates.
django-next-previous      - Django model mixin for easy retrieval of the 'next' and 'previous' objects.
django-rdfalchemy         - Extension to mix Django ORM and RDFAlchemy models
django-leaf               - Render and serve django templates based on URL.
django-potato-captcha     - A very simple, clever Django captcha application
django-formwizard-deprecated - Original django.contrib.formtools.legacy.FormWizard from Django 1.5.12
cmsplugin-youtube         - YouTube embedding for django-cms
django-socialnews         - A reddit like socialnews system for Django
django-estate-crm         - UNKNOWN
django-refinery           - Django-refinery is a reusable Django application for allowing users to filter queryset dynamically.
django-twittersync-extended - Django app to sync Twitter stream to local DB with extendible  models. Fork of Peter Sanchez's Twitter sync
django-require-s3         - An integration between django-require and the S3 storage backend from django-storages.
django-submodel           - A Django json field behaves as a model instance and supports seamless inline editing in Django admin.
django-excel-response2    - A function extends of Tarken's django-excel-response
django-bible              - django-bible is a Python package / django app for interfacing with the Holy Bible.
django-visitor-information-middleware - A collection of Django middleware classes which make writing timezone and location aware applications easier
django-admin-filtrate     - This Django app makes it easier to create custom filters in the change list of Django Admin and supplies a TreeFilter and a DateRangeFilter too.
django-easybreadcrumbs    - Django easy breadcrumbs.
django-sure               - Django reusable Views and tools to confirm user interaction
django-raven-heka         - Django+Raven+heka integration
django-point              - A buncha django-y goodness. Straight to the point.
django-blogging           - Django blogging app. The goal is to keep it simple and configurable
django-event-calendar     - An event calendar for django
django-header-auth        - Django middleware for authorizing requests based on headers.
django-templateinspector  - Find out what context variables are expected by a Django Template
django-model-publisher    - Handy mixin/abstract class for providing a "publisher workflow" to arbitrary Django models.
django-leaderboard        - A Django leaderboard (scoreboard) app, using redis as its backend
django-wiki               - A super simple wiki for Django.
django-controllers        - Django Application Controller, provides a single class that will return generic
url routing and CRUD views for a Model
django-banana             - Delicious split testing for Django 1.6+
django-genesis            - 
django-encrypt            - A quick way to encrypt python objects and store
django-orienteer          - Django Compass App
django-immutablefield     - A base class for Django to allow immutable fields on Models
django-localflavor-au-tjh - Country-specific Django helpers for Australia.
django-orphaned-updated   - delete all orphaned files from your models
django-threatmetrix       - Django App for adding the threatmetrix script tag
django-passbook           - Django Passbook server app
django-upload-avatar      - A Django APP for Upload avatars
django-uploads            - A Django pluggable application to attach files to objects
django-with-asserts       - Helpers for testing Django using context managers
django-twostepauth        - Two-step authentication for Django
django-content-bbcode     - Advanced BBCode alike tags parser
django-vcs                - A pluggable django application to allow browsing of code repositories.
django-crumbs             - A pluggable Django app for adding breadcrumbs to your project.
django-easyregistration   - A simple Django app to manage users login/logout and registration.
django-bbs                - Django forum application
django-simple-backup      - A simple backup command for Django
django-url-fullpath-redirect - Fork of django-url-tracker with query_string support
django-cmskit             - A collection of useful Django CMS extensions.
django-stats              - An app for keeping stats about anything within your django project
django-oauthlib           - Nothing to see here, move along please
django-fancy-autocomplete - A simple AJAX autocomplete helper app for Django projects
gc-django-redis-sessions  - Redis Session Backend For Django



#! /usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
import copy

### initial set

### initial fig set
fig, axPlot = plt.subplots(figsize=(5.5,5.5))
divider = make_axes_locatable(axPlot)
axHisty = divider.append_axes("right", 1.2, pad=0.1, sharey=axPlot)
plt.setp( axHisty.get_yticklabels(),visible=False)

for i in range(money):

### exhange money
for i in range(num_exchange):
    if persons[out]==0:

### for fig

for i in range(num_person):
    axHisty.hist(persons_trajectory[i], bins=25, orientation='horizontal',alpha=0.6)





大沢流 手づくり統計力学

大沢流 手づくり統計力学





#! /usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

### initial set

for i in range(money):

### for fig1

### exhange money
for i in range(num_exchange):
    if persons[out]==0:

### for fig2





#! /usr/bin/env python
from matplotlib import animation as anim
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def event():
        yield x,y


def func():
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    line, = ax.plot([], [], lw=2)
    xdata, ydata = [], []
    ax.set_ylim(0, 25)
    ax.set_xlim(0, 25)
    def f(data):
        return line,
    return f

ani = anim.FuncAnimation(fig, func(), event, blit=True, interval=5, repeat=False)



#! /Usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt



for i in range(1,N):
    if a>=0:




Hopfieldはアメリカの物理学者J.J. Hopfieldによって提唱された。一種の連想記憶モデルであり、パターンを学習させると、そのパターンを再起するというものである。Hopfieldネットワークは相互結合型のネットワークで、1つのノードは他のすべてのノードとつながっており、それぞれのエッジは重み係数により定義される。各ノードは-1,1の二値をとる。パターンを覚えさせる最の学習則は、以下とした。プログラミングするにあたり、以下のURLを参考にさせていただいた。ただ、エネルギー関数を定義するのを忘れていたので、後々修正する予定。


#! /usr/bin/env python
# coding:utf-8

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random


for i in range(N):
    for j in range(N):

for i,x in enumerate(np.arange(0,np.pi*2,np.pi*2/N)):

def learn_weight():
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(N):
            for k in range(len(tpatern)):
                if i != j:

def func(x):
    return 2/(1+np.exp(-20*x))-1

def remember(data,i):
    return data



    for j in range(N):
        if data[j]==0:

    num="%04d" % number
    print E,E2
    if E==0 or E2==0:

サモンのマップ化(Sammon mapping)


\(E=\frac{1}{\sum_i \sum_{j>i}d_{ij}} \sum_i \sum_{j>i}d_{ij} \frac{(d_{ij}-||{\bf r}_i -{\bf r}_j||)^2}{d_{ij}} \)
特徴ベクトルを\({\bf x}_i\)とすると、それを二次元にマップしたときの座標を\({\bf r}_i\)とする。\(d_{ij}=||{\bf x}_i - {\bf x}_j||\)である。この誤差関数を最小化するために、最急降下法を用いる。
\( {\bf r}_i(m+1)={\bf r}_i(m)-\alpha \frac{\frac{\partial E(m)}{\partial {\bf r}_i(m)}}{|\frac{\partial^2E(m)}{\partial {\bf r}_i^2(m)}|} \)
\(\alpha\)はパラメータで、0.3〜0.4くらいに設定する。このパラメータは、完全に経験的に決められるが、良い収束性を与えるのでマジック係数と呼ばれているらしい。おおざっぱなクラスタリングの可視化にサモンのマップ化は使われる。統計学機械学習の分野で有名なiris.dataを用い、Sammon mappingの正当性を評価しました。このデータには、3つのクラスが存在しますが、Sammon mappingでは2つのクラスにしか分類できていません。
自己組織化マップ 改訂版

自己組織化マップ 改訂版

#! /usr/bin/env python
import scipy.spatial.distance as dist
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import random

data=[[float(j) for j in i.strip().split()[1:]] for i in open("iris4.data").readlines()]

for i in range(len(data)):
def steep_des(number):
    for i in range(len(data)):
        for j in range(i+1,len(data)):

    for i in range(len(pos)):
        for j in range(len(pos)):
            if i==j or dist_pos==0:
            for k in range(2):
            #print tmp1,dist_pos,dmat[j,i]

        for j in range(2):


    num="%03d" % number

for i in range(30):
print pos



0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2
0 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2
0 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2
0 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2
0 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2
0 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4
0 4.6 3.4 1.4 0.3
0 5.0 3.4 1.5 0.2
0 4.4 2.9 1.4 0.2
0 4.9 3.1 1.5 0.1
0 5.4 3.7 1.5 0.2
0 4.8 3.4 1.6 0.2
0 4.8 3.0 1.4 0.1
0 4.3 3.0 1.1 0.1
0 5.8 4.0 1.2 0.2
0 5.7 4.4 1.5 0.4
0 5.4 3.9 1.3 0.4
0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.3
0 5.7 3.8 1.7 0.3
0 5.1 3.8 1.5 0.3
0 5.4 3.4 1.7 0.2
0 5.1 3.7 1.5 0.4
0 4.6 3.6 1.0 0.2
0 5.1 3.3 1.7 0.5
0 4.8 3.4 1.9 0.2
1 7.0 3.2 4.7 1.4
1 6.4 3.2 4.5 1.5
1 6.9 3.1 4.9 1.5
1 5.5 2.3 4.0 1.3
1 6.5 2.8 4.6 1.5
1 5.7 2.8 4.5 1.3
1 6.3 3.3 4.7 1.6
1 4.9 2.4 3.3 1.0
1 6.6 2.9 4.6 1.3
1 5.2 2.7 3.9 1.4
1 5.0 2.0 3.5 1.0
1 5.9 3.0 4.2 1.5
1 6.0 2.2 4.0 1.0
1 6.1 2.9 4.7 1.4
1 5.6 2.9 3.6 1.3
1 6.7 3.1 4.4 1.4
1 5.6 3.0 4.5 1.5
1 5.8 2.7 4.1 1.0
1 6.2 2.2 4.5 1.5
1 5.6 2.5 3.9 1.1
1 5.9 3.2 4.8 1.8
1 6.1 2.8 4.0 1.3
1 6.3 2.5 4.9 1.5
1 6.1 2.8 4.7 1.2
1 6.4 2.9 4.3 1.3
2 6.3 3.3 6.0 2.5
2 5.8 2.7 5.1 1.9
2 7.1 3.0 5.9 2.1
2 6.3 2.9 5.6 1.8
2 6.5 3.0 5.8 2.2
2 7.6 3.0 6.6 2.1
2 4.9 2.5 4.5 1.7
2 7.3 2.9 6.3 1.8
2 6.7 2.5 5.8 1.8
2 7.2 3.6 6.1 2.5
2 6.5 3.2 5.1 2.0
2 6.4 2.7 5.3 1.9
2 6.8 3.0 5.5 2.1
2 5.7 2.5 5.0 2.0
2 5.8 2.8 5.1 2.4
2 6.4 3.2 5.3 2.3
2 6.5 3.0 5.5 1.8
2 7.7 3.8 6.7 2.2
2 7.7 2.6 6.9 2.3
2 6.0 2.2 5.0 1.5
2 6.9 3.2 5.7 2.3
2 5.6 2.8 4.9 2.0
2 7.7 2.8 6.7 2.0
2 6.3 2.7 4.9 1.8
2 6.7 3.3 5.7 2.1

pipのインストール for Mac


sudo curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/ez_setup.py -o - | python


sudo easy_install pip

pip の使用例: networkxのインストール

sudo pip install networkx




#! /usr/bin/env python
# class_cluster.py
class bicluster:
    def __init__(self,vec,left=None,right=None,distance=0.0,id=None):
def Euclidean(list1,list2):
    for i in range(len(list1)):
        for j in range(len(list2)):
    return sum**1/2

def hcluster(rows,distance=Euclidean):
    clust=[bicluster(rows[i],id=i) for i in range(len(rows))]

    while len(clust)>1:
        for i in range(len(clust)):
            for j in range(i+1,len(clust)):
                if (clust[i].id, clust[j].id) not in distances:
                if d<closest:
            for i in range(len(clust[0].vec))]

        del clust[lowestpair[1]]
        del clust[lowestpair[0]]
print dir(bicluster)


$ class_cluster.py
['__doc__', '__init__', '__module__']


Python のモジュールをCで描く。内積


#include <Python.h>

static PyObject* dot(PyObject* list1,PyObject* list2)
    long size1=PyList_Size(list1);
    long size2=PyList_Size(list2);
    double temp,out_sum=0;
    long i;
        return NULL;
    return PyFloat_FromDouble(out_sum);

static PyObject* wrap_dot(PyObject* self,PyObject* args)
    PyObject *list1,*list2;
        return NULL;
    return dot(list1,list2);

static PyMethodDef dotmethods[]={
void initdot(){

setup.py(gcc でbuild)

#! /usr/enb/bin python
from distutils.core import setup,Extension
from distutils.command import build_py, build_ext
from distutils.errors import DistutilsPlatformError
from distutils.unixccompiler import UnixCCompiler

      description='calculate dot',


$python setup.py build


In [1]: import dot
In [2]: a=[1,2,3]
In [3]: dot.dot(a,a)
Out[3]: 14.0

Python のモジュールをCで書く。行列の積。

python から2次元のリストを2つ投げて、行列の積を2次元のリストでを返すモジュールをCで書いてみました。buildはiccを使った時のものです。

#include <Python.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

static PyObject* matrix(PyObject *matrix1,PyObject *matrix2)
    long i,j,k;
    PyObject* out_matrix,*d1_list,*temp_l1,*temp_l2;
    long line1=PyList_Size(matrix1);
    long low1=PyList_Size(PyList_GetItem(matrix1,0));
    long line2=PyList_Size(matrix2);
    long low2=PyList_Size(PyList_GetItem(matrix2,0));
    double double1,double2;
    double d2_outmat[line1][low2];

        return NULL;


    return out_matrix;

static PyObject* wrap_matrix(PyObject* self,PyObject* args)
    PyObject *matrix1,*matrix2;
        return NULL;
    return matrix(matrix1,matrix2);

static PyMethodDef matrixmethods[]={

void initmatrix()


#! /usr/enb/bin python
from distutils.core import setup,Extension

from distutils.command import build_py, build_ext
from distutils.errors import DistutilsPlatformError
from distutils.unixccompiler import UnixCCompiler

class MyIntelCCompiler(UnixCCompiler):
    compiler_type = "intel"
    executables = dict(UnixCCompiler.executables)
        "compiler"      : ["icc", "-O3", "-xhost", "-no-prec-div","-fpic"],
        "compiler_so"   : ["icc", "-O3", "-xhost", "-no-prec-div","-fpic"],
        "compiler_cxx"  : ["icc", "-O3", "-xhost", "-no-prec-div","-fpic"],
        "linker_so"     : ["icc", "-shared"],
        "linker_exe"    : ["icc"],

class matrix_build_ext(build_ext.build_ext):
    def run(self):
        import distutils.ccompiler
        def wrap_new_compiler(func):
            def _wrap_new_compiler(*args, **kwargs):
                try: return func(*args, **kwargs)
                except DistutilsPlatformError:
                    return MyIntelCCompiler(None, kwargs["dry_run"], kwargs["force"])
            return _wrap_new_compiler
        distutils.ccompiler.new_compiler = wrap_new_compiler(distutils.ccompiler.new_compiler)
        self.compiler = "intel"
      description='calculate matrix',